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  • Paper

    Does any one have a source for paper that could be used for drawing period maps?
    I’m wanting to put my art skills to work and try a map.
    Jim Clark

  • #2
    Re: Paper

    I don't know exactly what you're looking for, but check with Sullivan Press. They've got all sorts of period style papers and could probably direct you to other sources.
    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Black]Nicholas A. Keen
    Cannoneer Battery B, 3rd Penna. Artillery
    "When our boys went about the citizens they seemed surly and unaccomadating and showed no disposition to grant us any favors, for which I could not blame them because the soldiers I know to be a great nuisance"- Robert Patrick "Reluctant Rebel"
    Harper's Weekly May 4 1861: "War they have invoked; war let them have; and God be the judge between us."

    "There is nothing so exhilarating in life as to be shot at without effect."

    - Winston Churchill



    • #3
      Re: Paper

      Any high rag content paper will work. I tend to use either Resume paper or a style labled Linen paper for my needs. Mr Sullivan can also provide or direct you to other sources. Not sure what size you need, that may be the hard part.

      What type of mapping are you planning on doing? If it is for your own needs a small book kept as a Map journal may fit the bill.
      Your Most Ob't. Serv't.,
      Andrew Dangel,


      • #4
        Re: Paper

        Thanks you for the help
        Jim Clark


        • #5
          Re: Paper

          As far as I know in my research of the subject, maps were drawn on a number of different types of media. There's a circular from 1863 by Capt. Wm. E.Merrill, Chief Topo Eng'r for the Army of the Cumberland that requires tracings to be in plain pencil with any corrected data to fe filled in with colored pencil (red for roads, blue for watercoruses, etc.) If I can find the circular I will post it.

          One original I've seen was drawn on lined note paper (this one was to accompany a Brigade after-action report from Gettysburg) and someothers on drafting linen or a stiffer paper that would correspond to a medium wt. watercolor paper. A good resource is the book "Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil War" as it gives good photos of dozens of maps along with notes on their construction and use.send me a P.M. if I can be of any help as I have a number of period books on Topographical Drawing and also Military Surveying.
          Tom Smith, 2nd Lt. T.E.
          Nobel Grand Humbug, Al XXI,
          Chapt. 1.5 De la Guerra y Pacheco
          Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
          Topographer for: TAG '03, BGR, Spring Hill, Marmeduke's Raid, & ITPW


          • #6
            Re: Paper

            Just ordered "Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil War" of amazon
            Jim Clark

