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AoT foot ware

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  • AoT foot ware

    I have heard of AoT troops being issued "canvas" shoes in '63 prior to Chickamauga, but were they also being issued in late '64 prior to the Nashville campaign? Any input gents?

    Sean Harla

  • #2
    Re: AoT foot ware

    How about a source for this information? In all my reading of the AOT, this is news to me?
    Dusty Lind
    Running Discharge Mess
    Texas Rifles
    BGR Survivor

    Texans did this. Texans Can Do It Again. Gen J.B. Hood


    • #3
      Re: AoT foot ware

      Dusty, whats going on? I got that pic of you at Mufreesboro to give you. Any ways, either I am mistaken, but a while back, I remember seeing information on this forum that prior to Chickamauga, some troops received blue jean trowsers and or "canvas" type shoes. Am I remembering this correctly or could someone shed some light on the situation. I remember in the past that there was much discussion about this topic, some of which about confederate dead at G-burg wearing "canvas" shoes. Don't mean to sound like a novice, but any help is appriciated, Thanks
      Sean Harla


      • #4
        Re: AoT foot ware

        A fair amount has been posted about this on the boards in the past. Canvas/cloth shoes were being issued out in some numbers in the summer of 1863 and apparently were still being issued into the Spring of 1864. I dont know beyond that point. These shoes werent that popular with the men, apparently they did not hold up all too well in heavy campaigning. One Georgia soldier wrote from the muddy trenches in late May of 1864 that cloth shoes were "a humbug".

        Lee White
        Researcher and Historian
        "Delenda Est Carthago"
        "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


        • #5
          Re: AoT foot ware

          Thanks for the help Lee, I was just trying to figure out if these items were still in circulation when Hood resupplied the army in preperation for the Nashville campaign. Guess not. Once again, thanks for the input.

          Sean Harla


          • #6
            Re: AoT foot ware

            I'm not sure what you can say about Hood's resupply efforts prior to the Nashville Campaign other than "woefully inadequate."
            John Stillwagon

