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What is Cotton Drill?

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  • What is Cotton Drill?

    I have looked around and though I can find several mentions of cotton drill, I can't find anything that explains what cotton drill is. The reason I ask is that my mother (bless her heart) got me a pattern for drawers for my b-day. It recommends using cotton drill. I also recently read an excerpt from "where they fell" that was a veterans advice to new recruits. One of the things mentioned was getting a piece of "brown drill" to put between yourself and the blanket. He states that it does not add much weight or take up space but doubles the comfort on cooler nights.
    So, I guess after all this is really two questions: what is cotton drill and has anyone ever heard or read about this veteran's advice anywhere else?
    Any light that can be shed on this will render me forever grateful.
    My best Regards,
    Kevin Schoepfel
    140th NYVI

  • #2
    Re: What is Cotton Drill?


    I got this off the internet

    drill³ Definition drill (dril)


    a coarse linen or cotton cloth with a diagonal weave, used for work clothes, uniforms, etc.

    Etymology: < earlier drilling < Ger drillich < OHG drilich, made of three threads < L trilix (gen. trilicis) < tri-, tri- + licium, thread

    In a military context you see it after the Civil War showing up in specifications for tents and as the material of choice for haversacks and blanket bags. In short, it wouldn't be my first choice for an undergarment, but to each his own.:)
    Mick Woodcock

    Company of Military Historians


    • #3
      Re: What is Cotton Drill?

      Drill is simply a "stock" fabric that has a fairly rigid hand, is relatively thin, very durable, commonly found unbleached, and has a distinctive twill weave visible on the face. It was used for all kinds of things during the mid-19th century, including these applications which I've observed in my research:

      - Shelter tents and tent flies,
      - S.A. frock sleeve lining,
      - Fed. overcoat sleeve lining,
      - Haversacks,
      - Knapsacks,
      - Oilcloths,
      - Oilcloth "water waders,"
      - Interfacings in some shell jackets and frocks,
      - Lining for carpet slippers,
      - Trouser pockets and linings,
      - NY state jacket lining (brown drill).

      A word about undergarments though; I've seen period newspapers advertise drill underdrawers so it's clear that they were available. Keep in mind that they were most likely going to be very cheap when compared to the silk knit, wool knit, and merino drawers that were available through the same clothing house in the ad. The few surviving drawers that I've seen have been made from either lighter, finer, or more flexible materials such as ribbed silk knit, bleached muslin, canton flannel (much thinner than modern canton flannel), and loosely woven cotton sacking cloth.

      Lining your blanket does help keep you warmer at night but I can't comment on how wide-spread that practice was during the war, at least among Federals. You can use the search function on the forums here to find more info about lining your blanket.
      Brian White
      [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


      • #4
        Re: What is Cotton Drill?

        JoAnn's Fabric calls it Drill 40. It is nearly exact in weight and weave to original.
        Chris Houk
        Van Buren Boys Mess


        These were men-
        Whom power could not corrupt
        Whom Death could not terrify
        Whom defeat could not dishonor

        -Confederate Cemetery Marker at Fayetteville, AR


        • #5
          Re: What is Cotton Drill?

          Ouch, you want to make drawers out of cotton drill? Yikes. Not me. I was gonna say, yeah you can get it at JoAnn's. I could not remember the name of it but I know some of the guys from my mess made some shelter halves from the stuff. My memory does not serve me too well on it as i was going through a horrid breakup at the time that has couded my memory for about three weeks but when I saw it it reminded me of a really lightweight canvas. I personally would use canton flannel for drawers. That is much more comfortable. I have also made drawers with cotton muslin cloth. I know that a well known maker used that for a kit for my friend here in Utah. They work well for the summer. But if drill is what i remember it as, then ouch!! Good luck with that one :).
          Capt. Kris Larson 32°
          Wasatch Lodge #1 F&AM Utah
          Worshipful Master, Uintah Lodge #7 F&AM Utah
          Camp Floyd Historic Lodge #205 F&AM Utah
          Rocky Mountain #11 F&AM Utah
          El Kalah Shrine

          Co I 4th Texas
          Iron Rooster Mess
          [I][SIZE="1"]"Nothin's harder than a metal cock!"[/SIZE][/I]

