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Waterproof hat?

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  • Waterproof hat?

    I have a picture of my Greatgrandfather who served in the 25th Va. Iinfantry(Stonewall Brigade). He was a Sgt. at the time the likeness was made and appears to be wearing a rubberized or similarly treated kepi or McDowell cap. It's hard to tell the style of cap in the picture. It seems black in the pic and has a glossy appearance.
    Does anyone know any specifics on such a cap and is a repro available?

    Robert Hooker

  • #2
    Re: Waterproof hat?

    I have never heard of a rubberized hat, but I recall seeing a ruberized hat cover similer to a havlock, without the neck part.

    If possible, can you post the picture?
    James Duffney
    61st NY
    Brave Peacock Mess


    • #3
      Re: Waterproof hat?

      Joe Hoffman sells Forage Hat Rain Covers on his website,The Jersey Skillet Licker.
      You will find his site in the Approved Vendors section.
      Joe will be able to give you all the info you need on this item.


      Cpl Jason Tailford
      43rd Nc Infantry Acws UK


      • #4
        Re: Waterproof hat?


        If memory serves, there was a painted cloth kepi (not a cover, but the entire cap) in the headgear display at the Gettysburg NMP museum (don't quote me on that...). Most, if not all, of the headgear has been removed from that display in preparation for the forthcoming move to the new facility. Further, as most of the artifacts were on loan (from the Smithsonian, I believe), I'm not sure if they're even planning to re-establish that particular display, or return the artifacts (as they had already been on display for a number of years). Perhaps you should contact Dean Knudsen (curator) at G'burg for further info. I can't imagine it would be beyond the ken of some of the better makers to reproduce such a thing...

        [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3][B]Aden Nichols
        [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]"Great spirits have always experienced violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein[/SIZE][/FONT]


        • #5
          Re: Waterproof hat?

          For what it is worth:

          Echoes of Glory-Union, pg. 189: "Rain Gear - Foul weather inspired several different types of headgear for Federal soldiers. Issued to Philadelphia's State Fencibles militia company, the oil cloth kepi (in the book shown below the entry) was intended as a rain hat.

          If you don't have the book the photo shows a kepi made of oil cloth.

          So, without seeing the photo, evidence from primsary & secondary sources and many contemporary photos show a wide variety of oil cloth and rubberized cloth cap covers, and caps made from these materials.

          Bob Roeder

          "I stood for a time and cried as freely as boys do when things hurt most; alone among the dead, then covered his face with an old coat I ran away, for I was alone passing dead men all about as I went". Pvt. Nathaniel C. Deane (age 16, Co D 21st Mass. Inf.) on the death of his friend Pvt. John D. Reynolds, May 31, 1864.


          • #6
            Re: Waterproof hat?

            I viewed a kepi identified to a Michigan cavalryman here in Kalamazoo some time ago that was made entirely from oiled red silk. The glossy black finish was cracked in some places revealing the color of the silk underneath, and there appeared to be a middle layer of cotton drill sandwiched between the silk and the brown silesia lining.

            The Kalamazoo Valley Museum also had on display a red oilcloth kepi with a white oilcloth band allegedly used by a patriotic organization here in town in the early 1860's. It had no provenance but was very similar in appearance to other pre or early-war patriotic oilcloth caps.

            Some links to Don Troiani's Historical Image Bank website, illustrating various original painted and oilcloth headgear:




            Brian White
            Wambaugh, White, & Co.
            Brian White
            [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


            • #7
              Re: Waterproof hat?

              I haven't found the original photo yet, just some poor quality copies I made on plain printer paper. When I find a good copy or the original I'll post it. It appears in the pics I have found to be a forage cap more than a kepi. I am sure about the black glossy finish though.

              Robert Hooker

              "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, he's just brave 5 minutes longer."


              • #8
                Re: Waterproof hat?

                Gents,I have viewed a few of these caps at CW relic shows and Joe Blunt shared some photos of some with me.I know they were used in both armies and after the war for political caps for vets.The ones I have seen are blue,red black and one red white and blue kepi.At the Nashville show this year there was a red black and white one with a gold eagle on the disk it was said to be from a S.C. unit.I don't remember which unit though.If I come across the photos I will post them.I had one made by Joe and it is awsome....a little warm though!They were used and documented around the GA costal forts.
                Kiev Thomason
                a.k.a. King Corn:baring_te
                Armory Guards
                Forest Park Lodge #399
                Forest Park GA.


                • #9
                  Re: Waterproof hat?

                  FYI. The firts link that Brian White posted seems to be the same cap on EOG Union pg. 189. The cracking pattern is the same.
                  David Casey


                  • #10
                    Re: Waterproof hat?

                    Mechanics caps were sometimes tarred. They were popular with carpenters, lumberjacks and railway workers. Men who would work outdoors.
                    Dirty Billy might sell them (tarred hats, that is).
                    Nick Buczak
                    19th Ind



                    • #11
                      Re: Waterproof hat?

                      Here's an example of a waterproof hat
                      Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
                      Nick Buczak
                      19th Ind


