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Yank and Reb trading at its best.

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  • Yank and Reb trading at its best.

    Found this letter and thought that I would share it. It is stereotypical reb/yank trading and fraternization at its best. I think these types of letters help break the first person misconception found in some reenacting circles that the use of Federal equipment by Confederates always has to be a battlefield pickup, taken from the dead, or confiscated from Federal prisoners.

    Near Chattahoochee
    Fulton Co.
    July 15th, 1864

    Dear Sister -
    - - - - - - - -Pickets don't fire at each other now. We go down to the edge of the river on our side and the Yankees come down on their side and talk to each other. The men on picket opposite are from Ohio, and seem very tired of the war. They say that their term of enlistment will be out in three months and most of them say that when it is out they are going home. Gen. Johnson has issued an order that there shall be no more communication between with them, and I think it is well that he has done so because they were getting too intimate. Some men don't know what should be concealed. The Yankees are very much in want of tobacco, and our Government gives it to us, and we used to trade tobacco with them for knives and canteens. There is a rock near the middle of the river to which they would swim and trade. After a while they got so well acquainted that some of our men would swim clear across and land among the Yankess. The Yankees were not so bold for a long time, but a few days ago they got to coming across also. That has been broken up now and if any trading is carried on, it is done contrary to orders.- - - - I took some tobacco down with me the other day but I found out when I got there communication had been stopped. As I was sitting on the banks, one of the Yankees from the other side called to me to know if I had any tobacco. I told him I had. He said that he had a good knife to trade for it. I told him that trading was prohibited. He said "Your officers won't see you, come over, I want a chew of tobacco very bad." I asked some of them who they were going to vote for President. One of them said "Old Abe" but most of them said they were for McLellan.
    We have a fine rain last night that was much needed. I had my oil cloth pitched for a tent but it leaks very badly. I got rather wet but the rain was very hard and lasted only a short time, and I got dry and went back to bed and slept very well. One of the Yankee Lieutenants promised to mail some letters for one of our officers and I wrote to Aunt Martha expecting to send it at the same time but Gen. Johnson stopped the prodeeding so I did not send it. There is a force of Yankees on this side of the river and have been there for some time. Why Gen. Johnson don't drive them back I don't know he must have some object in view.

    Write to me soon..

    Yours truly,
    O.D. Chester
    Last edited by Western Blue Belly; 09-12-2007, 09:46 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

    What an interesting letter. I thought it was interesting that the writer mentioned that the yankees were too intimate. It makes me curious as to what type of information they were sharing. Just my two cents.
    Morgan B. Tittle

    The Drunken Lullaby Mess

    "... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
    Theodore Roosevelt 1907


    • #3
      Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

      Originally posted by fedcampaigner View Post
      It makes me curious as to what type of information they were sharing.
      That caught my eye as well. Perhaps it was not so much what was shared mutually , but rather what information the Federals were attempting to gather?


      • #4
        Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

        Very interesting letter, thanks for sharing. What was the source for the letter?
        David Casey


        • #5
          Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

          What got my eye was from where it was written from being that I am not far from the hooch and Fulton Co. I don't think I'd try to swim across the river nowadays due to pollution and that the water is fearsome cold- even down that way.
          Chris R. Henderson

          Big'uns Mess/Black Hat Boys
          In Memory of Wm. Davis Couch, Phillips Legion Cav. from Hall Co. GEORGIA

          It's a trick, Gen. Sherman!...there's TWO of 'em! ~Lewis Grizzard

          "Learning to fish for your own information will take you a lot further than merely asking people to feed you the info you want." ~Troy Groves:D


          • #6
            Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

            Originally posted by DJCasey View Post
            Very interesting letter, thanks for sharing. What was the source for the letter?
            Just surfing around online I came across the text of this letter in a web site related to Georgia history. I googled it and found it in several other Civil War history related sites as well. Unfortunately none of the sites give any further info on O.D. Chester.


            • #7
              Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

              Bravo, W.B.Belly. Thank you for such a great reference!!

              Knives and canteens...

              ...what about 'Southern Nation' belts??? bahahaha! :D
              Guy W. Gane III
              Casting Director/Owner
              Old Timey Casting, LLC.

              Member of:
              49th NYVI Co. B
              The Filthy Mess

              Historian since 1982 - Reenactor since birth - Proud Member of the 'A.C.' since September 2004.sigpic


              • #8
                Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

                I found the tid bit about the support for McLellan over Lincoln to be interesting. It goes to show you how they thought the war was being run and who they were blaming it on.


                • #9
                  Re: Yank and Reb trading at its best.

                  Originally posted by P.Brown View Post
                  I found the tid bit about the support for McLellan over Lincoln to be interesting. It goes to show you how they thought the war was being run and who they were blaming it on.
                  That changed with Grant's victories and Sherman's march. Lincoln won in a landslide and I read somewhere that nearly 70% of the soldiers in the Army ended up voting for him.
                  Dave Gink
                  2nd US Cavalry
                  West Bend, WI

