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1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression

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  • 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression


    I had to drop out of the hobby for a while because of college and stupidly I sold most of my stuff, but I am coming back into the hobby.

    Here is my question.

    What jacket would be the best for a 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee generic impression? Because I was pondering on what jacket to get first?

    Here are my thoughts

    1.Type II Columbus Depot
    2. Civilian Sack Coat
    3. Military/Commutation Frock Coat

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Kindest regards,

    Robert "Rocky" Kilpatrick
    Prattville Lodge #89 F&AM

  • #2
    Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression


    You can't go wrong with any of your choices. You may also want to consider the Dept. of Alabama jacket as well as the Atlanta and Mystery (Mobile) jackets I personally prefer the type II myself, but be sure to research the outfit you want to portray. Also, there is an excellent website on the CD jacket by Geoff Walden. There is a link to it on the "research articles" tab. Good luck and welcome back to the hobby!
    Drew Lane


    • #3
      Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression

      Thanks Ghostrider

      My ancestors that fought in the Army of Tennessee were poor farmers from the central Alabama area none of them( 6 fought in the AOT) even knew how to write their own name( X's as signatures on their enlistment and surrender papers)

      So, to honor these brave men, the youngest being 15 when he enlisted, I was thinking about making a commoner's civilian sack coat and wearing mostly civilian stuff. Only having my rifle, accoutrements, and canteen as military issued items.

      Any further help is greatly appreciated.
      Kindest regards,

      Robert "Rocky" Kilpatrick
      Prattville Lodge #89 F&AM


      • #4
        Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression

        Like all things with the Army of Tennessee it depends on the time, the place, and the unit. Having said that, I would lean toward a Commutation items, like the Frock Coat from a soldier in the 29th Alabama that is on display at the Atlanta History Center, the boy's mother sent it to him just before he was killed at Peachtree Creek.

        Lee White
        Researcher and Historian
        "Delenda Est Carthago"
        "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


        • #5
          Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression

          As Lee said,it all depends.Pick up a copy of Cadet Grey and Butternut Brown to help with your research some.As Lee also said,commutation uniforms would work very well.I would add on and said do a mixture of commutation and issue (I.E. a commutation jacket,civie slouch hat,a pair of issue trousers and an issue shirt).But before you do any real buying,get C.G.&B.B. and read from there.Hope this helps some.
          Cullen Smith
          South Union Guard

          "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

          "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


          • #6
            Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression


            Are you talking about the Red pillow ticking frock coat in Echoes of Glory?
            Kindest regards,

            Robert "Rocky" Kilpatrick
            Prattville Lodge #89 F&AM


            • #7
              Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression

              I'm going to jump in here Lee. The honorable Mr. White is refering is Pvt. Johnson's frock coat, a member of the 29th Alabama who was killed at Peachtree Creek during the Atlanta Campaign. A picture of it can also be found in the Time Life book dealing with the Atlanta Campaign.

              [FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]Christopher P. Young[/B]
              [/FONT] [URL=""]Army of Tennessee[/URL]
              [URL=""]Our Federal Union, It Must Be Preserved[/URL]
              [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character." Secretary of State Henry Clay, July 27,1827[/FONT]


              • #8
                Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression


                Here is a photo of said coat.

                Attached Files
                [FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]Christopher P. Young[/B]
                [/FONT] [URL=""]Army of Tennessee[/URL]
                [URL=""]Our Federal Union, It Must Be Preserved[/URL]
                [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]"Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character." Secretary of State Henry Clay, July 27,1827[/FONT]


                • #9
                  Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression

                  I would second Cullen's recommendation of Cadet Grey and Butternut Brown; it's an excellent resource.
                  Scott Dallimore
                  14th SCVI Co. I "McCalla's Rifles"
                  Reedy River Mess - 16th S.C. The Greenville Rg't


                  • #10
                    Re: 1863-1865 Army of Tennessee Impression

                    Thanks, pards.

                    I just ordered a copy of the before mentioned book. I hope I can have a chance to read it soon. Taking 18 hours of college and working really drains you.
                    Kindest regards,

                    Robert "Rocky" Kilpatrick
                    Prattville Lodge #89 F&AM

