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For The Season

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  • For The Season

    I would have posted this in the appropriate Groups folder, but who has posted there in a while?

    Here is a period recipe for eggnog from Jerry Thomas' Bartenders Guide, 1862. Thanks to Justin Runyon for posting this as source many years ago (seems the Search Fuction does work!). I picked this up and it is a great reference for "fancy drinks."

    "Bartenders Guide", by Jerry Thomas, 1862
    Take 1 large tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar.
    1 fresh egg.
    1/2 wine-glass of brandy.
    1/2 wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum.
    A little shaved ice.

    Fill the glass with rich milk and shake up the ingredients until they are thoroughly mixed. Pour the mixture into a goblet excluding the ice, and grate a little nutmeg on top. This may be made by using a wineglass of either of the above liquors, instead of both combined.

    Another link with a variety of recipes to include a few that are unique can be found here

    It also has a few for preparing this treat for large numbers of people.

    Happy Holidays!
    Ivan Ingraham
    AC Moderator