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Masonic insignia on uniforms
Jason C. Spellman
Skillygalee Mess
"Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
Here is a pre-war example of a Masonic pin worn by a member of the 2nd Dragoons. It is a relic of the Utah War when a quarter of the US Army marched on Utah. It was found in the "Old Camp Floyd" camp site of the 2nd Dragoons then under Col Phillip St George Cook. This camp was only occupied from 8 July to September of 1858 giving the pin a definite time frame. The drying up of the local stream forced a change in location to the final and permanent site for Camp Floyd 10 miles away. It is definitely different than what we see offered by today's sutlers.
The picture is a scan of a portion of page 101 of Duane Bylund's book: In Search of Johnston's Army, Old camp Floyd & West Creek as Seen Through the Eyes of a Relic Hunter. The pin is smaller than one inch square in size.
Chuck Mood
LtColMood@aol.comCharles W. Mood
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
That's an interesting conglomeration of working tools! Thanks for sharing.
BrianBrian Shajari
Tolerance Lodge 1165 AF&AM, Texas
Co. L, 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment Lone Star Rifles
Hawaii American Civil War Roundtable Group
Proud descendent of: PVT William B. Wales, Louisiana Crescent Regiment
and Pvt. James Groves, Jr., Co. K, 6th Louisiana Cavalry
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
Please excuse my inability to provide the best image of the officer shown here. The image is taken from a book titled, "Buck's Book, A view of of the 3rd Vermont Infantry Regiment". The officers name is Erastus Buck.
George Taggart
F.& A. M.
Lee Lodge #30
Castleton, VermontGeorge Taggart
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
Taken from, "Revised Roster of Vermont Volunteers" compiled by Theodore S. Peck, Adjutant General, Montpelier, Vermont, officer Buck's service dates were, Sergt. Co D Prom. 1st Sergt to 2nd Lieut. Co D Nov. 7 1861, to 1st Lieut. Co D Sept. 14 1862, Capt. Co I Nov 1 1863, died May 22 1864 of wds recd. May 6,1864 .
I am going out on a limb here by stating the image I provided of officer Buck appears to be a lithograph . Any comments?
George TaggartLast edited by lwtaggart; 03-24-2013, 07:54 PM.George Taggart
Brian White
[URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
Brian - great photo. That is one seriously well turned out hospital steward.Soli Deo Gloria
Doug Cooper
"The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner
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Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
This is a hard question to answer but maybe a simple version would be that it would depend on the CO of the outfit. The 3 PA Reserves had a military lodge started in Feb. of 1862 under the direction of the Grand Lodge of DC. The master of the lodge was the CO, the SW was the LT Col and the JW was the major and the Sgt Maj was also in the lodge. I am sure that it was a populated lodge and there were visitng brothers from other regiments.
No proof but I am sure that there were people that had the square and compass on them and on their uniform but probably not on dress parade.
Dutch Schoenfeld
Mosby's Rangers N-SSA
PM Botetourt Lodge #7 Gloucester, VA
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
Another Federal Soldier with what appears to be a Masonic symbol on his uniform. This is also for the Liljenquist Collection in the Library of Congress. Identity of the soldier is unknown. He is a Federal based on his uniform and the Ohio Volunteer Militia beltplate he is wearing. He appears to be a sergeant from the wide stripe on his trousers.Louis Zenti
Pvt. Albert R. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-W.I.A. February 15, 1862)
Pvt. William H. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-K.I.A. February 15, 1862 Ft. Donelson)
Pvt. Simon Sams (Co. C, 18th Iowa Inf.-K.I.A. January 8, 1863 Springfield, MO)
Pvt. Elisha Cox (Co. C, 26th North Carolina Inf.-W.I.A. July 3, 1863 Gettysburg)
" the hottest of the fight, some of the rebs yelled out...them must be Iowa boys". Charles O. Musser 29th Iowa Infantry
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
Look at Post #19 on this thread and then look at this! I found this image on ebay and few weeks back (and missed winning it, but did manage to save a digital copy of the picture). HAS to be the same guy! The seller had no personal info of who the photo was of. I couldn't believe it when I was looking at this thread and saw the image Bro. Taggert posted! VERY Cool image.PATRICK CRADDOCK
Prometheus No. 851
Franklin, Tennessee
Widows' Sons Mess
Aut Bibat Aut Abeat
Can't fix stupid... Johnny Lloyd
Re: Masonic insignia on uniforms
Pat! Forgive me for dredging up an old post but, the CDV you posted is not only AMAZING, I neglected to mention this is my ancestor! A first for me to see him in this image! I only wish there was some way to recover it.
Thank you for sharing it!
George TaggartGeorge Taggart