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  • Cis-Mississippi

    I've been reading several recent essays on Texas units and the term "Cis-Mississippi" keeps coming up. I know what Trans-Mississippi is but am unfamiliar and have never heard Cis-Mississippi; the essays do not explain this term. Can someone provide an explanation please?
    Annette Bethke
    Austin TX
    Civil War Texas Civilian Living History

  • #2
    Re: Cis-Mississippi

    Originally posted by Annette Bethke View Post
    I've been reading several recent essays on Texas units and the term "Cis-Mississippi" keeps coming up. I know what Trans-Mississippi is but am unfamiliar and have never heard Cis-Mississippi; the essays do not explain this term. Can someone provide an explanation please?
    Cis means "on the same side," just the opposite of "trans." Check out the definition below the veterinary one at the link.

    Hank Trent
    Hank Trent


    • #3
      Re: Cis-Mississippi

      Oh jeez, how embarressing. Thanks Hanks, I thought it had some other special meaning.
      Annette Bethke
      Austin TX
      Civil War Texas Civilian Living History


      • #4
        Re: Cis-Mississippi

        Like Gallia Cisalpina - Gaul on this side of the Alps.

        Latin ... Once you learn it, it all makes sense ;) . But first you have to go through the ordeal of learning it (it sure were two hard semesters - but studying history in Germany requires you to have a working knowledge of Latin).
        Bene von Bremen

        German Mess

        "I had not previously known one could get on, even in this unsatisfactory fashion, with so little brain."
        Ambrose Bierce "What I Saw of Shiloh"

