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She-Devil at Camp Morton

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  • She-Devil at Camp Morton

    Found this tonight while sorting through one of my myriad piles of ephemera. Make of it what you will:

    Lafayette, Indiana Weekly Journal, 23 October 1863, p. 1. c.5:

    The Indianapolis Journal mentions the case of Carolina Reynolds, who was arrested last Wednesday [21 October 1863] at Camp Morton for wearing a soldiers' uniform, and staying in camp. It says: "She had been camp several days, and though feminine in feature her sex was not discovered until Wednesday, while being carried to quarters in a fit. She says she has been in several battles as a soldier of the 51st [Indiana Volunteer Infantry], in which she has a lover named Shirley [**see note below]. She had followed him to Nashville [Tennessee] and thence here, and says he promised to marry her. She says she has a father and sister living in Kentucky, and wants to go to them. She is about twenty or twenty-two years of age, rather above medium size, light complexion and quite handsome. The Mayor sent her to jail until some disposition can be made to send her home."

    **Note: There were, in fact, three men with the last name of "Shirley" in the 51st IVI:

    Edmond L. Shirley [aka Edward L. Shirley or Shurley], Company A, 51st IVI (mustered in as a Private, mustered out as a Corporal)

    Ira F. Shirley [or Shurley], Company A, 51st IVI (m/i and m/o as a Private)

    Thomas J. Shirley, Company C, 51st IVI (m/i as a Private, m/o as a Sergeant)

    The two men in Company A were undoubtedly related--probably brothers or cousins--while the man in Company C may also have been a relation as well.

    This incident certainly occurred in the 51st IVI parole & reorganization camp which had also been established at Camp Morton, subsequent to its exchange, several months after it was involved in Abel Streight's "Lightning Mule Brigade" fiasco, near Rome, Georgia, the previous May.

    I'm not immediately sure who held the Mayor's position in late October 1863: depending on when the elections were held, it was either Samuel D. Maxwell (Republican, 1858-1863) or John Caven (Republican, 1863-1867).

    Intriguing, huh?

    Mark Jaeger

    Mark Jaeger

  • #2
    Re: She-Devil at Camp Morton

    Were you able to dig up any follow up information? Was she later released and sent to Kentucky, and were any of the three men ever questioned as to their knowledge of any such lover? very interesting to say the least.
    [U][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Jesse William Wayne Nathan[/SIZE][/FONT][/U]

    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Currently non affiliated[/FONT]


    • #3
      Re: She-Devil at Camp Morton

      Hi Jesse,

      Hard to say at this point. I'll have to take a quick look for any follow-up articles in the Indianapolis Daily Journal. There were two other major newspapers in Indianapolis at this time (the Daily Sentinel and the Daily Evening Gazette), so there may be additional reportage about the "she-devil" in question.

      Very truly yours, &c.,

      Mark Jaeger

      Mark Jaeger


      • #4
        Re: She-Devil at Camp Morton


        Thanks for posting this tidbit. My gal and I had a conversation about the women that disguised themselves during the war the other day. I'll definitely show this article to her.
        Herb Coats
        Armory Guards &


        • #5
          Re: She-Devil at Camp Morton

          "My good sir... I'm so sorry, but females in the ranks are a modernism and totally farb..."

          LOL :D

          I'd be rich if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say that when I first started reenacting!
          Johnny Lloyd
          John "Johnny" Lloyd
          Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
          Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

          "Without history, there can be no research standards.
          Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
          Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
          Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

          Proud descendant of...


          • #6
            Re: She-Devil at Camp Morton

            Originally posted by Johnny Lloyd View Post
            "My good sir... I'm so sorry, but females in the ranks are a modernism and totally farb..."

            LOL :D

            I'd be rich if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say that when I first started reenacting!
            Lets stay clear of that discussion.
            Paul Calloway
            Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
            Proud Member of the GHTI
            Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
            Wayne #25, F&AM


            • #7
              Re: She-Devil at Camp Morton

              And if they could authenticate her enlistment she would have been invalidated out for a medical condition ... being female.

              It does make you wonder how "handsome" she could have been though. The women I consider good looking couldn't pass for a man and the women I know who could I wouldn't consider "handsome".
              Bob Sandusky
              Co C 125th NYSVI
              Esperance, NY

