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Another interesting photo

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  • Another interesting photo

    I would like to hear comments on this gents uniform jacket. It appears to me to be a private purchase item from early in the war.

    BTW, he is Sgt Israel Coombs, Co. C, 1st Maine Cavalry. He enlisted in `61 and was mustered out in `64. Another item for discussion is his carbine. It appears to be a Smith, however a search of the returns do not indicate that any company of 1st Maine were issued Smiths.

    Dave Myrick
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Another interesting photo

    Actually, the more I look at it, the more the carbine looks like a Burnside.
    Gerald Todd
    1st Maine Cavalry
    Eos stupra si jocum nesciunt accipere.


    • #3
      Re: Another interesting photo

      Im not sure if any regualtions as far as hair length goes were in effect during this time, but Id like to note how long his hair is. I think Ive only seen one other photo of a group of confederate (cavalry?) soldiers with a man with hair this long.
      Isaac Forman


      • #4
        Re: Another interesting photo

        Originally posted by ohiofed
        Im not sure if any regualtions as far as hair length goes were in effect during this time, but Id like to note how long his hair is. I think Ive only seen one other photo of a group of confederate (cavalry?) soldiers with a man with hair this long.
        Great.... Thank you Sir.

        Aaron Schwieterman


        • #5
          Re: Another interesting photo

          Aaron - two button sleeve and 11 button front, standing collar - could this be an IUJ? Looks like he has something in the interior pocket as well. Any reason you think this is early war? Back mark?

          Hair like Custer.
          Soli Deo Gloria
          Doug Cooper

          "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

          Please support the CWT at


          • #6
            Re: Another interesting photo

            Wonder if the weapon was in fact a photographers prop?
            Dusty Lind
            Running Discharge Mess
            Texas Rifles
            BGR Survivor

            Texans did this. Texans Can Do It Again. Gen J.B. Hood


            • #7
              Re: Another interesting photo

              Actually, this is a great image of Sergeant Israel Coombs. It offers us a great deal of discussion about what he's wearing and the time of year it was taken. However, Doug Cooper's post got me thinking about something else in this photo and I would like to change this discussion around a bit for the time being if I may. Bare with me on this one guys. :wink_smil

              Looks like he has something in his interior pocket as well.
              Why would this Sergeant go out of his way to pose for an image knowing he has a bulge of "whatever" in his jacket pocket? If I was the one in the picture, I would take whatever was in my jacket pocket out to look more professional (not that he doesn't already). Maybe he don't care. Or maybe he forgot about it. Maybe he keeps it in his pocket all the time and he wanted to pose with it too, like it's part of his uniform. (I'm guessing it's a book, or a poke sack).

              Maybe it's just me, but you would think to take stuff like that out of your pockets so the picture of yourself turns out as good as possible. Who knows..... This picture isn't the only one I've seen like this either and it raises certain questions.

              This question may seem a bit silly but I wanted to bring something else to our table of discussion at a different level.

              If anyone wants to make any comments about this, feel free.


              Aaron Schwieterman


              • #8
                Re: Another interesting photo

                Speaking of pocket items, I have seen that in a couple of pictures I have in a book I recently received as a gift. In fact the bulge where the interior blouse pocket is stands out in the pictures.


                Dan McLean


                Failed Battery Mess

                Bty F, 1st PA Lt Arty
                (AKA LtCol USMC)



                • #9
                  Re: Another interesting photo

                  I know what you mean, Aaron. Pat Brown's sack coat monograph is full of pictures of guys with something in their pocket.

                  I have speculated that a lot of these photos were an impromptu kind of affair, and they sort of forget about the book, etc. in their pocket.
                  Bob Muehleisen
                  Furious Five
                  Cin, O.


                  • #10
                    Re: Another interesting photo

                    I agree with Jerry, I believe the carbine could be a burnside.

                    As to his uniform...most definitely a private purchase affair, similar in idea to this gorgeous privately purchased infantry uniform coat that Chris Daley has researched and photographed. Similar...meaning also a tailored item with what appears to be a finer cloth, fit, and fashion. I don't believe its (1st ME photo) an IUJ as this jacket appears also to have some cuff trim.


                    Note the shortened collar, easement at the sleeves and applied chevrons as well. What I find most interesting is the superior cut to his trousers as well as the around six inches of re-inforcement to the pant cuffs. If we had the ability, I'm sure you would see a boot lining most probably of a fine leather or some other suitable, heavy cloth.

                    A very nice photo.
                    Last edited by CJSchumacher; 07-20-2004, 01:38 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Another interesting photo

                      Originally posted by DougCooper
                      Aaron - two button sleeve and 11 button front, standing collar - could this be an IUJ? Looks like he has something in the interior pocket as well. Any reason you think this is early war? Back mark?

                      Hair like Custer.

                      I was thinking that this was an early war photo since he is wearing dark blue trousers.

                      I don't think the carbine is a Burnside for a few reasons. The distance between the rear sight and the hammer appears to be too great and the large square shape directly in front of the hammer seems to me to be the back end of the backstrap spring on the Smith. The Burnside hammer "twists" more toward the center line of the breech mechanism where as the Smith has a bolster at the breech so it is more off to the side.

                      Looking behind the Sgt. at the "floor" there is a gap between the "floor" and the "wall'. Might this photo have been taken in the field in a traveling studio and the "flooring" and "wall" are merely drapes, props themselves? In that vein, the object in the man's coat might be his hat?

                      Dave Myrick

