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Curious Little Picture

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  • #16
    Re: Curious Little Picture

    Herr Jaeger,

    Sorry about that... don't mean to keep everyone in the fog.

    TITLE: Washington, District of Columbia. Officers of 9th or 10th U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps.

    CALL NUMBER: LC-B817- 7854 [P&P]

    REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-cwpb-04273 (b&w copy scan)
    No known restrictions on publication.

    MEDIUM: 1 negative : glass, wet collodion.


    Setting course, sou' by sou'west,
    Jason R. Wickersty

    Received. “How now about the fifth and sixth guns?”
    Sent. “The sixth gun is the bully boy.”
    Received. “Can you give it any directions to make it more bully?”
    Sent. “Last shot was little to the right.”
    Received. “Fearfully hot here. Several men sunstruck. Bullets whiz like fun. Have ceased firing for awhile, the guns are so hot."

    - O.R.s, Series 1, Volume 26, Part 1, pg 86.


    • #17
      Re: Curious Little Picture

      The thing I'm curious about is those belt plates. Decidedly different, I think. What say those in the know?
      Bob Muehleisen
      Furious Five
      Cin, O.


      • #18
        Re: Curious Little Picture

        The backwards picture theory would work if everyone was the same but one person is different. Also the theory of quickly putting on his kit and throwing them over the wrong shoulder is also flawed because then the breastplate would be on his back. A potential theory is that he is left-handed and did not succumb to the training and drilling to do everything by the right hand. But these are just theories no way to be sure.

        Jim Fortnam
        CaughtOff Guards


        • #19
          Re: Curious Little Picture

          The backwards picture theory would work if everyone was the same but one person is different.
          Look at the two privates kneeling down in front, and check out the position of their weapons..... Notice anything different? And no it's not because they're left handed.... This picture is reversed.

          As far as the private who appears to have his leathers on the wrong way, is actually the only one who has them on the correct way. For whatever reason, this private didn't switch his leathers to the opposite side like the rest of the guys. Why didn't he? I have no idea.

          A potential theory is that he is left handed and did not succumb to the training and drilling to do everything by the right hand.
          Once again, the left handed theory doesn't make sense. It's not his call to use his weapon and leathers "left-handed." This isn't a farb fest reenactment where you see individuals doing whatever they want.
          Last edited by HOG.EYE.MAN; 07-26-2004, 07:59 PM.

          Aaron Schwieterman


          • #20
            Re: Curious Little Picture

            Originally posted by HOG-EYE MAN
            Look at the two privates kneeling down if front, and check out the position of their weapons..... Notice anything different? And no it's not because they're left handed.... This picture is reversed.

            As far as the private who appears to have his leathers on the wrong way, is actually the only one who has them on the correct way. For whatever reason, this private didn't switch his leathers to the opposite side like the rest of the guys. Why didn't he? I have no idea.

            Once again, the left handed theory doesn't make sense. It's not his call to use his weapon and leathers "left-handed." This isn't a farb fest reenactment where you see individuals doing whatever they want.
            It was always my understanding that left handed rifles were not common, if at all available to a soldier. I believe Aaron is right. When the rest accomodated to the photo while this one lad may have been snatched at the last second to pose as well. You can explain all you want, but the one defintiely differs from the others. And...if he were left handed, because of the lack of left handed rifles, he would have had to train himself to do the manual of arms right handed. Do the manuals not state specifics on what hands are to be used in specific drill movements?
            Last edited by JimConley; 07-26-2004, 08:05 PM.
            Jim Conley

            Member, Civil War Trust

            "The 'right' events still leave much to be desired." - Patrick Lewis


            • #21
              Re: Curious Little Picture

              You quote me twice and point out my errors but not the line about the breastplate. If one or four of the participant reversed their leathers knowing that the photo was going to be reversed why is the breastplate properly located on the front of each soldiers chest? I don’t think a soldier is going to go through the process of relocating the breastplate, he would just wear the kit backwards and the picture would not show the breastplate on his back. This is not a formal studio shot for his wife or girl friend,this is a more casual picture; the supposed campfire, how they are holding their rifles and the pose in general.

              As for the left handed kit, I said that in a sarcastic frame of mind to parody many of the foolish, not thought out comments I see on the various forums. But then again who knows what a soldier will do if his officers and NCOs aren’t strict about the regulations.

              Jim Fortnam
              CaughtOff Guards


              • #22
                Re: Curious Little Picture

                Why the one guy has reversed his 'couts...I don't know. I'm only adding here the image, IMO is correctly shown due to the position of the bayonets on their muskets.

                When standing at order arms...the bayonet would be to the right of the they are shown in the picture. If you took either gun, look at the barrel, stock, rammers and then bayonet relative to both. Whenever soldiers "reverse" images while holding a musket with would incorrectly "curve" inward toward the soldier, rather then away due to placing it in their left hand.

                Imagine both soldiers on the left holding their guns as is in the position of order arms...the picture is "true" and not reversed.
                Last edited by CJSchumacher; 07-27-2004, 12:09 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: Curious Little Picture

                  You know, we can speculate until the cows come home but we'll never know for sure. I suppose it's just another one of those little mysteries.

                  Although, I have to say that the guy being left handed is the most reasonable, but like I just said we'll never know.
                  [B]Zachary Whitlow[/B]
                  Liberty Rifles

                  [I]"Though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I'm mad I weigh a ton."[/I] - Thomas Starr King



                  • #24
                    Copyright Warning

                    The posting of this image without the written consent of the owner is a violation of US Copyright law. If it were an image from my museum, Paul would be getting a letter from the city attorney right now. You can't do this guys, its not fair to the owner. Find out who owns it, contact them, and ask for permission. Most will grant it readily.
                    Scott Cross
                    "Old and in the Way"


                    • #25
                      Re: Curious Little Picture

                      I went back to my copy of Military Images magazine. Upon magnification, the item the soldier "doing the cooking" appears to be lifting from the pan what looks like a large loaf or pone.


                      Regards, Bob
                      [B]Robert Braun[/B]

                      << Il nous faus de l'audace, encore l'audace, toujours l'audace! >>


                      • #26
                        Re: Curious Little Picture

                        I'm aware now that I shouldn't have posted the picture without permission and I'm sorry. It was an interesting picture and I thought that it would spark an interesting discussion. I'm aware of all this now and shall be far more careful in the future.
                        [B]Zachary Whitlow[/B]
                        Liberty Rifles

                        [I]"Though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I'm mad I weigh a ton."[/I] - Thomas Starr King


