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Image worth looking at 17th KY (Federal)

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  • Image worth looking at 17th KY (Federal)

    This image turned up in the estate of a collector who passed late last year. The original is a CDV with some damage (white area below the canteen). I made a copy photo and submit it here with the permission of the present owner, David Mumper. The image may be reproduced if credit is given to Mr. Mumper.
    The image shows Captain James W.Anthony of Company "E", 17th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry. The Army Register of the Volunteer Forces has Captain Anthony dying of wounds suffered at Chickamauga, Tennessee on the 10th of October, 1863. The Adjutant Generals Report for the State of Kentucky does not list Captain Anthony as a casualty.
    Look carefully at the uniform, there appears to be a foot officer's sword to the left, and an officer quality hat emblem, otherwise it would be a hard task to tell him apart from an enlisted man. Hardtack and canteen in hand, he looks like an authertic campaigner!
    Steve Sullivan
    46th Illinois
    Co. Mil. Hist.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Image worth looking at 17th KY (Federal)


    What a great image! People wanting to know what an officer's impression in the Western Armies in 1863 should be, should really examine this:civilian hat with officers insignia; officer's haversack; issue canteen; what appears to be an issue gray shirt; and again, what appears to be an issue fatigue blouse. Its unfortunate that the original is in such bad shape.
    Scott Cross
    "Old and in the Way"

