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English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

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  • English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers


    Has any one heard of Federal soldiers being issued Isaac and Campbell knapsacks during the Civil War? In EOG Arms and equipment of the Union, they have pictures of English snake head belt buckles, ball boxes, sheaths, frogs, and cartridge boxes, this made me think why would the North not buy knapsacks from England?
    Andrew Kasmar

  • #2
    Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

    I belive some MASS troops had them, but cant recall the unit or extent of issue, if you shoot me a PM, I will put you in touch with a fella that can give you some statistics and more concrete info on the matter.-ELI GEERY
    -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
    "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
    "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
    "The Bully Boys"
    "The Hard Case Boys"
    "The Independant Mess"
    29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
    3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


    • #3
      Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

      Eli, First, thank you for your real military service, and we're glad you are back home...
      Second, I am a transplanted Buckeye, now living in Massachusetts. Some minor research I've done leads me to believe that not only did the Gov's agent purchase massive amounts of Enfields for MA troops, that accoutrements were in the package as well... Would you mind terribly to advance your contact's information re: MA equippage? Or, in lieu, you could forward my information to him.
      Dave "Gus" Gallagher
      Pit Rats Mess
      The "Old 49th" OVI
      Western Brigade

      "Corporal, what the devil does O.V.M. stand for?"
      "Oh, my plate you mean?" says the corporal; "that stands for Ohio Visiting Mississippi. We had a few made on purpose for this campaign."


      • #4
        Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

        OH, Mea culpa... if you look at the classic photo of Union Infantry on Lookout Mountain, check one of the fellas in the first row with the Brit snake belt... Baumgartner's "Echoes of Battle - The Atlanta Campaign"

        Dave "Gus" Gallagher
        Pit Rats Mess
        The "Old 49th" OVI
        Western Brigade

        "Corporal, what the devil does O.V.M. stand for?"
        "Oh, my plate you mean?" says the corporal; "that stands for Ohio Visiting Mississippi. We had a few made on purpose for this campaign."


        • #5
          Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers


          I can answer that question. There is no mention of English pattern knapsacks being purchased and.or issued by the states of Massachusetts, Maine, New hampshire, or Vermont, the states that I am familiar with.

          The issues of Emglish pattern accoutrements from the state to Massachusetts units were very specific as to place and date, and only two regiments recieved complete issues of them. The other regiments who recieved English pattern accoutrements got only partial sets. the remaining pieces being of the American pattern.

          This has been covered extensivelu on an earluer thread, and a search here ought to uncover it. In one of my postings I listed the units which recieved these items.

          FWIW, there are several images of Mass soldiers with English pattern gear, and not one of them has an English knapsack. Those who do have knapsacks are of the stabdard Federal "double-bag" pattern.

          Tim Kindred
          Medical Mess
          Solar Star Lodge #14
          Bath, Maine


          • #6
            Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

            Thanks for the information.
            Andrew Kasmar


            • #7
              Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers


              ...and just as a reminder, Isaac and Campbell dealt exclusively with the CS Government mainly through Caleb Huse. That of course doesn't mean other English contractors and manufacturers couldn't have dealt with Northern purchasing agents.

              Neill Rose


              • #8
                Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

                Thanks Tim, I'll be looking that one up....
                Dave "Gus" Gallagher
                Pit Rats Mess
                The "Old 49th" OVI
                Western Brigade

                "Corporal, what the devil does O.V.M. stand for?"
                "Oh, my plate you mean?" says the corporal; "that stands for Ohio Visiting Mississippi. We had a few made on purpose for this campaign."


                • #9
                  Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

                  Andrew, just PM'd ya!-ELI GEERY
                  -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
                  "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
                  "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
                  "The Bully Boys"
                  "The Hard Case Boys"
                  "The Independant Mess"
                  29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
                  3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


                  • #10
                    Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

                    We know that Northern agents were competing with Caleb Huse for the P 1853 Enfield from the London Armoury Co in early 1861.Its therefore perfectly possible that other Northern agents bought the P1854 British Army Knapsack, but they wouldn't have been marked "S Isaac Campbell & Co".
                    As Neill points out SI&C dealt exclusively with the Confederate Government only.

                    Dave Burt, ACWS, England.
                    David Burt, Co Author "Suppliers to the Confederacy: British Imported Arms and Accoutrements" "Suppliers to the Confederacy II: S. Isaac Campbell & Co, London - Peter Tait & Co, Limerick, Out Now


                    • #11
                      Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

                      Originally posted by DBURT View Post
                      .Its therefore perfectly possible that other Northern agents bought the P1854 British Army Knapsack,

                      Dave Burt, ACWS, England.
                      What i would need to see were invoices or other paperwork to confirm this. I like others have not come across there use by federal troops.
                      Martyn Goddard
                      American Eagle Society
                      Mess #4



                      • #12
                        Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

                        I have to agree with Tim on this one. In the particular case of Massachusetts the Adjutant General's Report does not indicate any being purchased and subsequently issued to Massachusetts soldiers by the state. I'll have to look around for my copies to be 100% sure, but the primary dealings Massachusetts had with the English were for rifles and leathers and then only in 1861 with some further deliveries in 1862 after that American production was able to meet the needs of the State. Massachusetts taking pride in the fact that every regiment that left the state was fully equipped before leaving for Federal service.
                        The only foreign knapsacks that I know of off the top of my head that were issued to Massachusetts soldiers were the French ones given to the 18th Massachusetts along with their French Chasseur a Pied accoutrements in December of 1861 for being the best drilled regiment in their brigade. This equipment however appears to be put in storage and American style equipment used during the Peninsula Campaign.
                        I am, etc.
                        Thomas Gingras
                        Awkward Squad Mess
                        Columbia Rifles
                        Honorary SRR "Yankee"


                        • #13
                          Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers

                          Attached is a draft of an article I wrote up some years ago and contemplated sending in for publication (I never did send it and have moved on to other interests). Nevertheless, take from it what you will (along with a large chunk of salt).

                          Yours, &c.,

                          Mark Jaeger
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by markj; 03-21-2008, 04:18 PM.

                          Mark Jaeger


                          • #14
                            Re: English Knapsacks issued to Federal Soldiers


                            Thank you for the article.
                            Andrew Kasmar

