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Sewing Details

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  • Sewing Details

    In response to a request, here are some pictures of sewing details from an original men's surtout. Enjoy!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Sewing Details

    Wow! Great pics, thanks for sharing!!

    Couple of questions:
    I'm not familiar with the term "surtout". What is it and how does it differ from a frock or paletot?

    Looks like a red printed lining. Do you have a pic of the interior that you could share? Great stuff!

    Last, can you tell what type of thread was used? The pics of the buttonholes and overcast stitching (last photo) look like a very fine thread, almost like quilting thread or finer. Seems strange to see such a fine thread.

    Very interesting garment and great pics. Thanks, again!
    John Wickett
    Former Carpetbagger
    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


    • #3
      Re: Sewing Details


      You're right. The body is lined with red and black printed wool. It's a less structured garment than a frock or paletot. The tiny handstitching throughout the entire garment is inspiring.

      I'm away from home for a while, but I'll post more later.


      • #4
        Re: Sewing Details

        When you se the hand stiching here. how would you best decribe how you place the needle when making the stiching. do you push it all the way though both side and back again or put the needle at an angle and push it through the top layer and then through the back and out again in the top layer of fabric?

        Doung Nguyen


        • #5
          Re: Sewing Details


          When you return home, and when time permits, please provide a description of the button shown in the first and third pictures.

          Thank you in advance!
          Stefanie Shaffer
          [I]The Truth Is Out There.[/I]
          Member of the Museum of the Confederacy

