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English Pattern Arms and the Va. State Armory, Feb 1861

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  • English Pattern Arms and the Va. State Armory, Feb 1861

    Feb. 6, 1861
    Richmond Daily Dispatch

    The State Armory.
    --Our readers have been made acquainted with the proceedings in reference to the establishment of an Armory, for the manufacture of implements of war, on an extensive scale, in this city: but very few, we imagine, are aware of the progress that has already been made, under the supervision of Capt. Charles Dimmock, in that direction. We visited the Armory yesterday, and took a survey of matters and things generally. The interior of the western wing of the building has been entirely rebuilt. New timbers and iron columns have been introduced, new floors laid, and everything reconstructed in the most substantial manner. It will require but a few days to complete this portion of the establishment. The eastern wing will then undergo a similar process of improvement, and it is probable that the whole will be finished early in the spring, ready for the movements of the contractor in the department of machinery. There is ample room for carrying on the necessary manufacturing operations, with water-power sufficient for any emergency.

    In the repairing room of the Armory may be seen a great variety of weapons, including the pattern muskets and rifles that have been sent here from England and elsewhere. The gun used by old John Brown is a prominent object of interest. The veteran Armorer, Mr. Barnes, who has been employed here for forty years, without losing scarcely a day, still pursues his occupation in this department.

    The Laboratory, at present, is the busiest portion of the establishment. On the first floor we saw a large quantity of shell, strapped shot and shrapnel, with other munitions of war in abundance. In the room above, a large force is employed in the manufacture of cartridges. They turn out from 7,000 to 8,000 musket and rifle cartridges per day. Everything prepared here is packed in strong boxes, and appropriately marked. The neatness and order prevailing in the Laboratory reflect credit upon the superintendent.

    In the shop adjoining a substantial gun carriage has just been completed. We were informed that the small force now employed can finish one of these carriages in about eight days.

    The Armory grounds require no especial notice, for most of our citizens are familiar with the general arrangement. The old flag-staff, with its unique "ornament," has been removed from the tower over the main entrance, and a new one substituted. The flag will be hoisted to- day, as a mark of respect to the Governor and the Armory Committee, who propose to make a visit of inspection.

    With a view of showing that the work contemplated by the Legislature has been promptly carried forward, we have given this brief description, and we may add that the proverbial energy of the contractor for the machinery leaves no room to doubt that he will, at the proper time, as promptly fulfill his engagements.
    Fenny I Hanes

    Richmond Depot, Inc.
    PO BOX 4849
    Midlothian, VA 23112

  • #2
    Re: English Pattern Arms and the Va. State Armory, Feb 1861

    An article by the Richmond Enquirer later in October 1861 was also insightful, as by then the equipment from Harpers Ferry Armory had been moved to Richmond. It read (in part):

    It will be satisfactory to our readers, however, we are sure, to learn that all the important works were saved, and that our Armory can now turn out as perfect a musket as ever emanated from Harpers Ferry. Made - lock, stock, barrel and mounting - entirely by means of machinery formerly employed by the old Government for the same purpose...

    Note: The “old Government” obviously refers to the Federal government, from whom the Confederate Army liberated the gun making machinery at Harpers Ferry Armory. The Virginia Armory was re-opened by act of the Virginia Assembly in 1860, but by June of 1861 The Virginia Armory was “loaned” to the “National (CS) government” and the operation would have been officially referred to by the name CS Armory, Richmond, after that time.
    Craig L Barry
    Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
    Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
    Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
    Member, Company of Military Historians


    • #3
      Re: English Pattern Arms and the Va. State Armory, Feb 1861

      Not specific to English Arms, but may be a source of some small arms manufacturing equipment used by the CS Armory at Richmond:

      While searching through the archives at the V.M.I. a few years ago, I came across the purchase order of Ames Manufacturing Equipment for small arms. This equipment was purchased and received in the Spring of 1861. Mr. Ames was supposed to visit the Institute that summer to get his machines running for the production of arms. This is the only record I know of for this equipment and it is generally thought that this equipment was shipped to Richmond at the outset of the war. There may be some letters of correspondence available through the online archives to better document this. I will check and post what I can find.

      Interestingly enough, V.M.I. was also turning out cartridges and shoes through the aid of a cartridge rolling machine. If I remember correctly, this is documented in the Order Book at V.M.I. and is not currently available online. Again, this is the only mention I have ever found that the Institute was involved in production in support of the war effort. The building in which these operations were run is approx. where the present day Scott-Shipp Hall annex stands.

      Paul B. Boulden Jr.

      RAH VA MIL '04
      23rd VA Regt.
      Paul B. Boulden Jr.

      RAH VA MIL '04
      (Loblolly Mess)
      [URL=""]23rd VA Vol. Regt.[/URL]
      [URL=""]Waggoner's Company of the Virginia Regiment [/URL]

      [URL=""]Company of Military Historians[/URL]
      [URL=""]Museum of the Confederacy[/URL]
      [URL=""]Historic Sandusky [/URL]

      Inscription Capt. Archibold Willet headstone:

      "A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time, Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime."

