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Illinois jacket question

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  • #16
    Re: Illinois jacket question

    Thought of another question. What about buttons on the cuffs? None of the 104th pics I have show the cuffs, so it's impossible for me to tell if they had buttons on them. What is the general consensus concerning the cufss? Were they scalloped cuffs? Did they have 2, 1, or no buttons? The coat I just acquired has no buttons and is not scalloped, but I might be able to work with that if it is not right.

    Matt Cassady
    Pvt. 104th Illinois Vol. Inf.
    [B][COLOR=#0000CD]Matthew P. Cassady


    • #17
      Re: Illinois jacket

      Love to see those 104th jacket pics. Maybe Mr. Keating could scan and post some of those on the Web site...


      With fingers crossed,
      John Pillers
      John Pillers
      Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

      'We're putting the band back together'


      • #18
        Re: Illinois jacket

        Originally posted by John of the Skulkers Mess
        Love to see those 104th jacket pics. Maybe Mr. Keating could scan and post some of those on the Web site...


        With fingers crossed,
        John Pillers

        Well, I can ask him if he has any. I am not sure, because he was the first person I asked. I'll see what I can do.

        Matt Cassady
        [B][COLOR=#0000CD]Matthew P. Cassady


        • #19
          Re: ah

          Originally posted by billmatt04
          Well, I can ask him if he has any. I am not sure, because he was the first person I asked. I'll see what I can do.

          Matt Cassady


          I had traded a couple messages with him a long while back. I thought he told me that the 104th regimental history (maybe there's more than 1?) had been reprinted.

          So, I thought he could be bribed into scanning and posting. :)

          Glad to see another jacket fan,
          John Pillers
          John Pillers
          Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

          'We're putting the band back together'


          • #20
            Re: Illinois jacket question

            The 104th regimental history has been reprinted (I have a copy myself) but the scans would be unclear because the book was reprinted by scanning the original pages and then printing them. Still, the pics do show men wearing jackets with epaulets. Unfortunately, they do not show cuffs or go below the waist. I guess we'll just have to keep working. Maybe i can convince him to post something on here.

            Matt Cassady
            [B][COLOR=#0000CD]Matthew P. Cassady


            • #21
              Re: Illinois jacket question

              Originally posted by Agate
              Am I not correct in stating that not all New York regiments were initially clothed by New York State? The Union Defense Committee of New York was involved in initial procurement for several regiments. I believe both the Mozart Regiment and the Garibaldi Guard serve as examples do they not?

              I remain, as always,


              John Sarver
              Cin. O.
              Mr. Sarver,

              You are correct--- not all New York Infantry Regiments received the state issue, but most did. The 39th New York (G. G.) was at least partially clothed in non-regulation attire, however this initial issue soon gave way to conventional military clothing. The uniform of the 40th New York is well-documented in its regimental history, and N. Y. Jackets eventually found their way into the clothing issue.

              My study of N. Y. uniforms with Mr. Michael McAfee many years ago revealed that New York regiments could recieve either the dress coat or the jacket as their "dress" garment. Our cursory, non-scientific review seemed to indicate that about every other, or every third N. Y. regiment received the state jacket as its initial issue.

              Your points regarding N. Y. clothing suppliers filling orders for other states is well founded. Wisconsin ordered a quantity of caps and jackets "in the 7th Regiment pattern" for a number of its units-- the black cloth "patches" on the cuffs and epaulettes modified slightly to make them distinct from those adopted and worn by the NYSM. When the state switched from gray to blue, the Adjutant General let a contract for trousers and what I call the "Wisconsin blouse" to-- Brooks Brothers, of New York City.


              [B]Robert Braun[/B]

              << Il nous faus de l'audace, encore l'audace, toujours l'audace! >>


              • #22
                Re: Illinois jacket question


                a number of years ago I got an Il state coat from a unit called the 41st Illinois the maker was a man by the name of Randy Jackson. Their unit was entirely outfitted with these state coats. I think he still lives in Charleston, IL.
                Rod Miller
                [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
                [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
                [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

                [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
                A. Lincoln[/FONT]

                150th Anniversary
                1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
                1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
                1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
                1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
                Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
                1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
                Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller


                • #23
                  Re: Illinois jacket question

                  Originally posted by Rmhisteach

                  a number of years ago I got an Il state coat from a unit called the 41st Illinois the maker was a man by the name of Randy Jackson. Their unit was entirely outfitted with these state coats. I think he still lives in Charleston, IL.
                  The jackets wore by the 41st were first made by New Columbia, ie Joe Covias. The story I heard was they were based on a jacket that Joe had found somewhere in southern Illinois. Randy started making up these same jackets after Joe went out of business. But no one else knows anything about the jacket it was copied from.
                  Brian Baird


                  • #24
                    Re: Illinois jacket question

                    When making asumptions on state issued Illinois shell jackets, there seems to be NO standard one. I had 2 great great ancestors in Illinois units (42 Illinois Vol. Infantry and the 46th Illinois Volunteer infantry)

                    So I started a study on Illinois state issued shell jackets to see what my great great relatives where origginally issued. (I was added in thisw by the late Richard Tibbles) I have 6 ID images of Illinois soldiers wearing "Illinois state issued shell jackets" All 6 jackets are different! Fortunately, I was able to obtain an image of a soldier not only in great greatgrandfather's regiment, but the SAME company (Co. C, 46th Illinois) His shell jacket has a 9 button front, epaulettes and a slash pocket on the upper right of the coat and 2 slash pockets on both sides near the bottom. in another image, the soldier has an 8 button front no epaulettes and two pockets. An Illinois solder from Rockford was issued a 10 button coat (small buttons) no epaulettes, belt loops or pockets. An Illinois soldier from Springfield was issued a 9 button jacket with no epaulettes, belt loops, or pockets. A soldger in the 60th Illinois was issued a jacket with a 12 button front (small buttons) epaulettes, belt loops and slash pockets on both sides near the bottom.

                    So in my estimation, there seems to be a great variety in the "Illinois State Issued Shell Jacket.

                    John M. Wedeward
                    33rd Wisconsin Vol's.
                    John M. Wedeward

                    33d Wisconsin Volunteers
                    The Hard Head Mess
                    The Old Northwest Volunteers
                    5th Kentucky Vol's (Thomas' Mudsills)

                    Company of Military Historians
                    Civil War Battlefield Preservation
                    Sons of American Revolution
                    Sons of Union Veterans



                    Pvt. John Wedeward, Co. A, 42 Illinois Vol. Infantry
                    Cpl. Arnold Rader, Co. C, 46th Illinois Vol. Infantry
                    Brigadier Gen. John Fellows, 21st Continental Regiment


                    • #25
                      Re: Illinois jacket

                      "His shell jacket has a 9 button front, epaulettes and a slash pocket on the upper right of the coat and 2 slash pockets on both sides near the bottom"

                      Sounds like an old roundabout...

                      Neat stuff there John W.!

                      You don't happen to keep a stash of Illinois ID'd images (or photo copies) do you?

                      John Pillers

                      John Pillers
                      Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

                      'We're putting the band back together'


                      • #26
                        Re: Illinois jacket question

                        basically YES

                        To post, all I did was go and look at the original images in my collection.

                        John M. Wedeward

                        33d Wisconsin Volunteers
                        The Hard Head Mess
                        The Old Northwest Volunteers
                        5th Kentucky Vol's (Thomas' Mudsills)

                        Company of Military Historians
                        Civil War Battlefield Preservation
                        Sons of American Revolution
                        Sons of Union Veterans



                        Pvt. John Wedeward, Co. A, 42 Illinois Vol. Infantry
                        Cpl. Arnold Rader, Co. C, 46th Illinois Vol. Infantry
                        Brigadier Gen. John Fellows, 21st Continental Regiment


                        • #27

                          You don't happen to have any copies of images of soldiers belonging to 7th through 12th inf. (and/or 1st Ill. Cav.) wearing what Todd/Arliskas calls the 'Illinois brigade uniform' do you?

                          It was gray with 7 (?) buttons with 'fancy' cuff trim.

                          Something like this:

                          Or any ID'd gray jacket imagess?
                          Or any hickory/striped clothing?
                          Aw shoot, or any 'NYS militia' style jackets?

                          I think I'm done... ;-)

                          John Pillers

                          I only remember seeing one 42nd Ill. pic and that was a group shot in Military Images...
                          John Pillers
                          Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

                          'We're putting the band back together'


                          • #28
                            Re: Illinois jacket question

                            I have never heard of the Illinois brigade uniform. Did not even know the grey Illinois unforms existed.

                            You should see the images I have of the 46th when they were occupying New Orleans at the end of the war. They had too much money and time on their hands. They are all wearing infantry jackets with more trim (sky blue twill tape) than a Confederate general on both front sides and both sleeves of their jackets, Bizzare coats. They must of gotten ahold of the ladies that made the "Tiger Zouave" uniforms at the start of the war!

                            They were not going home in your pain everyday sack coat!!!

                            Now, if I only had my great grandfather's! :confused_

                            J Wedeward
                            33d Wisconsin
                            Last edited by weed; 07-03-2004, 07:37 AM.
                            John M. Wedeward

                            33d Wisconsin Volunteers
                            The Hard Head Mess
                            The Old Northwest Volunteers
                            5th Kentucky Vol's (Thomas' Mudsills)

                            Company of Military Historians
                            Civil War Battlefield Preservation
                            Sons of American Revolution
                            Sons of Union Veterans



                            Pvt. John Wedeward, Co. A, 42 Illinois Vol. Infantry
                            Cpl. Arnold Rader, Co. C, 46th Illinois Vol. Infantry
                            Brigadier Gen. John Fellows, 21st Continental Regiment


                            • #29
                              Re: Illinois jacket question

                              Dick Tibbals and Roy Mantle once had a killer Illinois image showing a fellow in a gray shell jacket. I have not been able to find where it went. I attach some Illinois jackets you and others may enjoy seeing.
                              1. Two young men from Tazewell County. Armed with 1816 conversions and the odd pistol. Eight or nine buttons, stand up collar and shoulder straps.
                              2. Sgt. Samuel Sines Co. B, 25th Illinois. 1842 musket, longer than usual jacket. Exterior pocket on the left (image reversed). Puffy forage cap and early belt with leather loop.
                              3. Unidentified soldier from Princeton, Illinois. Seems something is bothering his tummy?
                              4. James T. Reed, Kappa, Illinois, Co. G, 17th Illinois. Died of wounds suffered at Shiloh Stand up collar of jacket obscured by an incredible cravat.
                              5. Finally perhaps the ultimate Illinois shell jacket, and uniform for that matter. CDV with a Belvidere, Illinois backmark and dated "1861" in pencil. Illinois Navy?
                              If these images did not come out in the order I listed them I am pretty sure you can figure out whom is whom.
                              Steve Sullivan
                              46th Illinois
                              Co. Mil. Hist.
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Re: Illinois jacket question


                                Great images. Dick did help me a lot on my research. I will post the images I have of "early" Illinois soldiers.

                                Unfortunately, I do not have a image of pvt John Wedeward, Co. A, 42nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry. :(

                                Somehow over the years, private Wedeward was transfered to a Wisconsin unit (33d). I still cannot figure out how this happened.

                                Private John Wedeward (my great greatuncle) was wounded in the leg at Chichamaugua and eventually discharged for disability. He lived in Ozakee County (near Milwaukee) and lived into his 80's.

                                This John Wedeward has still not been mustered out yet, after over 32 years of service! :sarcastic

                                Sgt John Wedeward
                                33d Wisconsin Vol Infantry
                                Co Mil Historians
                                John M. Wedeward

                                33d Wisconsin Volunteers
                                The Hard Head Mess
                                The Old Northwest Volunteers
                                5th Kentucky Vol's (Thomas' Mudsills)

                                Company of Military Historians
                                Civil War Battlefield Preservation
                                Sons of American Revolution
                                Sons of Union Veterans



                                Pvt. John Wedeward, Co. A, 42 Illinois Vol. Infantry
                                Cpl. Arnold Rader, Co. C, 46th Illinois Vol. Infantry
                                Brigadier Gen. John Fellows, 21st Continental Regiment

