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State Reserves and unit designation?

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  • State Reserves and unit designation?

    While researching the history of my family, I noticed one member's gravestone says that he served in the 22nd Va Inf. However upon further investigation, I discovered that it was 22nd Va Inf, of which it was part of the 3rd Va Reserves.

    So I'm wondering how did State Reserve/Militias designate themselves?...Did they identify themselves the same as "Regular" units?...

    Any ideas would be helpful.

    Michael T. Murphy
    Pvt. Co A 33d Va.
    Michael T. Murphy
    Pvt. Co. A 33rd Virginia

    "The captain said to "fix bayonets!"...I told him that mine "wasn't broken..."; Then the 1st Sgt told me that "I was "special"...And THAT's why I'm on guard duty...again..."

  • #2
    Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

    I dont know how every state does it but this is how I have read it in Georgia.
    The small Militia force consisting of Milita, Georgia Regular Troops and Boy cadet Units. In 1864 they where ordered into divisions and had thier own number designations from what I believe. Ill try to dig up some old books and do more looking into this subject.

    Jordan Roberts,
    Armory Guards
    Jordan Roberts

    Widow Makers Mess
    Red Clay Volunteers


    • #3
      Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

      It varied greatly from state to state, and not all states maintained the same "types" of troops. For instance, the post above describes the variety of regiments that Georgia maintained. New York State maintained a state militia force that, effective January 1, 1863, was renamed "National Guard".

      While I'm certainly in no position to speak with knowledge regarding state troops maintained by the Commonwealth of Virginia, regarding the "22nd Virginia" be aware that there were two such-named regiments in Confederate service: the 22nd Virginia Volunteer Regiment, and the 22nd Virginia Battalion. These were separate, distinct units that each, at one time, were part of (or attached to) the Army of Northern Virginia. The 22nd Battalion was part of Jackson's Corps and then AP Hill's Corps and was eventually disbanded before the end of the war; the 22nd Regiment spent--as I understand it--a lot of the war in the Shenandoah Valley. Probably the most famous commander of the 22nd Regiment was George Patton--grandfather of the famous WW2 general.


      • #4
        Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

        Originally posted by mmurphy View Post
        However upon further investigation, I discovered that it was 22nd Va Inf, of which it was part of the 3rd Va Reserves.

        Could you elaborate? Are you saying that you found the 22nd Va Inf was a part of the 3rd Reserves, or that your ancestor served in both units? If the former, where did you find that info? What was his name? I might be able to help, with a little more info.

        Eric J. Mink
        Co. A, 4th Va Inf
        Stonewall Brigade

        Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


        • #5
          Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

          Your best bet is to locate a copy of Lee Wallace's "A Guide to Virginia Military Organizations." I have one, which goes into depth of all Virginia units including volunteers, local defense troops, reserves, and state militia units. Yet, I was not able to place any of this in context with the listings based upon the information you have provided so far. A little more information such as county of origin, etc. might shed some light on this. The numbering of Virginia Reserve units can be especially perplexing, if not downright confounding.
          Last edited by roundshot; 05-01-2007, 02:08 PM. Reason: additional comment
          Bob Williams
          26th North Carolina Troops

          As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


          • #6
            Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

            Hi Eric;
            Okay here is what I have....
            Charles L. Christian
            Co. C (Buckingham Rifles); 22nd Va Inf.
            Commanded by Capt. Walter Stapled, under the Regimental Command of Col. Richard A. Booker, (Bookers Regt. 3rd Va Reserves).

            Any ideas would be greatly appreciated by this newbie!

            Michael T. Murphy
            PVT. Co. A 33d Va.
            Michael T. Murphy
            Pvt. Co. A 33rd Virginia

            "The captain said to "fix bayonets!"...I told him that mine "wasn't broken..."; Then the 1st Sgt told me that "I was "special"...And THAT's why I'm on guard duty...again..."


            • #7
              Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

              errr...that should be "Walter Staples" and NOT "Stapled"...unless it was to his horse!!!

              Michael Murphy
              Pvt. Co. A 33d Va.
              Michael T. Murphy
              Pvt. Co. A 33rd Virginia

              "The captain said to "fix bayonets!"...I told him that mine "wasn't broken..."; Then the 1st Sgt told me that "I was "special"...And THAT's why I'm on guard duty...again..."


              • #8
                Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

                The "Buckingham Reserves" were Company "C" of the 3rd Regiment Virginia Reserves organized 9/30/64 under Richard A. Booker (former Capt., 18th VA Infy.). Staples commanded the company.There seems to be no relationship to this unit with either the 22nd VA Regt. or Bttn. and there is no Charles Christian listed on the rolls of the 22nd VA Infantry, whose regimental history I also have.
                Bob Williams
                26th North Carolina Troops

                As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


                • #9
                  Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

                  Lee Wallace's book, while somewhat dated, is a good point of reference. Also check into the Va. Regimental Series published by H.E. Howard of Lynchburg, Va. Jeff Weaver did a book on some of the Reserve units from Va.

                  Wallace's book was reprinted by H.E. Howard several years back and should be fairly easy to find. Try contacting the MOC Haversack Gift Shop at 1-804-649-1861 as they may also have a copy there for sale as they have a fairly expansive selection of VA.Regimental Histories. You may also find a copy of Weavers book there.

                  About 19 years ago, I sold an original 1st edition of Wallace's book listed above and it went for $175.00 to a dealer then. Not sure what a 1st edition would bring now.
                  Fenny I Hanes

                  Richmond Depot, Inc.
                  PO BOX 4849
                  Midlothian, VA 23112


                  • #10
                    Re: State Reserves and unit designation?


                    Perhaps this may clear up some of the confusion, or maybe make it more confusing.

                    Elaboration on some of the info you provided:
                    • Col. Richard Anderson Booker - commanded (as Capt.) Company F (Farmville Guard), 18th Virginia Infantry (to May 1863); commanded (as Col.) 3rd Reg't. Virginia Reserves (1864-1865).

                    • Capt. Walter Staples - commanded Company C (Buckingham Reserves), 3rd Reg't. Virginia Reserves.

                    • Company C, 22nd Virginia Infantry was known as the Mountain Cove Guards

                    Charles L. Christian applied for a veteran's pension with Virginia in the early 1920's, at the age of 75. In his application, he stated that he had lived in Buckingham County all his life and that he had enlisted in March 1865 and joined the 22nd Virginia Cavalry, under Captain Staples and Colonel Booker. Neither of these men ever served in that regiment, but were officers in the 3rd Reg't. Virginia Reserves.

                    Being good bureaucrats, the pension officers scrutinized Charles' application and sought confirmation from the records kept by the War Department. The War Department replied, on June 11, 1924, that:

                    "The name Charles L. Christian has not been found on rolls on file in this office of Co. C, (Capt. Walter Staples) 3rd Regt. Va. Reserves, C.S.A. (Col. Booker), nor has record been found of the service, capture or parole of a man of that name and orgn. One Thos L. Christian, also borne as T.L. Christy, prt. of above orgn. is shown to have been enlisted May 7, 186-, at Buckingham, and on muster roll Nov. & Dec. 1864, (last and only roll on file) is shown, Present. T.L. Christy is shown to have been paroled at Farmville, Va. between Apr. 11 and Apr. 21/65 by T.L. Barker, Lt.Col. 36 Mass. Vols. definite date or parole not shown. Neither Col. Booker nor Capt. Walter Staples have been identified as of 22nd Regt. Va. Cav."

                    So, it seems that perhaps Charles was a bit confused in later years, when he applied for the pension, and provided some faulty info about his service. Perhaps he served in one of the two regiments, but his name just never made it on the rolls.

                    By the way, his pension file is viewable on-line at the Library of Virginia. The scanned copy is horrendous and most of Charles' info is illegible. You might try contacting the library to see if you can get a clearer copy.

                    Eric J. Mink
                    Co. A, 4th Va Inf
                    Stonewall Brigade

                    Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


                    • #11
                      Re: State Reserves and unit designation?

                      Yes, it can get pretty confusing.
                      I guess when I get to be around 75, I won't remember things clearly either!

                      Eric; I sent you a pm about this.

                      Thanks to all for helping and confusing me some more! :-)

                      Michael T. Murphy
                      Pvt. Co. A 33d Va.
                      Michael T. Murphy
                      Pvt. Co. A 33rd Virginia

                      "The captain said to "fix bayonets!"...I told him that mine "wasn't broken..."; Then the 1st Sgt told me that "I was "special"...And THAT's why I'm on guard duty...again..."

