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Improving my impression

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  • #16
    Re: Improving my impression

    One good book to read on camp life is the classic,"Hardtack and Coffee",John Billings.If you have any left,read diarie,letters,period articles.They'll give you a great insight into the "horses mouth".It not olny gives you info.,but also will help you learn how to talk in a period way.
    Cullen Smith
    Cullen Smith
    South Union Guard

    "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

    "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


    • #17
      Re: Improving my impression

      Thanks to all for their kind and helpful hints.... I've just recently found a used bookstore that has shelves and shelves full of Civil War related books...I have yet to go back and sit and look through allof them..

      Many thanks,
      Jordan Davis


      • #18
        Re: Improving my impression


        There are also several online sources as well that may be of interest, and you don't even have to move really to read them!!

        Geoff Walden did a great job on this, should find it of interest.

        Couple of regimentals are on this site.


        Try a search for "army" and "cloth" in the "Scientific American," neat stuff. "The Southern Literary Messenger" is also on the site.

        and lest we forget this link,

        You might consider membership in the organization, and do search back issues of "Military Collector and Historian." Really nice folks, and offer student memberships if you happen to be eligible.

        Some of this has been updated, some thoughts on these subjects seem to have changed, which from time to time, has been discussed here to a degree, a reminder to use the search engine. However, if you read the original material as presented, you will develop a solid background and appreciate it hopefully, all the much more as well.

        Good luck to you, :wink_smil


        John Sarver
        Cin. O.
        John Sarver


        • #19
          Re: Improving my impression

          I remember a post on the old forum that stated that Sam Watkins was not present at Franklin or Nashville although he wrote that he was in "Company Aytch." If anyone could collaborate it I would appreciate it.

          Bill Backus

