I have a question as to the pronunciation of the order "Route step." This has bothered me for a while. When at an event and the route step order is given, it is always pronounced as "Rowt step." Now a route is an avenue for travel and is usually pronounced as "Root" as in "Root 66" etc. A rout (pronounced rowt) implies driving the enemy from the field in confusion, a defeated army's disorganized retreat etc. My question is should the route step order be pronounced as "Root step" or "Rowt step?" Both may be correct but I thought I would get some other opinions.
Thank you, Bill.
I have a question as to the pronunciation of the order "Route step." This has bothered me for a while. When at an event and the route step order is given, it is always pronounced as "Rowt step." Now a route is an avenue for travel and is usually pronounced as "Root" as in "Root 66" etc. A rout (pronounced rowt) implies driving the enemy from the field in confusion, a defeated army's disorganized retreat etc. My question is should the route step order be pronounced as "Root step" or "Rowt step?" Both may be correct but I thought I would get some other opinions.
Thank you, Bill.