On the old forum, I recall that there was a thread regarding overcoat capes, their cuts and methods of attachment. In addition, there has been some discussion of late regarding Confederate overcoats. Thus I submit to you the folllowing quote from a letter that Dan M. Nelson (unit affiliation unknown) wrote to his wife while "in front of Chattanooga, November 11, 1863." This letter was found on the person of Samuel Davis, allegedly one of Gen'l Bragg's spies, after his capture.
A "cape as long as the arm"... quite long, don't you think? I don't recall seeing any extant examples with a cape as such.
It seems all the Middle Tennesseeans are going to desert. Have you made my clothes yet? You must make them a great deal larger than any you have ever made me, for tight clothes don't last. Have my overcoat cut military style, to come below the knee, and cape as long as the arm; frock some larger and longer than the jeans one you had made last fall; and pants a good deal larger in the body and leg than my old pattern; boots, No. 10...