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Gardinier Ammo Crate Markings

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  • Gardinier Ammo Crate Markings


    Does anyone have information on how the crates/boxes and packages for the .58 Gardinier Exploding bullets were marked?

    Chris Fischer

  • #2
    Re: Gardinier Ammo Crate Markings

    The Gardiner's "Musket Shell" appears to be an interesting side note to Civil War ammunition.

    After development an order for 10,000 rds, only 10 boxes, was placed in September 1862. Two hundred were used for testing and the 11th Corp ordered 20,000 more rounds but were only issued the remaining 9,800. Another 100,000 rds were ordered in December, 1862 "for the use of Sharpshooters & cavalry carbines, 75,000 of this number to be of the proper calibre for the latter and 25,000 to be of proper calibre for the former."

    In April 1863 the rounds were again tested and the Army Brass were still not impressed. "3. The attempt to obtain the advantages claimed for the shell bullet, has resulted in a very great sacrifice of accuracy and penetration."

    11th Corp used some of the rounds at Chancellorsville but the results were not recorded. The 2nd NHVI were issued the rds on June 8, 1863. Some rds were used at Gettysburg and others for target practice (about 4,000 rds). A few of the cartridge boxes exploded at Gettysburg "A shell struck and burst on the box of Corporal Thomas Bignall, of Company C. The cartridges were driven into his body and fired, and for nearly half a minute the devilish "musket shells" issued at Washington were exploding in his quivering form."

    By August exploding rounds reached the NY daily Tribure and shortly thereafter the remaining 76,000 rounds languished away in the Washington Arsenal.

    Note: The above information came from the book Round Ball to Rimfire by Dean S. Thomas

    Sorry, no info on the boxes but not that many were made.
    Jim Peterson
    Rowdy Pards


    • #3
      Re: Gardinier Ammo Crate Markings

      Heck, while we're on the subject, does anyone know of a website with actual photographs of period labels (military or otherwise) that can be printed out and used for packaging rounds, bottles, tins for authentic events? I'd love to get some of these to make my rounds and foodstuffs look more authentic. Gotta be something like this somewhere out there... Johnny
      Johnny Lloyd
      John "Johnny" Lloyd
      Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
      Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

      "Without history, there can be no research standards.
      Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
      Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
      Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

      Proud descendant of...


      • #4
        Re: Gardinier Ammo Crate Markings

        The best source I know of for any peiod labels is Bob Sullivan. His CDs are excellent, easy to use and contain examples of the types of paper stock you will need to match the period originals. And they're available from an approved vendor no less.
        Jeff Henion
        Columbia Rifles

