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Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

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  • Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

    Howdy pards,

    I used the search and did not come up with anything i may have not typed in the right keyword or sumtin but here is my question.

    I Have a nice civilian sack coat and i was woundering if i would be able to wear it throughout the war. I am a member of the 19th LA Vol. Infantry and i protray a unit in the AOT. Its a nice coat and i am in love with it and i just wanted to make sure and see if it would be appropriate for all periods of war. Thanks alot

    Pvt. Benjamin N. Jenkins
    19th LA vol. Inf.
    Vance Guards.

  • #2
    Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

    I think your being a bit general here. Are you wanting our blessing to wear it at events and then using this board as justification? What does your current uniform guidelines for your unit reflect.
    What type of material is the jacket, who made it? If its a civilian sack soak, why would you in fact have the same jacket for four years when uniforms might have been available for your unit to issue?
    I wear a scenerio specific white linen civilian jacket with pewter block I buttons. I wear it for Trans-Mississippi only. If I was doing an AOT event I would not wear it, or it might see early war use at best.
    Bottom line is do your research for a specific event, check your unit uniform guidelines, see what your unit was wearing during the time period you shall be portraying and lastly ask yourself, is the jacket correct for what I want?
    Dusty Lind
    Running Discharge Mess
    Texas Rifles
    BGR Survivor

    Texans did this. Texans Can Do It Again. Gen J.B. Hood


    • #3
      Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

      Originally posted by pvtben
      Howdy pards,

      I used the search and did not come up with anything i may have not typed in the right keyword or sumtin but here is my question.

      I Have a nice civilian sack coat and i was woundering if i would be able to wear it throughout the war. I am a member of the 19th LA Vol. Infantry and i protray a unit in the AOT. Its a nice coat and i am in love with it and i just wanted to make sure and see if it would be appropriate for all periods of war. Thanks alot

      Pvt. Benjamin N. Jenkins
      19th LA vol. Inf.
      Vance Guards.
      Not bloody likely. Likely, you will find a majority of AOT troops being issued their coats/jackets. I recommend you only wear the sack for civilian impressions or very early war impressions. You should check the clothing reciepts for the 19th Louisiana and see what they were issued, where from, when, etc.


      • #4
        Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

        Do a search for AoT prisoner image on this forum. A few months back there was an incredible image of AoT prisoners around the time of the Atlanta or Chattanooga campaign. There was at least two men in this image wearing what apears to be a civilian saque coat. Unfortunatlly I am away from home, otherwise I would post the image. Based on this image and the earlier Fremantle quotes, I would say (depending on your unit) a well constructed and documneted civilian garment would be fine.
        Robert Johnson

        "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

        In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


        • #5
          Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

          Here is the photo I previously mentioned. Also note some men are wearing "Columbus" depot jackets, North Carolina jackets and frock coats.
          Attached Files
          Robert Johnson

          "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

          In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


          • #6
            Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

            Originally posted by hireddutchcutthroat
            Here is the photo I previously mentioned. Also note some men are wearing "Columbus" depot jackets, North Carolina jackets and frock coats.
            Mr. Johnson,

            I wouldn't say that they were wearing NC issue jackets. Yes, you can see some plain jackets in that picture but that does not mean that they are NC jackets.
            James K. Masson


            • #7
              Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

              Originally posted by James Masson
              Mr. Johnson,

              I wouldn't say that they were wearing NC issue jackets. Yes, you can see some plain jackets in that picture but that does not mean that they are NC jackets.

              Just out of curiosity, what about this soldier is not North Carolina?
              I don't know where he is from but this guy appears to be fully clad in NC Depot Issue patterns.

              I have asked this several time here, why is North Carolina ignored or discounted?
              Last edited by Vuhginyuh; 01-20-2008, 02:33 PM.
              B. G. Beall (Long Gone)


              • #8
                Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

                Originally posted by Vuhginyuh
                I have asked this several time here, why is North Carolina ignored or discounted?


                You aren't the only one who has asked that same question. Is NC an "oddball" impression? I don't think so. Even in the AoT. In fact, it has to be, without a doubt, the most "UNDER-REPRESENTED" impression today, and especially in the ANV(IMHO). More than any other state, NC had the most Confederate troops. Why isn't there more authentic NC impressions and thus NC jackets? How about eliminating the state of New York impressions and see what happens?! :sarcastic

                Great question!

                Mark Berrier
                North State Rifles
                Mark Berrier


                • #9
                  Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

                  Originally posted by James Masson
                  Mr. Johnson,

                  I wouldn't say that they were wearing NC issue jackets. Yes, you can see some plain jackets in that picture but that does not mean that they are NC jackets.
                  According to Les Jensens study of this image, the men in the below thumbnails are wearing North Carolina state jackets.

                  Garrison you are totally correct, about NC being way under represented. NC is second only to the AoT in being overlooked in comparison to its importance.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by hireddutchcutthroat; 08-04-2004, 02:23 PM.
                  Robert Johnson

                  "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

                  In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


                  • #10
                    Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.


                    I have no argument with the underrepresentation of NC troops or of NC produced uniforms. In fact, I have found it somewhat interesting of late that there seems to be so much interest in oddball jackets with limited usage while a uniform that fully 25% of the ANV could have been wearing at certain times goes undiscussed.

                    That said, I would be remiss if I didn't bring the Atlanta (Jensen's typology) into the discussion. In just looking at pictures of some of these AoT troops in the field, it would be difficult to distinguish an Atlanta jacket from an NC jacket as button count and general appearance are quite similar.

                    However, the thumbnail on the right is clearly not an Atlanta jacket as that garment has a distinctive offset collar while the NC jackets do not.

                    Just another option to consider along with the caution that identifying garments from photos can be problematic.
                    Attached Files
                    John Stillwagon


                    • #11
                      Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

                      It was not unheard of for North Carolina shell jackets to be out west. The governor of North Carolina granted a number of jackets to the supply of western troops around the Atlanta campaign, as touched on by Mr. Stillwagon. Don't be so quick to dismiss certain garments because they are either an eastern or western supplied uniform. Hell, it has even been found that troops in the Army of Northern Virginia sported Columbus Depot jackets.
                      Jim Conley

                      Member, Civil War Trust

                      "The 'right' events still leave much to be desired." - Patrick Lewis


                      • #12
                        Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

                        Originally posted by Yellowhammer

                        I have no argument with the underrepresentation of NC troops or of NC produced uniforms. In fact, I have found it somewhat interesting of late that there seems to be so much interest in oddball jackets with limited usage while a uniform that fully 25% of the ANV could have been wearing at certain times goes undiscussed.

                        That said, I would be remiss if I didn't bring the Atlanta (Jensen's typology) into the discussion. In just looking at pictures of some of these AoT troops in the field, it would be difficult to distinguish an Atlanta jacket from an NC jacket as button count and general appearance are quite similar.

                        However, the thumbnail on the right is clearly not an Atlanta jacket as that garment has a distinctive offset collar while the NC jackets do not.

                        Just another option to consider along with the caution that identifying garments from photos can be problematic.
                        Compare the image of the soldier above right, (reply #10) with the NC Jacket at this site. Note collar shape in center image and offset placket in the right-hand image.
                        Last edited by Vuhginyuh; 08-04-2004, 04:40 PM.
                        B. G. Beall (Long Gone)


                        • #13
                          Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

                          Can the last few replies (NC topic) be moved to the Authenticity Discussion forum and grouped on their own.
                          They are important, but do not address the original sack coat question.
                          B. G. Beall (Long Gone)


                          • #14
                            Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

                            Originally posted by Vuhginyuh
                            Compare the image of the soldier above right, (reply #10) with the NC Jacket at this site. Note collar shape in center image and offset placket in the right-hand image.

                            Better yet;

                            Robert Johnson

                            "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

                            In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


                            • #15
                              Re: Civilian Sack Coat Late war.

                              and another...
                              Last edited by Vuhginyuh; 01-20-2008, 02:42 PM.
                              B. G. Beall (Long Gone)

