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Sam Watkins Coat

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  • Sam Watkins Coat

    I put on Ken Burns CW on today to keep me company while I sew up my latest Charlie Childs kit. They showed the picture of Sam Watkins of Company "Aytch" fame, that we have all seen. I dropped my needle and looked real good at that coat and could not for the life of me decide what kind it was. The collar is what throws me off. Has anyone paid attention to this? Could be that his shirt collar is turned down over his coat collar.

    What style of coat do y'all think this is?

    Ronnie Hull
    Lt Co G 3rd La / Co C 48th OVI
    Shreveport, La

    Independent Rifles and all of hell followed "
    Western Independent Greys

    Descendent of Levi W. Leech - Private, Co G Tenth Texas Cavalry, Dmtd 1861-1865, AOT

    2009 Bummers November 13 - 16
    2010 Vicksburg L.O.L February 5-7
    Before the Breakout September 10-12

  • #2
    Re: Sam Watkins Coat

    What episode are you refering to?
    - Pvt. S. Martin Aksentowitz
    1st California Co. F
    Carleton's Cannibals

    [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Angst kommt; da werden sie Heil suchen, aber es wird nicht zu finden sein.- HESEKIEL 7.25[/COLOR][/CENTER]

    [CENTER]"To day we. . . stopped a few minutes to examine the crumbling ruins the walls were defaced with Texians traitors names and Texican Braggodocia but nary a Texican thare to answer to his name or make good his writing on the wall."
    -Eli W. Hazen, 1st California Vol. Inf.[/CENTER]

    [RIGHT][COLOR="Silver"]"Credo Quio Absurdum" - ECV[/COLOR][/RIGHT]


    • #3
      Re: Sam Watkins Coat

      the 2nd disc, Episode two, 1862 a very bloody affair
      Ronnie Hull
      Lt Co G 3rd La / Co C 48th OVI
      Shreveport, La

      Independent Rifles and all of hell followed "
      Western Independent Greys

      Descendent of Levi W. Leech - Private, Co G Tenth Texas Cavalry, Dmtd 1861-1865, AOT

      2009 Bummers November 13 - 16
      2010 Vicksburg L.O.L February 5-7
      Before the Breakout September 10-12


      • #4
        Re: Sam Watkins Coat

        You are presumably talking about this image.

        Yours, &c.,

        Mark Jaeger
        Attached Files

        Mark Jaeger


        • #5
          Re: Sam Watkins Coat

          I have always thought felt that this coat is a commutaion jacket-he writes about receiving a matching jacket, trousers and vest from home-it looks to me as if the trousers could match the jacket. As far as the collar, it looks like it has 2 hook and loop type fasteners at the collar and he has the top one fastened, the bottom open-as well as having an angled line of trim(possibly black) on each side of the collar. The buttons have always looked oversized to me, they are rounded on top and appear to have some design or stamp on them-maybe a greatcoat button? I have also wondered if maybe this was a frockcoat. His hat is also interesting, the AOT didnt have a whole lot of oppurtunity to capture Federal gear, a souvineered Hardee, would have certainly been a status symbol, but how likely?-possibly a confederate produced "Hardee"? Sorry that I have more questions than solutions-just some food for thought.-ELI GEERY
          -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
          "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
          "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
          "The Bully Boys"
          "The Hard Case Boys"
          "The Independant Mess"
          29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
          3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


          • #6
            Re: Sam Watkins Coat

            Interesting Thoughts. Maybe it is a Frock, and yes, that hat could sure be a hardee! I need to re-read the book "company Aytch". Very interesting reading. One of those books you need to reaquaint yourself with ever now and then!

            Ronnie Hull
            Lt Co G 3rd La / Co C 48th OVI
            Shreveport, La

            Independent Rifles and all of hell followed "
            Western Independent Greys

            Descendent of Levi W. Leech - Private, Co G Tenth Texas Cavalry, Dmtd 1861-1865, AOT

            2009 Bummers November 13 - 16
            2010 Vicksburg L.O.L February 5-7
            Before the Breakout September 10-12


            • #7
              Re: Sam Watkins Coat

              Somewhere, amongst the stuff still being unpacked from the move, I have a paperback copy of Co. Aytch that has a full figure image of Sam Watkins. His hat does in fact appear to be a Dress Hat, and he is apparently wearing a shell. What type I cant recall, but it may be a commutation. As soon as I find it, Ill scan the cover and try to figure out how to post it.
              Robert W. Hughes
              Co A, 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters/64th Illinois Inf.
              Thrasher Mess
              Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2004-2005
              ENG Brigade, 1st Cavalry Div. "1st Team!"
              Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America

              Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
              And I said "Here I am. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


              • #8
                Re: Sam Watkins Coat

                This has been a topic of discussion recently at Chickamauga. What I uncovered might shed somelight on this. The 1st TN had a sugardaddy in Columbus, GA, that being Rhodes Brown, the President of the Eagle Mills. Chaplin Quintard wrote of him several times, starting in early 1863 and through 1865. Brown gave him huge quantities of "excellent cloth to clothe my regiment. To this he thoughtfully added buttons, thread and lining...The cloth at that time was valued at forty five dollars a yard". I found the last mention to be very enlightening, Feb 8th, 1865 "Visited...1st Tenn...found fifty men remaining...rejoiced me very much to find them all well clothed, and there still remain one half of the clothes presnted to me by Mr. Brown."
                Also note, that the Eagle Mills made mainly Kersey and Cassimere, very very little jean.

                Lee White
                Researcher and Historian
                "Delenda Est Carthago"
                "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"



                • #9
                  Related but unrelated......

                  Ken Burns CD set = $100
                  44 LCD 1080 TV = $4500
                  XBOX 360 HD 1080 = $500

                  Technology meeting history thus providing the ability to view most all of the major CW images in stunning detail = PRICELESS

                  "Dad your not gonna hog the xbox all night to stare at that same old picture again are you ?"
                  my 9 year old with HALO 3 and controller in hand


                  • #10
                    Re: Sam Watkins Coat

                    Originally posted by plankholder View Post
                    His hat is also interesting, the AOT didnt have a whole lot of oppurtunity to capture Federal gear, a souvineered Hardee, would have certainly been a status symbol, but how likely?-possibly a confederate produced "Hardee"?
                    Is it just me, or is the brim on his hat way too big to be a dress hat? A dress hat brim would not fold all the way to the top of the crown like that. They only make it about half way when pinned up.
                    David Casey


                    • #11
                      Re: Sam Watkins Coat

                      Originally posted by DJCasey View Post
                      Is it just me, or is the brim on his hat way too big to be a dress hat?
                      This is something Pat Lewis and I have talked about.If you notice in several early war photos of the 1st,it appears that they all seem to be wearing similar headgear.What we are thinking is that the 1st was using civie headgear to try and immulate dress hats.
                      Hope these pictures can help you some.
                      Attached Files
                      Cullen Smith
                      South Union Guard

                      "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

                      "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


                      • #12
                        Re: Sam Watkins Coat

                        I'm in agreement in thinking that the coat that he is wearing is fastened at the top with a hook and eye, probably one of two on the garment collar.

                        Concerning hats, in the middle part of the nineteenth century one style of citizen's hat that was quite popular looked very similar to an army hat and can be seen in a variety of colors. There's a fair amount of photographic evidence of these and one source would be Joann Severa's book "Dressed for the Photographer" among others.

                        Darrek Orwig


                        • #13
                          Re: Sam Watkins Coat

                          Concerning the hat I think that the Steamboat Arabia was shipping blank Hardee type hats. Also a later round hat is very similar and popular type of civilian hat. I am sure the army copied from civilian fashion.
                          Thomas J. Alleman
                          "If the choice be mine, I chose to march." LOR


                          • #14
                            Re: Sam Watkins Coat

                            One thing to note is in his memoirs, Sam said that once, and only once, did he try to take something off a dead Union soldier. It was an excellent pair of boots, but the corpse appeared to be staring at Sam, and this freaked Sam out something awful. He never tried to take anything off a corpse again.

                            Now, if that truly is a Union made Hardee hat, and Sam simply purchased a letter "H" to attatch to it, he must have just found the hat sitting someplace after a battle had gone on, and didn't take it off a corpse.
                            -Ty "Tic-Tac" Gladden
                            Co. A, 1st Texas Infantry
                            One of the "Three Jesi", and founding member of the Shire Mess.
                            Part of the Chocolate People Mess, of the Texmosippiana Society...


                            • #15
                              Re: Sam Watkins Coat

                              All the Co. H photos that Cullen posted being from 1861 and the more common SRW from 62, I find it highly unlikely that those hats are Hardees. I think we've seen some pretty solid opinions on similar civilian patterns. When most of those shots were taken the 1st hadn't left Camp Cheatham. But there is that issue of hat brass. It seems fairly common among the 1st in their 1862 photos. It shows up on the Rock City Guards (A-B-C), Williamson Grays (D), and H that I can think of off the top of my head. My copy is a bit hard to see, but I'm thinking that George Nichols is wearing "D/1T" on his Oct. 62 shot (not to mention a frock that looks a whole lot like Watkins'). They're getting brass from somewhere.
                              [FONT=Garamond]Patrick A. Lewis

                              "Battles belong to finite moments in history, to the societies which raise the armies which fight them, to the economies and technologies which those societies sustain. Battle is a historical subject, whose nature and trend of development can only be understood down a long historical perspective.”

