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Confederate Jacket linings.

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  • Confederate Jacket linings.


    I know there are few indepth researchers of Confederate officer jackets around here. Can a few Confederate uniform tailors please stand up!?

    I am working on a officers model "homeprocured" shell jacket and would like to know the best lining combination. I have been told a quilted lining would be nice, but I did'nt want to make it that complex. What about interfacing? Should a interfacing of osnaburg or drill just go along the edge of the coat or fill the entire fronts? Can anyone who has examined any original officer type C.S. jackets give me an idea on the lining issue.

    The only sources I have for research are a host of uniform digests, namely EOG which does not show detail on the inside of jackets.

    Thanks for all your intrest,
    Christopher E. McBroom, Capt.
    16th Ark. Infantry - 1st Arkansas Battalion, C.S.A.

    Little Rock Castle No. 1
    Order of Knights of the Golden Circle

  • #2
    Re: Confederate Jacket linings.

    You might contact Robert Serio by e-mail. He has done some extensive research on Arkansas units and might have some insight to your question. He also worked at the Old State House in Little Rock so he may have seen some examples of what you seek.
    Chris Houk
    Van Buren Boys Mess


    These were men-
    Whom power could not corrupt
    Whom Death could not terrify
    Whom defeat could not dishonor

    -Confederate Cemetery Marker at Fayetteville, AR


    • #3
      Re: Confederate Jacket linings.

      Slow day today so I thought I'd take a look in storage and do a quick survey here. This is not definitative by any means--just a ten minute look-see. If you want detailed questions answered you'll have to be specific and I'll have a tech get a good answer for you.

      I did a quick look at 19 CSA officer's coats (all ranks) that were handy and here is what I spotted:

      Body Linings-
      3--Plain Osnaburg or white cotton.
      7--Alpaca serge or some such fancier lining material--usually faded blackish brown.
      4--Tan cotton.
      1--Weird striped patterned stuff, all white.
      1--Bright blue.
      1--Quarter inch check (brownish and whitish, but who knows how it faded and I did not take it out for closer look).

      And only two of them were quilted.

      Sleeve lining-
      15--Plain osnaburg or white cotton.
      1--Definite tan colored cotton (kind of dark).
      1--Check (not the same coat as the check body above).
      1--Weird stripe, all white (not the same coat as had the striped body lining above).

      They all had a coat material interface of some varying width--none of the linings went all the way to the edge.

      Admittedly a quick ten minute look, this is by no means to be taken as exhaustive, just consider this only the bearest of 'quickie' surveys.
      Spence Waldron~
      Coffee cooler

      "Straggled out and did not catch up."


      • #4
        Re: Confederate Jacket linings.

        In my original CD jacket there is interlining of what looks like light wt linen that is about half the width of the jacket front panel at the neck, then tapers to about an inch wider than the inside facings at the bottom of the jacket.

        Joe Walker


        • #5
          Re: Confederate Jacket linings.


          Thanks for the input guys. For a moment there I thought this would wither off the thread!

          My question is what interfacing is used in Confederate shell jackets. The type and cut of fabric sandwiched between the outer "shell" and the lining that touches our bodies. I have been told by many of the tailors in the hobby to definetly use something. Most say heavy canvass, duck or drill. My research has revealed that many C.S. jackets had no interfaceing, however, some did.

          Has anyone handled the T.J. Beck Dept. of Alabama jacket in the Confederate Memorial Hall, New Orleans? This jacket is interfaced but how and with what? It may be like Joe Walker's (encompassing 1/2 the front) or It could be the entire front piece.

          Thank you for all your responses!
          Christopher E. McBroom, Capt.
          16th Ark. Infantry - 1st Arkansas Battalion, C.S.A.

          Little Rock Castle No. 1
          Order of Knights of the Golden Circle

