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fed eagles on commutation jackets

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  • #16
    Re: fed eagles on commutation jackets

    Originally posted by P.Brown View Post
    To start off yes, I have attempted to find my information off this search engine and other sites. With no success I have a question concerning federal eagle buttons on commutation jackets. I was wondering if there was any way federal eagle buttons could have ended up on commutation jackets? If so how common was this practice?

    Philip Brown

    Philip: Are you asking for a general answer or do you want information on a specific unit and time period? It may make a difference in the answer.

    For you NC experts out there. In 61 & early 62, did NC troops in Va. receive initial issue and replacement uniforms from NC or did they try to obtain them using the commutation method?

    Would it be correct to say if uniforms were being issued to the NC troops in Va from NC, they were not getting uniformed using the commutation system?
    Jim Mayo
    Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

    CW Show and Tell Site


    • #17
      Re: fed eagles on commutation jackets

      To Mr. Mayo: I was just asking a general question, no real specifics. As a resident of NC you would think I might have an answer to your question. But...... I will have to look into it considering I am not worthy of the term expert. But if anyone else has input be my guest, this has been very interesting and educational.

      -Philip Brown


      • #18
        Re: fed eagles on commutation jackets

        Mr. Phillip Brown,

        Good luck with your search for the answer to your question regarding the US eagle button usage for your jacket. I see you are from NC. I suggest you look into the early NC jacket/sack coat surving garments for potential answers. NC seemed to be able to provide state seal buttons for their soldiers with "commutation" garments. I will add my two cents worth however, and say that many jackets I have seen, not necessarily NC, have the pre-war style Federal US large eagles such the "dragoons" (D) in the shield. The Cooper (20th Tenn) for one has these buttons. It is an early single breasted frock at the Carter House in Franklin. It is my humble oppinion that the general service, or "sack coat" buttons would be used, but on later depot issue garments. In fact, cast pewter general service buttons have been dug in CS camps from crude camp made moulds. I would say that if you want to go with the US Eagles on a "commutation" period jacket, I would go with the larger pre-war style. As stated in an earlier comment, it would have come from Federals stores within the state. If by now you are totally confused and frustrated with the reponses to your post, stick with the coin, wood, or hard rubber.

        Joe Walker

