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27th Va inf at First Manassas

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  • 27th Va inf at First Manassas


    At the 125th First Manassas reenactment, there was a 27th Virginia Infantry co D impression, they wore darkblue frocks with shoulderscales, trousers, with white crossbelts, and a two tone militiacap with " MG " ( Monroe Guards )in a wreath. The group had some original photograps on which their impression was based. Does anyone have more detailed information on this ? ( Photographs, further information of trimcolours, the colours of the cap ertc )

    On the other hand I read a story of I believe it was Lukasberg who was in a museum in Union West Va, where he saw a original uniform, also of the 27th Va inf. Co D, which he described as salt and peppar jean, with black and gold trim. Can anyone provide more information about the trim ? and about the contrasting stories of early war co D uniforms as mentioned above.

    Any other information about 27th VA early war uniforms are welcome.

    Thanks in advance and best wishes,

    Johan Heitzer
    The Netherlands