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Virtual Vicksburg

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  • Virtual Vicksburg

    I submit this for our edification and education on how the Union Army settled into occupied towns in the South. For those of you who portray regiments who occupied Vicksburg, or had ancestors in those regiments, you may find this useful. Double check all names and abbreviations; some of the documents were barely legible.


    David Slay

    (Special Note; quotations marks in document signify repetition of information on previous line, exactly as it was transcribed from the original documents)

    Sheet "A" Houses and Tenements Occupied for Military Purposes In the Month of February 1864
    Vicksburg Miss
    Description and Location; For what purpose used; Remarks
    1 One story Frame SE corner Locust and First East Sts Post Head Quarters
    2 Two story Brick SE corner Cherry and Crawford Head Quarters 17th AC
    3 One story Mansion NW corner Cherry and Crawford HQ General Leggett
    4 Two story Brick SW corner Cherry and Crawford Hospital No. 2
    5 Two story Frame W side of Cherry 2 doors S of Crawford A. A. G. 17th AC
    6 Two story Brick W side of Cherry 1st door N of Railroad Chief Arty 17th AC
    7 Two story Frame NE corner Jackson and Cherry Sts U. S. Police
    8 Two story Brick E side of Washington, St. Nos, 2, 3, 4, 7 Treasury Warehouse
    9 Two story Brick E side of Washington St. Nos. 5 & 6 Q M
    10 Four story Brick NE corner Washington and Grove Sts ACS 3rd Div. 17th AC upper floor occ. by other offices
    11 Two story Brick SW corner Washington and Grove AQM Warehouse
    12 Two story Brick NW corner Washington and Crawford AQM Warehouse
    13 Two story Frame NW corner Jackson and Walnut AQM Capt. W Vick[izns?] Quarters (a. q. m.)
    14 Two story Brick W side of Washington 4dr S of Grove Recruiting Office Capt. J. C. Curtis Asst. Pro. Mar.
    15 Two story Brick NW corner Washington and Clay Medl Purveyor Dr. J. C. Monson
    16 Two story Brick W side of Washington 4dr N of Crawford Govt. Bakery Capt. Wm Vogelson A.C.S.
    17 Two story Brick S side of Crawford 2dr E of Cherry A. C. S. Capt. Wm Vogelson A.C.S.
    18 Two story Brick E side of Washington 2dr N of Crawford Storehouse Western Sanitary Commission
    19 Two story Frame E side of Washington 1st dr S of RR Bridge Quarters Guard House & Negro Quarters
    20 Two story Brick NE corner of Levee & Crawford Cotton Warehouse Lt. Colby Asst. Pro. Mar. in charge Cotton
    21 Two story Brick NW corner of Levee & Crawford Quarters River Guard
    22 Two story Frame SE corner Walnut and China Sts Quarters Capt. W. Klink A.Q.M.
    23 Two story Brick SW corner Walnut and China Post Stables Also Black smith shop
    24 Two story Brick E side of Cherry 3rd dr S of Harrison Quarters Medical Director 17th AC
    25 Two story Brick SE corner Cherry and Grove Sts Mil. Prison (City Jail)
    26 Two story Frame NW Locust and Randolph Sts Quarters Dr. McCord (surgeon U.S.A.)
    27 Two story Brick S side of Clay st 1st dr W of Cherry Quarters Col. Cox, chief C. S.
    28 One story Brick Methodist Parsonage Quarters Dr. McCook & Lt. Colby asst. Pro Mar
    29 One story Frame SW corner Main and Farmer Office Lt. E. B. Lewis, A.A.Q.M. Eng. Corps

    Sheet "B" Houses and Tenements Occupied for Military Purposes In the Month of February 1864
    Vicksburg Miss

    30 One story Frame SW corner Farmer & Grove Sts Quarters W. St. Smith Supt P. B.
    31 Three story Brick N side of Jackson, 4 dr E of Walnut " " Capt G. L. Fort A.Q.M.
    32 Two story Brick NW corner Washington & Grove Sts Storehouse Lt Williams, A.Q.M 3d Div. 17 A.C.
    33 Three story Brick S side of Main, 4 dr W of Cherry Missionary School Also mess rooms for Capt Finkler's men A.Q.M.
    34 Two story Frame N side of Harrison, 2 dr E of Cherry U.S. Christ. Comm
    35 Two story Frame N side of Harrison 1 dr E of Cherry Officers of Freedman

    1 Three story brick house Jackson Street North Side Held as Govt. Property As Quarters by Capt. Penny, Capt. Kerns and Lieut. Furlong
    2 One story frame house Grove Street North Side " " Capt. Curtiss Provost Marshal Quarters
    3 Two story brick house Cherry Street East Side " " Brig. Genl. A. Maltby as Hd. Quarters
    4 Two story frame house Corner Jackson & Cherry " " Brig. Genl. Geo. C. McKee as Hd. Quarters
    5 One building No. 4 Washington Street East Side " " Col. M. M. Mellen Freedman & was Armory and Drill Room for Militia
    6 One story frame house Walnut Street West Side " " Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights Employed in Q. M. Dept.
    7 One building Depot Street " " Supt. and Mechanics U.S.M.R.R. for Quarters
    8 Two buildings Near Machine Shops U.S.M.R.R. " " Employees U.S.M.R.R. for Mess House
    9 Three story brick house Washington Street West Side Depot Q.M. and Capt J. [T.?] Morrison A.QM
    10 One story frame house Depot Street J. A. Klein Store House by Q.M. Dept
    11 House (with garden) Mulberry Street J. A. Klein Hospital No. 3
    12 Two story brick store Washington Street J. A. Klein Capt Van Patten Post Q.M. for Store House
    13 Two story brick store Washington Street J. A. Klein Capt Wells Post C.S. as store houses for commissary and Office
    14 Two story brick store Washington Street J. A. Klein Capt Van Patten Post Q.M. for Store Houses
    15 Two story brick store Mulberry Street J. A. Klein Capt. Morrison A.QM Store Houses for Grain
    16 Two story brick store Mulberry Street W. P Sweeney, Duff Green Capt Thompson C.S. as Store House for Commissaries
    17 Two story stable Grove Street W. G. Bender Depot Q.M. for Public Animals

    18 Store Room Levee Street J. A. Klein Store House for Depot Q. M.
    19 One story frame house Warrenton Road S. B. Thrift Mess House for Employees in Q. M. Dept
    20 Two story brick house Levee Street L. R. Smarr Capt Van Patten AQM for Store House
    21 Large building formerly church Monroe Street [?] Burr Mess House for Employees Depot Q. M.
    22 One story frame house Corner Levee & Henry Streets George Beaver Capt Ferslew Depot Ord. Offices as Quarters fro Guards
    23 One story board house Grove Street Ann Lum Hospital purposes—Prison No. 1
    24 Cottage house Corner Grove & Monroe Streets Ann Lum Hospital purposes—Prison No. 1
    25 Room Corner Crawford & Washington Streets [?] Baum Capt Wells Post Commissary
    26 Two story brick house Crawford Street Alice Condon Depot Q.M. Office
    27 One story frame house Pearl Street [?] Brunea Mess House Employees Q.M. Dept.
    28 Lower portion "Masonic Hall" Corner Grove and Washington Streets Held as Govt. Property Capt Van Patten as Store House and Office
    29 Two story house Washington Street " " Saddle and Harness Shop by Depot Q.M.
    30 Large brick stable Corner Walnut & Grove Street " " Ambulance and Shoeing Shop by Depot Q.M.
    31 Two story frame house Warrenton Road East Side " " Employees of Capt. Morrison A.Q.M. for Mess House
    32 Two story brick house Main Street " " Capt. De Russey for Lt. Col. Donaldson Mustering Office

    Houses used for Military purposes in the city of Vicksburg Miss under charge of Capt W. D. Earnest A.Q.M. & Depot Q. M.

    1 3 rooms in house China Street, North side of Presbyterian Church Held as Govt.
    Property Capt. J. S. Van Patten for Quarters
    2 3 rooms in house Corner China and Grove Streets " " Capt W. E. Ferslew Depot Ord Officer for Quarters
    3 1 room in basement of Episcopal Church Main Street " " Col. Thomas Supt. of Freedmen for Schoolroom
    4 1/2 frame house Clay Street " " Quarters for Teachers of 47th U.S.C.I. by Col. Thomas Supt. of Freedmen
    5 3 rooms in house Walnut Street, First house south of post Surgeon " " Capt J. T. Morrison A.Q.M. as Quarters
    6 3 rooms in house Cherry Street, First House South of Genl. Hawkins Hd. Qrs " " Major David Cornwell as Quarters
    7 3 rooms in house Adams and Crawford Streets, East of District Hd. Qrs. " " Lt. S. J. Burnet A.D.C. Gen. Washburn as Quarters
    8 3 rooms in house Adams and Crawford Streets, East of District Hd. Qrs. " " Capt Gilpin C.S. for Quarters

    Report of the Quarters Occupied by Officers of the District of Vicksburg Miss [n.d]

    Rank; Name; Regiment On what Service; Quarters Occupied By What Authority
    Capt J. S. Curtiss 72 Ills Infty As Provost Marshal one Story frame house, Grove St. north side, 3rd door west of Monroe Street By Depot Quarter Master
    Capt S. N. Saunders 124" Ills Infty Asst. Pro. mar. in chg. of Provisional Encampment Room, corner Locust and Randolph Streets rented of the family who occupy the house & paid for by himself
    Capt E. F. Stafford 124" " " " " Tax Office one small room in the Court House By Provost Marshal
    Capt J. N. Kendall 124" " " " " Comdg Provost Guard " " " "
    1st Lieut P. A. Ransom 124" " " " " in Pro. Mar office " " " "
    2" Lieut C. H eller 124" " " " " chg of Pass and Permit office Corner of Locust and Grove Streets Room rented from Mrs. Shirley occupant of house pays rent himself
    1 " Lieut N. H. Anderson 124" " " In charge of Military Prison At Jail No. [1?] Has a cot in Prison office
    2" Lieut T. C. Van Pleck 124" " " Commanding River Guard Brick Warehouse, West side Levee Street, 2d door north of Crawford Street small room in building assigned by Depot A. Q. M. for River Guard
    Colonel Samuel Thomas 64 U.S. Col. Inf. Provost Marshal General of Freedmen 2 story frame building, N. side Harrison St. 1st [door] East of Cherry Street Maj. Genl U. S. Grant
    Chaplain J. A. Hawley 63 U.S.C. Inf. Supt. of Colored Schools, Dist of Vicksburg 2 story brick building, S side Harrison St. 2nd [door] East of Cherry St. Capt Wm Finkler, D.[?].M., March 29, 1864

    Capt J. H. Weber 64 U.S.C. Inf. Provost Marshal of Freedmen for post The same as Col. Thomas
    Lieut and Adjt Stuart Eldridge 64 U.S.C. Inf. Disbursing officer Freedment Dept D.[F?] The same as Col. Thomas
    Lieut John E. Willets 64 U.S.C. Inf. A.A.S.M. of Freemen for post Warehouse N.W. Corner of Crawford and Levee Streets Capt. C. A. Pierce D. Q. M.
    Lieut Ben F. Cheney 64 U.S.C. Inf. Provost Marshal of Freedmen Desoto Landing Shanty at Desoto Landing La., Opposite Vicksburg Built by Colonel Thomas
    Colonel F. M. Crandal 48 U.S.C. Inf. Comdg 1st Brigade 1st Division U.S.C. Troops Vick. Residence on East side of Cherry Street Assigned as Quarters by [?] Ajt. Lucas Dept. F
    1" Lieut J. H. Houghton 51 U.S.C. Inf. Actg Asst Adjt Genl. " " " "
    1" Lieut C. N. Weeks 51 U.S.C. Inf. Aide-de-camp " " " "
    2" Lieut St. John Van Arman 49 U.S.C. Inf. Aide-de-camp " " " "
    Lieut William B. Day 124 Ills Inf Asst Picket Officer Post of Vicksburg A room in building owned by Mr. Farmer on Farmer St. near Camp of 124" Ills Inf. By Depot Quarter Master
    Asst. Surg H. N. Osband 52 U.S.C. Inf. Asst Surg 53 U.S.C.I. & Asst Post Surgeon Two Rooms, one as office & Dispensary, two in private homes, one by Hospital Steward, one for Post Hd Qs Clerk.
    Asst. Surg. Darius Scofield 47" U.S.C. Inf. Ass Surg 47 U.S.C.I. in charge General
    Hospital No. 3. One Room in U.S. General Hospital No. 3.

    Asst. Surg John S. Power 52" " " Asst Surg 52" U.S.C.I. in service at General Hospital No. 3.
    Surg. [?] N. Horton 47" U.S.C. Inf. Surgeon 1st Division U.S.C. Troops One Room in house occupied by Brig. Genl. J. P. Hawkins as Hd Qrs. 1st Div. U.S.C. Troops
    Lieut. E. W. Taylor 124" Ills Inf. A.A.Q.M. Eng. Dept & Pontoon Train One wall tent Special order No. 10 hd Qrs Dist Vburg
    Capt. E. H. Nichols Bat "E" 1st Mo. Lt Art. At their place of encampment formerly occupied by Co. K 2" Ills Lt. Art. Order of Maj Charles Mann, Chief of Artillery
    1" Lieut Robert S. Crouch " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Andrw J. Gibson " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Hugh J. Randolph " " " " " "
    Surgeon in Chief D. P R. F. Stratton 11 Ills Cav. Surg. In Chp. D. V. in charge Genl Hospital No. 2. Occupy Quarters of U.S.A. Genl Hospital when they are on duty
    A.A. Surg. USA S. S. Horton Asst Surgeon on service at Genl Hospital No 2. " "
    A.A. Surg. USA C.E. Colver " " " "
    Capt. John R. Harding 48" U.S.C. Inf Chief of Fire Dept Post of Vicksburg Occupy as Quarters a small brick building containing two rooms on Walnut St. by Genl M. L. Smith for the use of the fire company
    1" Lieut Harvey M. Parker 48" " " detached on service in Fire Dept " " " "
    2" Lieut Jas. N. McGhee 48" " " " " " " " "
    Capt W. S. Frisner 58" Ohio Vol Inf Comdg Vet. Det. 58" Ohio Infantry Wall tents within bounds of regimental camp " "
    Capt Louis Keller 58" " " " " " "
    Lieut & Actg ajt J. T. Morrison 58" " " Act Adjt of Vet. Det. 58" Ohio Infantry " " " "

    Lieut Wm. Callenhausen 58" " " " " " " " "
    Lieut Phillip Froche 58" " " " " " " " "
    Lieut J. T. Gleason 12" Ind. Inf. Aide-de-Camp on Brig. Genl. J. A. Maltby's Staff Quarters at Head Quarters of Brig. Genl J. A. Maltby
    Lieut Col C. E. Compton 53" U.S.C. Inf A. A. J. Genl. 1st Division U.S.C. Troops Office and Quarters in the building now being used as the Hd Qrs Div. U.S.C. Troops Brig. Genl. J. P. Hawkins
    Lieut J. C. McKarg 47" U.S.C. Inf Post Quartermaster & Comsy of Recruiting Rendezvous One Room in the "Snead House" on Main st. but Cherry & Adams St as office and quarters By order of Maj. Genl C. C. Washburn
    Capt J. T. Morrison A. Q. M. Three rooms of a building on Walnut St next door to Post Surg known as the Field House Approved by Maj. Genl. N. J. T. Dana
    Capt W. K. Faslow 35" Wis Inf District Ordnance Officer Three Rooms in a house on the corner of China and Walnut Streets " "

    Lieut John W. Wilson Post adjt of Recruiting Rendezvous for State of Miss. Two Rooms (as office & quarters) in the "Smead building" cor. Main & Cherry Streets By order of Maj. Genl. C. C. Washburn
    Capt Henry S. Field 124" Ills Inf Judge Advocate Genl Court Martial A Room adjoining Court Martial Room over Parker Express Offices Capt Earnes Depart Q. M.
    Maj & A. A. I. G. David Cornwell 5" U.S.C. Art. (Hy) A.A. Inspector Genl. Dist of Vburg Two Room in a brick house on Cherry Street, first door South of Genl. Hawkins Hd Qrs approved by Maj. Genl. C. C. Washburn
    Capt & A.Q. M. J. S. Van Patten A.Q.M. Three Rooms in house occupied by Mrs. Strother on China St. first house north of Trinity Church approved by Maj. Gen. N. J. T. Dana
    1" Lieut John W. Mosby 124 Ills Inf on detached service One Room rented of mr. Farmer on Farmer Street near Regimental Quarters
    Capt & C.S. J B. Gilpin Chief & Depart C.S. Three Rooms in the House next adjoining Dist. Hd. Qrs. approved by Maj. Genl. C. C. Washburn
    Capt Chas. B. Wells Post Commissary of Subsistence Three Stores known as "Furniture Ware Rooms" cor. Crawford & Washington St. Depot Quarter master
    Asst Surg. T. I. Wright 64" U.S.C. Inf Surg. in charge of Freedmens Hospital No 1. Prentiss House building Freedmens Hospital No 1. Order Genl. U. S. Grant

    Act Asst. Surg. D. B. Hawkins Ass Surg at Freedmens Hospital No 1. " " Order Genl. U. S. Grant
    Capt & A. Q. M. C. B. Miller Actg. Asst. Surg. " " " " " "
    Capt. W. F. Kerns A.Q.M. in Three Story brick building 3 rooms side Jackson St. between Walnut & Monroe St. approved by Maj. Genl. N. J. T. Dana
    Capt James F. Putman 8" Ohio Indpt Bat Comdy 8th Ohio Battery Quartered in Barracks constructed by Battery by order of Maj M[?] Chief of Art & Ordnance
    1" Lieut Amos H. Worley 8" " " on duty at Battery " " " "
    1" Lieut Jeremiah Cain 8" " " " " " " " "
    2 Lieut Frances M. Coover 8" " " " " " " " "
    Major Adin Mann 124 Ill Vol Inf Engineer in Charge one story building on Cherry St near Rail Road as office & quarters. Two rooms as office. two other room as bed room for quarters assigned by W. D. Earnest Capt & A.Q. M. Aug. 15, 1864
    Lieut A. Koch 51" U.S.C. Inf Draftsman & Engineer " " " "
    Corp Silas Dunning 124 Ill Inf. at work on topographical maps " " " "
    Surgeon E. Powell at McPherson Hospital Two Story Brick House on Jackson Road approved by Genl. J. McArthur July 10 1864
    " " " " " " hospital employees Two Story House & Stable E. Side of Jackson Road assigned by T. C. Calicote S.A.F.D. Sept 10, 1864
    Surg J. H. Kouchier at McPherson Hospital One Story House at Jackson Road approved by Maj. Genl McPherson Augt 4, 63
    Surgeon J. S. Teed Surg. in chief

    Capt W. H. Bolton 2" Ills Lt. Arty as Chief of Artillery Dist. of Vburg one room as an office
    Capt Richard Penny A.Q.M. Three Rooms in Brick house on Jackson St. Known as the Churchill House assigned by W. D. Earnest, Capt & A.Q.M. Dec. 6, 1864
    1" Lieut Erastus A. Nichols 2" Ills Lt. Arty on duty with command Quarterd in Co. Barracks
    2" Lieut T. C. Hulanski 2" " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Chas. H. Felton 2" " " on detached service with Chief of Arty D.V.
    Capt W. M. Pratt Bt. D 2" U.S.C Art (lt.) Occupy Quarters built by themselves inside camp of their own command
    1" Lieut John F. Peasler " " Comdg. Battery " "
    2" Lieut Frank S. Allen " " " "
    1" Lieut A. N. Reece 124 Ill. Inf. at Maltby's Hd. Qrs as A.A. Q. M at Head Quarters Maltby's Brigade Garrison of Vicksburg Miss.
    Lt. Col. H. R. Brinkerhoff 52" U.S.C. Inf as Street Commissioner Building corner of Grove & Farmer Streets Maj. Genl. N. J. T. Dana
    1" Lieut Frederic Lyman " " " asst Street " " " " "Built quarters on it.
    2" Lieut Thos V. Coddington " " " " " " " "
    2" Lieut J. Frank Miller " " " "
    1" Lieut H P. McNaughton 7 Ohio Lt. Arty Comdg Battery Quartered in camp
    1" Lieut Columbia Downing Jr " " on detached service " "
    2" Lieut Henry Dorst 7 Ohio Lt Arty on duty with Battery Quartered in camp
    Capt Robert Ranney Bt"C" 2 U.S.C. Lt. Art. Comdg Battery One Room in Kleins building known as Hospital No 3 by consent of the owner of the building
    1" Lieut A. R. Bawder " " at Battery Quarters in wall tent
    2" Lieut A. J. White " " " " Quarters in small frame building built by company
    2" Lieut C. D. Emory " " " " " "
    Lieut Col John H. Howe 124" Ill Inf Comdg Regiment Occupies an old building on Farmer Street adjoining Regt Hd Qrs as [?] by order of Maj Genl N. J. T. Dana
    Surgeon James R. Kay " " on duty with Regiment as Surgeon " " a room in the above mentioned house
    Chaplain R. S. Howard " " " " chaplain Occupies a tent
    Lieut & Adjt. Wm. E. Smith " " Adjutant of the Regiment Occupies rooms with Col. Howe

    1" Lieut D. Ames Bigelow 124" Ills Infty as A.[?]Q.M. Part of a house on Farmers St near R. Hd. Qrs. Rents house from Mrs Daily
    2" Lieut Warren F. Dodge " " with regiment occupies tent
    1" Lieut F.C. Van Fleck " " with River Guards occupies Quarters assigned to River Guards on Levee Street
    1" Lieut Lewis Dolan " " with Regiment occupies tent
    Capt Abraham Newland " " " " occupies Room at Regt Hd Qrs
    2" Lieut Hen. J. Brockway " " " " " "
    Capt Norman H. Pratt " " " " occupies tent
    2" Lieut Ed. C. Brickons " " " " " "
    Capt Burton Pratt " " " " " "
    1" Lieut Herman L. Campbell " " " " " "
    Capt Benj. A. Griffeth " " " " " "
    1 Lieut Joel H Martin " " " " " "
    Colonel F. M. Crandal 48th U.S.C. Inf In Comd of 1st Brigade 1st Div. U.S.C. Troops With the exception of Col. F. M. Crandal the field and staff officers occupy a house on
    the lot adjoining the lot on which the barracks
    for the Regiment are built, said lot is
    situated on the South East Corner of Cherry
    and China Streets by order of Maj Genl N. J. T. Dana
    Lt. Col M. H. Crowell 48" " " " "
    Major Benj. F. Sterens 48" " " " "
    Surgeon A. C. Davis 48" " " " "
    Chaplain Thomas Calahan 48" " " " "
    1 Lieut & Adjt S. H. Inghram 48" " " Adjutant of Regiment " "
    1 Lieut & Q.M. T. R. Skinner 48" " " R.Q.M. " "
    Capt C. R. Kerry 48" " " with Regiment occupies a tent

    Capt C. H. Stevens 48th U.S.C. Inf with Regiment occupies a tent
    Capt T. T. Parsons " " " " " "
    Capt John Burns " " " " " "
    Capt John R. Harding " " Chief of Fire Department with Regiment Occupies a home on Walnut Street by order of Genl. M. L. Smith
    Capt C. S. Sicke " " " " occupies a tent
    Capt S. S. Hunstable " " " " " "
    Capt S. O. Morgan " " " " " "
    Capt H. P. Hart " " " " " "
    Capt Thomas Griffith " " " " " "
    1" Lieut C. W. Rockafellow " " " " " "
    1" Lieut C. N. Hitchcock " " " " " "
    1" Lieut Saml. Lafoy " " " " " "
    1" Lieut H. M. Parker " " In Fire Department with Regiment Has quarters in same room with Capt. Harding
    1" Lieut H. W. Jones " " " " occupies a tent
    1" Lieut O. F. Lamb " " " " " "
    1" Lieut C. D. Crandall " " " " " "
    2" Lieut N. H. Pratt " " with Regiment " "
    2" Lieut L. N. Crowell " " " " " "
    Colonel A. Watson Webber 51" U.S.C. Inf Absent absent
    Lt. Col Alfred E. Buck " " Comdg Regiment Rooms in house occupied by Col. Crandal and Brig by authority of Col. Crandal
    Surgeon Henry Osborne " " Surg " " " "
    1" Lieut & Ajt E. P. Reichelm " " Adjutant Adjts office—a small building built for the purpose
    1" Lieut & R.Q.M. David R. Miller " " R.Q.M. Tent in Camp
    Asst Surg Wm. M. Arnold " " at Post Hospital at Post Hospital
    Chaplain Geo. N. Carruthers " " in camp Tent in Camp
    Capt Richard J. Hanna " " in camp " "
    Capt Roger S. Greene " " Judge advocate Dist of Vicksburg " "
    Capt Jacob Wolf " " Detached at St. Louis Mo " " S. O. No. 6 Hd Qrs Dist of Vburg
    Capt Asa B. Munn " " in camp " "
    Capt Owen D. Senert " " " "
    Capt Alfred T. Webber " " " "
    Capt George White " " " "
    Capt Chas C. Penney " " " "
    Capt James McColloch " " Detached as Guard to Island no 98, 102 " "
    1" Lieut Benj Sellon " " in camp " "
    1" Lieut Absalom B. Phillips " " Stationed at island No 98 with company Occupies tent
    1" Lieut Peter Karberg " " in camp Tent in camp
    1" Lieut Charles H. Crandal " " Aide-de-Campt to Genl. Hawkins Col. Div. " "
    1" Lieut Joseph H. Houghton " " A.A.A.A.C. Hd Qrs 1 Brig. 1 Div U.S.C. Troops " "
    1" Lieut John C. Bourlein " " in camp " "

    1" Lieut George W. Weeks 51" U.S.C. Inf Aide-de-Camp to Col Crandal
    1" Lieut Saml. S. Carpenter " " in camp occupies tent
    1" Lieut Henry S. Bendler " " " " " "
    1" Lieut Wm. Burnside " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Harvey Ames " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Levi S. Pierce " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Charles Haughn " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Harry Saracool " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Sam. Shaunnessy " " " " " "
    2" Lieut Augustus Koch " " in Engineers Department
    2" Lieut Wm. N. Carter " " in camp occupies tent
    2" Lieut Wm. B. Crutchfield " " " " " "
    2" Lieut S. R. St. Clair " " " " " "
    2" Lieut David H. Sims " " " " " "
    Colonel Herman Lieb 5" U.S.C. [hvy] arty is not here, staff occupies a house on Farmer St.
    Lt. Col Erastus N. Owen " " Comdg Regiment one story house E side of Adams St, 1st [door] North of Main Assigned by John McDowell A.[?]A.[?]D.
    Major John L. Davis Major Erected for commanding officer of 1st Bat.
    Major Lyann J. Hissong Major Two rooms in two story frame, second house South of R.R. Bridge on Washington St. not assigned
    Major David Cornwell A.A. [?][?] Dist of Vicksburg
    Surgeon H. H. Penninman Surgeon one story frame on Main st. outside the new Line of Works
    Chaplain Lark. L. Livermore Chaplain Two story frame N.W. corner of Locust and Randolph st. assigned by Capt. Hulbert D.Q.M.
    1" Lieut & Adjt Wm. H. Williams Adjutant Regimental Headquarters assigned by N. D. Earnest

    Register of Abandoned Houses and Tenements assigned & rented during the month of February
    1864 by John Adair McDowell. Assistant Special Agent of the Treasury Department*

    Description and Location; For what purpose used; Rental Receivable; Rental Value; Remarks
    1 Two story brick, W side of Washington St, 4th dr S of China Trade Store $100.00 Hurlbut
    2 Two story brick, W side of Washington St, 2d dr S of China Express Office $150.00 Adams Express
    3 Two story brick, W side of Washington St, 3d dr S of China Express Office $150.00 Parkers Express
    4 Three story brick, S side of Washington St, 5th dr S of Clay Drug Store $150.00 Reinach
    5 One story frame, W side of Clay St, 2d dr E of Washington Dwelling $100.00 Mrs. E. Rains
    6 Two story brick, E side of Monroe St, 4th dr S of Main St. Store $40.00 Sanquinette
    7 Two story frame, E side of Cherry St, 1st dr S of China St. Dwelling $50.00 Mrs. Highlander
    8 One story frame, W side of Grove St, 4th dr E of Walnut Dwelling $30.00 Mrs. Bunner
    9 Lot NE corner of Levee and China Sts Dwelling $10.00
    10 One story frame, NW corner Levee and South Sts Dwelling $5.00
    11 One story frame, West half, W side of Grove St, 4th dr E of Walnut Office &
    Dwelling $25.00
    12 Two story frame, E side of Levee St. 1st dr S of China St Dwelling $15.00
    13 One story Frame, E side of Levee St, 2d dr S of Grove St. Store $5.00
    14 Two story brick, NE corner Walnut and Jackson Sts Two
    Tenements Dwelling $25.00
    15 Two story brick, NE corner, Walnut and Jackson St Dwelling $20.00
    16 Two story frame, W side of Walnut, 4th dr S of Main (2 rooms) Dwelling $5.00
    17 Two story brick, E side of Cherry, 2d dr S of Grove st Dwelling $75.00
    18 Two story brick, W side of Washington, 2d dr N of Clay st. Store $100.00
    19 Two story frame, W side of Walnut, 4th dr S of Main (2 rooms) Dwelling $5.00
    20 One story frame, NE corner Jefferson and Farmers (south half) Dwelling $5.00
    21 Third lot S of Clay St. W side of Washington St Store $8.00
    22 One story frame, E side of Jackson, 2d dr E of Cherry Dwelling $10.00
    23 Two story brick, NW corner of Jackson and Monroe Store $50.00
    24 Two story frame, SW corner Fayette and Locust St (w room) Dwelling $5.00

    Depot Quartermaster's Office,
    Vicksburg, Miss., November 14, 1864


    One half of the frame house now occupied by Mr. Shepherd on Clay Street between Farmer and North is herby assigned to Col S. Thomas Superintendent and provost Marshall of Freedmen for the use of the teachers engaged in teaching the 47 U.S. Colored Infantry. Said half of said house will be held subject to control of Col Thomas from and after this date.
    This assignment is made with the consent and approval of the Major Genl commanding District of Vicksburg.

    Rich'd Penney
    Capt & A.Q.M.
    Actg Depot Q.M.

    Depot Quartermaster's Office,
    Vicksburg, Miss., November 8, 1864


    The basement of the Episcopal Church in the city of Vicksburg is herby assigned to Colonel Thomas to be used by the Freedmans Department for educational purposes.
    This assignment is made subject to the consent and approval of the Major Genl Commanding the Dist of Vicksburg and if so approved will be recorded in this office and the rooms placed under the control of Col Thomas.

    Rich'd Penney
    Capt & A.Q.M.
    Actg Depot Q.M.

    Office Asst Spl Agt Treasury Department
    Vicksburg Miss. Dec 1, 1864

    No. 5

    The following assignments of buildings are made:
    Two story frame dwelling formerly owned by Tom Hockett, located North side Harrison St third east of Cherry St. is hereby assigned to Col. Saml Thomas Pro Mar of Freedmen as quarters for Teachers of the North Western Freedmen Aid Commission.
    Buildings are assigned by the Assistant Spl Agent Treasury Department.
    This assignment is made on condition that the parties occupying premises under this permit will notify this office before vacating them.

    P. N. [illeg]
    Ast Tresy Agt Trea'y Dept

    H.D. Cowles
    Agt in chg Buildings

    Depot Quartermasters Office
    Dist Vicksburg Miss
    July 29th 186[?]


    The two story brick building on Main Street South Side, between Adams and Locust Streets, occupied by Capt. Cowan (Confederate), is assigned to Capt Anderson, Asst Supt of Contrabands, for quarters for himself and clerks.

    By order
    G. N. Pierce
    Capt. & A.Q.M.

    Ordnance Office
    Vicksburg, Mss., February 3rd 1864

    Major Genl. McArthur
    Commanding Post

    Sir: I have the honor to enclose a copy of an assignment of the house on the SE corner of Walnut and China Streets. By this it will be seen that the house has been in charge of the Ordnance Department since the 11th of July last, and it has been occupied since that date, by that Department as quarters and offices. This house has been restored to its owner, by the U.S. Military Commission when no longer required for military purposes, and would have been given up by me had it not been so required. It has since been assigned to Capt Klinck (A.Q.M.) by the Treasury Department in virtue of General Orders No 331 from the War Department a copy of which I enclose. But this order specially states that such houses as "are not required for military purposes", are to be turned over to the Supervising Special Agents of the Treasury Departments which leads to the inference that houses required for military uses are not to be so turned over. But the house now occupied by me is required by me for military purposes, hence I can not see it can be transferred to the Treasury Department. I have consulted with General McPherson and Col. Brigham (Chief Quartermaster Dept of Tenn.) on the matter and am directed by them to apply at once to you for protection. I earnestly hope it may be granted me, as I think my right to the house is unquestionable, the assignment being from the highest authority in this Department and never having been annulled by that or highest authority. I also have the honor to enclose General Orders No 12 Head Quarters Military Division of the Miss. My occupancy of this house in question is under this order.

    Very Respectfully
    Your obdt Sert
    1st Lieut of Ordnance Comdg Depot

    Vicksburg Miss March 28


    Allow a poor colored woman to make a statement.
    My name is Charlotte Green My husband is in the army I have three children with me dependent upon me I rented a room of the Treasury Dept the first of March last and now Lieut Faterow[?] now discharged who is renting three rooms in this town has declined my form and on the first of the coming month will throw me and my family out doors
    Will you please order that the room be rented to me another month I am ready to pay the rent and do not know what I shall do without this room for my family

    Respectfully your humble servt
    Charlotte Green

    Source: Office of the Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1863-1865, NARA
    [FONT="Times New Roman"]David Slay, Ph.D[/FONT]
    [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Ranger, Vicksburg National Military Park[/FONT][/COLOR]