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Iowa Uniforms at Shiloh

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  • Iowa Uniforms at Shiloh

    Research continues on Shiloh. Iowa material is hard to find. Todd in American Military Equipage says that Iowa received after the 4th Iowa, uniforms from the Federal Government. I have some photos of men who served at Shiloh and most are wearing frock coats and caps. These were said to have been distributed out of St. Louis. The 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th-- I have short piped jackets and caps, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. I have discovered a number of Clothing and Equipment Reports are housed in the State Historical Society. These were asked to be done by Officials to make sure the Regiments were properly uniformed and equipped for service. Does anyone have these? Is there someone out there who can help me? Happy 4th of July!!!!

    Tom Arliskas
    Tom Arliskas

  • #2
    Re: Iowa Uniforms at Shiloh


    You are correct. Many of the Iowa regiments were uniformed and equipped when they were sent down to St. Louis. I am unsure if this is exactly what you are looking for but this website contains information with some of this correspondence about Iowa regiments receiving their equipage when sent to St. Louis. It also contains unit histories with rosters of all Iowa regiments with a brief summary of their service. Several of these regimental summaries mention they were sent to St. Louis before joining the Federal Army gathered at Pittsburgh Landing to receive "arms, accouterments and general equipment."

    * Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1863, Vol.1, Pages 537 to 532, inclusive showing original roster of the Regiment.

    Page 884

    experience and had to acquire, in the brief time which elapsed before they were called upon to face the enemy in the field, such knowledge of their duties as soldiers as would enable them to acquit themselves with credit and honor to the State that sent them to the front to reinforce their comrades, who had already met the enemy in several hard fought battles. In this state of unpreparedness the regiment left Keokuk on the 19th day of March, 1862, and was conveyed by steamboat to St. Louis and, upon its arrival there, marched to Benton Barracks, where troops were being concentrated, and given such instruction as was possible before proceeding to join the Army of the Tennessee, then encamped at Pittsburg Landing. At Benton Barracks the regiment received its arms, accouterments and general equipment.

    I hope this helps in your quest. In regard to the specific reports to what was actually issued I would venture someone would need to go to the Iowa Historical Society to pull that information. Although I am in Des Moines where the State Historical Society is located it is my understanding, at least years ago, they had very limited hours of staff availability to help with such research. perhaps this has changed. Maybe one of our other Iowa Pards knows more.

    Warmest regards
    Louis Zenti

    Pvt. Albert R. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-W.I.A. February 15, 1862)
    Pvt. William H. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-K.I.A. February 15, 1862 Ft. Donelson)
    Pvt. Simon Sams (Co. C, 18th Iowa Inf.-K.I.A. January 8, 1863 Springfield, MO)
    Pvt. Elisha Cox (Co. C, 26th North Carolina Inf.-W.I.A. July 3, 1863 Gettysburg)

    " the hottest of the fight, some of the rebs yelled out...them must be Iowa boys". Charles O. Musser 29th Iowa Infantry


    • #3
      Re: Iowa Uniforms at Shiloh

      Thank You-- Will stay on touch.

      Tom Arliskas
      Tom Arliskas

