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20th TN Uniform discussion

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  • 20th TN Uniform discussion

    As a Western Confederates wouldn't you embrace the joy of the havelock? They aren't just for Eastern Feds in 1861 anymore.

    What about Corporal Arthur M. Horton who served with the 41st Georgia? He enlisted on March 4, 1862 and was Captured and paroled at Vicksburg. At some point during this service he wore a havelock that now resides at the Gettysburg Visitor's Center.

    So, it's Confederate, it's Western Theater and it's 1862...why not wear one?

    BTW: I have an image of Horton someplace here that I'll try to find and scan in for you all to enjoy.
    [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]

  • #2
    Re: 20th TN Co C uniform

    To add to what Chris was saying, I have seen the letters of an officer in Stovall's Brigade, which the 41st was part of, refering to his painted cloth havelock at Vicksburg and that he had a plain cloth one during the Atlanta Campaign. He is an officer, but some were still being used.

    Lee White
    Researcher and Historian
    "Delenda Est Carthago"
    "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


    • #3
      Re: 20th TN Co D uniform


      Given that several other contemporary descriptions of the ATN at the time support Freemantle's observation I think we must take him at his word. See Arliskas' book for the most accessible versions of the descriptions. I believe he posted most of them in the Chickamauga event folder. Lee White also posted several (if not all) of the descriptions in the same folder. You can also see Robert Masten Holmes' (Walthall's brigade) descriptions of heavy shipments of clothes from home during the same period -- can't remember the title of the published version of his letters but can provide it if you'd like.

      Daryl Black


      • #4
        Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

        Holmes book is called "Kemper County Rebel" it's a very interesting read. It's just too bad it only spans from Nov. '62 to June '63. One highlight that I recall is that they were issued new clothes just a few days before Stones River.

        Will MacDonald


        • #5
          Re: 20th TN Co D uniform


          Thanks for the citation -- had just logged on to post it. It is a dandy little book. Another look at the influx of homemade clothes can be glimpsed in Joshua Callaway's letters -- 28th Alabama, I believe. Not an overwhelming number of references but some good ones -- seems that at one point Callaway was lending clothes his wife sent him to other soldiers in the company. Published version of the letters put out by the University of GA Press.
          Daryl Black


          • #6
            Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

            No problem, I first found the book in the Grenada County Library while I was in High School and I loved it. I think university library might have it, I think it might be time to read it again.....

            Will MacDonald


            • #7
              Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

              I went and checked out Holmes diary from the library today and have been going over it. Regarding clothing, it seems that the government clothing supply was pretty regular pre-Stones River, some clothing being issued to his regiment about once a month it seems. Nov. 16th 1862: "A great many of the troops have recieved their uniforms for the winter and perhaps we will draw before many days."
              He was correct, because on Nov. 20th he notes a clothing and blanket issue to his regiment. On Nov. 30th he writes: ".... and we returning back to camps found that Cousin Thomas Rush and some other men with him had reached camps and brought us the (???) most of them their winter clothing it coasting us only the exspences of it from there to this place."

              And on Christmas Day 1862 he writes: "There was a little clothing given out to the men today which is surposed to be the last they will get for a good while, it seems that the troops are very well supplied with clothing."
              However, about two months later on Feb 15th 1863 he writes: "Today is Sunday and at about dinner time one of the co. came in, bringing us letters & several of us some clothing, which I was very glad to get as my clothing had nearly worn out, we were also very glad to hear from our parents & friends at home."

              Not that my opinion really matters, but from what I've read from this and other sources, the AoT was getting a major influx of supplies (from the government and home) in the 6 weeks before Stones River, so a good mix of C.S. issue and civilian clothing would be appropriate. Maybe even some of the early Columbus Depot jackets would be seen in the ranks as well.

              Will MacDonald


              • #8
                Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

                Thank you for the quotes, wish you could make it out to this one!
                Patrick Landrum
                Independent Rifles


                • #9
                  Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

                  Just a thought...
                  Has anyone researched the company commander's files in the CSR's for Company C of the 20th TN? The library at Wallace State College in Hanceville, AL, has them I know, but it is a few hours drive from Jacksonville State University. Maybe someone in Tennessee or near Wallace could take a look at the company requisitions. Although requisitions will probably not tell you specific types of clothing issued, they will give you the numbers of coats, jackets, trousers, etc. issued.

                  [FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]Christopher P. Young[/B]
                  [/FONT] [URL=""]Army of Tennessee[/URL]
                  [URL=""]Our Federal Union, It Must Be Preserved[/URL]
                  [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character." Secretary of State Henry Clay, July 27,1827[/FONT]


                  • #10
                    Re: 20th TN Co D uniform


                    That is a great idea!

                    Also, if Landrum new anyone in the Nashville area that visits the State Archives (Jerry Hughes - cough, cough) we should see if the ORIGINAL company books are deposit there. I know, in years past, we get A LOT of GREAT info out of the company books of Co. C, 2nd Tenn. Infantry that are in the State Archives.

                    If the State has these original records books, they would answer most of these questions being asked!
                    PATRICK CRADDOCK
                    Prometheus No. 851
                    Franklin, Tennessee
                    Widows' Sons Mess

                    Aut Bibat Aut Abeat

                    Can't fix stupid... Johnny Lloyd


                    • #11
                      Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

                      Sounds like an event organizers job to me.
                      Patrick Landrum
                      Independent Rifles


                      • #12
                        Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

                        Has anyone jumped on the research suggestion from Chris? If not, I can take an hour or two and head over to the Chattanooga library -- they have the TN CSRs. Just to be clear, we are looking for late 1862 material?
                        Daryl Black


                        • #13
                          Re: 20th TN Co D uniform


                          According to the WIG website and last time I checked Company "C" is n0t being recreated. Companies A, D, and F of the 20th Tn are being recreated for the event. I think everyone would be wise to stick to the guidelines posted by the event organziers and the company commader's request as well.
                          Herb Coats
                          Armory Guards &


                          • #14
                            Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

                            So has anyone looked at those CSRs? I don't want to duplicate another's efforts.
                            Daryl Black


                            • #15
                              Re: 20th TN Co D uniform

                              No matter what company is being portrayed, the CSRs would be a great place to get some sort of idea concerning equipment in use by these troops. Also, like Pat said, it would not be a bad idea to head over to Nashville if at all possible and take a look at the company books they may have on hand there. Daryl, I have found out that the Gadsden Public library in Gadsden, AL, has TN CSRs, but like you, I do not want to duplicate what someone else may have already researched.

                              [FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]Christopher P. Young[/B]
                              [/FONT] [URL=""]Army of Tennessee[/URL]
                              [URL=""]Our Federal Union, It Must Be Preserved[/URL]
                              [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character." Secretary of State Henry Clay, July 27,1827[/FONT]

