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Need some help (14th South Carolina)

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  • Need some help (14th South Carolina)

    I'm looking for pictures of the 14th South Carolina Infantry Regiment. We are featuring the unit at the"Skirmish at the Mill" event. I have been unable to find any pictures of the original unit. We need to set the Confederate kit standards. Any help in this area will be greatly appreciated.

    Dave Prince
    Texacan Mess
    4th Texas Co. E
    "Skirmish at Wolcott Mill" coordinator
    Dave Prince

  • #2
    Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

    I don't have anything of the 14th SC, but my ancestors fought in the 10th & 15th SC Vols. I honestly don't know if they fought with the 14th or not. I have one copy of a picture taken of Pvt Hilliard Todd who I believe was in the 15th SC.

    If you can somehow contact Dennis Todd (2 Great Grandson of Hilliard) from Cayce, SC. He might be able to share some stuff with you. He is a LT. Commander of the Columbia chapter SCV.

    Good Luck!

    Nathan Albert
    Nathan Albert
    Member CWPT, SMH
    Covenant Lodge #473 F&AM
    Shocker Mess!


    • #3
      Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

      Mr. Prince,

      One of our local units portrays the 14th SC. I have a small book on the history of the unit at home as well as some other information. I don't recall any images but will be happy to look this evening and let you know.

      Mrs. Sherry Key.
      Sherry Key
      aka Mrs. Cornbread


      • #4
        Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)


        The bigger question is what time period/theatre is this event? I just looked at the website so I see it's post-Sharpsburg/Gregg's Brigade (one of the best IMHO) OK, pretty easy:

        SC Issue frocks
        Civilian/Commutation clothing
        US Blouse from Harper's Ferry
        Limited US-Harper's Ferry stocks once again

        English Accoutrements/Knapsacks
        CS Issue/Manufacture everything else
        Limited US, etc blankets, canteens, haversacks

        All this is pretty backed up by research; hope this helps.


        Neill Rose


        • #5
          Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)


          This is pretty much what I was thinking. Do you know if the 14th wore yellow tape on their collars? Would the Bomar Frock coat be an appropriate image for their Frock coats?

          Dave Prince
          Dave Prince


          • #6
            Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)


            The yellow tape on the collar was a Hampton Legion specific item and not SC issue/pattern per se. The Bomar frock actually does not conform to the SC frock pattern with the flush collar piecing but would certainly do for the event. Do a search of my posts as I attached an image several months ago of the Adger SC frock from the Charleston Museum.

            Neill Rose


            • #7
              Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

              Mr. Prince,

              Well, I found the book, 'booklet' would be more accurate, and the very few images are poor copies and mostly in civilian dress. The lone image in uniform is of Pvt. Goody M. Timmerman of Pleasant Lane, SC. It appears to be a 9 button shell with standing collar. No other details are visible.

              The booklet referenced is "Company K Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers", Observer Printing and Publishing House, Charlotte, N.C. 1897. We purchased this copy from either the chamber of commerce or historic society of Edgefield, S.C. several years ago and is a copy.

              I see Mr. Rose has answered you also and I defer to his excellent research.

              Good luck!
              Sherry Key.
              Sherry Key
              aka Mrs. Cornbread


              • #8
                Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

                From my research, the Bomar coat was quite possibly made at the same place as the Gregg's. Early war was a nine button frock with 1/2 inch trim (dark blue) around the collare instead of buff. 1 inch dark blue trim on the pants. Later in the war they changed to a 7 button frock that might have been a little longer. Trim on frock and pants stayed. This information was taken out of 2 books that I have at home. Just can't think of the names off of the top of my head. I have researched for a couple of years on this, and it is the only information that I have found to date. I have never seen a picture of any unit from Gregg's.
                Hope this helps.
                Oh, dark blue forage hats early war, gray with a dark blue band later.
                William Feuchtenberger
                Co. H
                1st South Carolina Volunteers


                • #9
                  Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

                  Thanks for the help on this. I'll look for the picture.

                  Dave Prince
                  Dave Prince


                  • #10
                    Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

                    Does anyone make a good (non Bomar) SC Frock? What is the mostly likely material? I have seen a reference that said the Girls Industrial School (?) in Charleston used Steel Gray jean, blue gray jean, sheep's gray, and "brown plains" for making up their uniforms. I am really partial to either blue gray hemp jean or Ben Tart's Bark brown jean myself. Also Brass State buttons, Eagle buttons, or wooden dish buttons?

                    Last edited by sepoy1857; 02-19-2008, 06:45 PM. Reason: spelling, punctuation
                    Scott Dallimore
                    14th SCVI Co. I "McCalla's Rifles"
                    Reedy River Mess - 16th S.C. The Greenville Rg't


                    • #11
                      Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)


                      I've only seen one good SC 'issue' type frock; currently no one is offering such a thing but I'd be happy to share info with anyone interested. Anyway, about any domestic wool/cotton mix is acceptable but I'd stay away from wool/hemp as there's zero evidence that this was used in SC. I have numerous copies of bills submitted by the early war contractors in Charleston. One of the favorite textiles was the "Salem jeans" from the Fries (Sp?) Mills in SC.

                      Eagle buttons are a good choice followed by SC, then civilian and lastly wooden in that order.

                      Hope this helps.

                      Neill Rose


                      • #12
                        Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

                        I am working with an approved sutler and hopefully if we could get a decent PEC type frock going for around $275, that would fit the specs for an early war frock.
                        This would be a great idea for anyone doing an early war SC impression.

                        I have some 14th SC information, I can post some later. A Mjor Harper was one of the regimental AAQM's.

                        Greg Deese
                        Gregory Deese
                        Carolina Rifles-Living History Association

                        "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.


                        • #13
                          Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

                          I'd love to have it.
                          Dave Prince
                          Dave Prince


                          • #14
                            Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

                            Hey Greg

                            Yeah I'll second that. Anything you might have will be gratefully received! I'd be interested in an early war frock too - $275 is about the right price for me.

                            Scott Dallimore
                            14th SCVI Co. I "McCalla's Rifles"
                            Reedy River Mess - 16th S.C. The Greenville Rg't


                            • #15
                              Re: Need some help (14th South Carolina)

                              Supplies drawn by Co. I 14th SC, SC Archives Microfilm for the 14th SC ,

                              by R.L.W .Caughlin
                              Asst. QM CS Army,
                              viz. John Brown , Col. Commdg.

                              Special Request 40

                              1 shirt $2.50
                              1 pair drawers $2.50
                              1 skillet & lid
                              6 pair shoes $8.00
                              2 pair shoes $6.00
                              4 woolen shirts $5.00
                              15 pair shoes at $6.00 ea.
                              1 overcoat $25
                              1 blanket $9

                              For the wants of the men
                              Received at Orange C. H. 14 Nov 1863

                              I have some earlier receipts I will post later for 1862,

                              Greg Deese
                              Gregory Deese
                              Carolina Rifles-Living History Association

                              "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.

