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more info on this Jacket

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  • more info on this Jacket

    Does anyone have anymore info on this jacket. What is it made of? so forth.

  • #2
    Re: more info on this Jacket

    I would enjoy looking at this jacket, unfortunately I can't seem to make the link work.

    C.J. Roberts
    C.J. Roberts


    • #3
      Re: more info on this Jacket


      You refer to the Prentice jacket, housed in Kentucky.

      Several things to speak of in regard to this piece.

      First, I would recommend that you direct your browser to this web address-

      The article I have linked was authored by KC MacDonald, a fine fellow with good insight into several Trans-Mississippi jackets, one of which is the Prentice jacket you've inquired about. A good introductory piece at the least.

      Second, the 2005 March/April "Civil War Historian" has an article by Matt Caldwell on the Civil War Museum of the Western Theater (in which the Prentice jacket resides) which you may want to try to get a copy of. That piece mentions the jacket in a short paragraph.

      Third, Rich Sathoff may be a good fellow to enter in the search function and shoot a PM to regarding this. I am pretty positive Rich was the one who took the images you mentioned with your first post.

      I would recommend those avenues as the better route to discovering the things you are interested in. I am a believer in the old phrase holding that the journey is as valuable as the destination. Thus- in studying up on the Prentice jacket, get to know more about the Trans-Mississippi theater in general and the wide variety of garments which saw service out on this side of the Big Muddy.

      Personally, I would call the Prentice jacket atypical in several ways- it is constructed of a material other than jean, cassimere, wool, or satinette; it is almost entirely machined; it is unlined. However, undyed jackets somewhat like it did see widespread use in this theater (as well as the early stages of the AOT days). There is a great deal of further reading to pursue. Dr. MacDonald, as well as Fred Adolphus, have done some good work in this regard, some of it published, and if you can ILL a copy of Moore's thesis work on the Texas penitentiary at Huntsville you'll be starting to get a taste of the wide-world of material culture out here.

      I hope this helps. Don't be afraid to dig and do some of the dirty work. I think none of us learn if we don't roll up our sleeves and not just ask for hand-outs of knowledge.

      My two cents.
      Fred Baker

      "You may call a Texian anything but a gentleman or a coward." Zachary Taylor


      • #4
        Re: more info on this Jacket

        i am sorry lets try this


        • #5
          Re: more info on this Jacket

          Thanks for the link. It seems to be a very good one on the trans jackets. i think your advice is very good. I like to ask alot of questions but the only way to learn is to ask alot of questions. I try to be as accurate as possible, but sometimes i miss the mark but i keep trying to get it right. I guess thats the fun of being in the hobby.

          thanks again

