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Potential Western Theater Music Encampment

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  • Potential Western Theater Music Encampment

    Hello Friends,
    I am mulling the idea of putting together a Civil War era music encampment at Vicksburg National Military Park in fall 2009. I'd be interested in hearing from you about the potential of such an event, and who may be interested in participating. Tell me what you think.


    David Slay
    Last edited by Vicksburg Dave; 07-13-2008, 01:10 PM. Reason: Clearer
    [FONT="Times New Roman"]David Slay, Ph.D[/FONT]
    [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Ranger, Vicksburg National Military Park[/FONT][/COLOR]

  • #2
    Re: Potential Western Theater Music Encampment


    I would be interested in such an event. It's a long drive for me, but I would definately consider it. Are you planning on portraying a field music school or just an encampment of period musicians?
    William H. Chapman
    Liberty Rifles

    "They are very ignorant, but very desperate and very able." -Harper's Weekly on the Confederate Army, December 14, 1861


    • #3
      Re: Potential Vicksburg Music Encampment

      We envision an informal encampment of period musicians for a time of fellowship and good music. We may be able to schedule a formal concert at a downtown theater if the stars all align in our favor. Our foremost aim at this time is to gauge interest among good period-correct musicians, be they instrumentalists or vocalists.
      [FONT="Times New Roman"]David Slay, Ph.D[/FONT]
      [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Ranger, Vicksburg National Military Park[/FONT][/COLOR]


      • #4
        Re: Potential Western Theater Music Encampment

        David -

        Great idea, thanks. Just to clarify, would this be intended for field musicians like fife-and-drum and buglers; or campfire musicians like fiddle, harmonica, concertina, guitar, voice, banjo etc; or brass band; or all of these groups? (no big guitars, mandolins, or dulcimers I'll assume?)

        Also might help to define "good" I suppose, i.e. do you mean good musicians or good impressions? (Obviously actual period soldier / musicians ran the gamut from tobacco-chewing amateurs who played by ear, through small-town unknown minstrels, through big-time known minstrels, to sight-reading classical violin and piano players in the ranks, just like today).

        No doubt somebody here will advise and bless the event for you. As for me, period music, fun and comradeship are always a good plan. The location is doable for we Illini 'Suckers'.

        Dan Wykes
        Last edited by Danny; 07-13-2008, 03:01 PM.
        Danny Wykes


        • #5
          Re: Potential Vicksburg Music Encampment

          At this point we are thinking about campfire musicians and vocalists, but that would include individual fifers, drummers, and buglers who know, or wish to learn, period-correct campfire music.

          You make a good point about the definition of "good." For the subject at hand, I define "good" as individuals who own period-correct instruments and play period-correct music OR those who own period-correct instruments but wish to learn to play them properly.

          As for period-correct instruments, I define them as portable and in common use during the war. And by common use, I mean often seen in camps. While there may be a primary source out there somewhere that definitively demonstrates that in a fit of boredom some poor deranged soldier made a kazoo out of a dried pig's anus, DPA blowers should not attend this event. This would also apply to hammer dulcimers, resonator banjos, synthesizers, and dual turntables, etc...

          I have two goals with this potential event. As a ranger, I want it to help us show visitors a slice of 1860s culture, and as a living historian, I want it to be a time of comradery and sharing. It's difficult learning to do things the period-correct way, and to have a gathering like this will be a great boon to novice musicians. For the veterans, there's nothing quite like fellowship with respected peers, swapping war stories, and making good music. That is why I would like to do this in the fall when the weather is cool and playing next to a campfire all night long would be down right enjoyable. I am also considering the possiblity of some kind of talent show to be judged by fellow period-correct musicians.

          The student in me is considering the idea of inviting folks who are not reenactors, but are virtuosos at certain period instruments so that we all can learn from them. Do such virtuosos even exist? Again, at this point, we are just tossing around ideas and welcome your input.
          [FONT="Times New Roman"]David Slay, Ph.D[/FONT]
          [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Ranger, Vicksburg National Military Park[/FONT][/COLOR]


          • #6
            Re: Potential Vicksburg Music Encampment

            The overwhelming silence on the topic indicates that very few people are interested in participating in such an encampment. Is it a matter of convenience, gas prices, distance, or something else that is keeping you away. I would like to know.

            [FONT="Times New Roman"]David Slay, Ph.D[/FONT]
            [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Ranger, Vicksburg National Military Park[/FONT][/COLOR]


            • #7
              Re: Potential Western Theater Music Encampment

              It seems like a good idia for an event, I would like to attend. But it boils down to how many other gas gusler events I have for that year. Being in VA thats over $400 in petrol alone to attend the event. ( may as well buy an airline ticket)
              Steven Flibotte
              Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
              Confederate Marines Company C./Marine Guard USS Galena
              Tidewater Maritime Living History Association


              • #8
                Re: Potential Western Theater Music Encampment


                I think you have a good idea for an event of this type.As others have stated I think the current shape of the economy and fuel prices have forced several to seriously evaluate long distance travel to events.As I am in Missouri near KC I don't have as far to travel as others may,but it isn't just around the block for me either.
                Forrest Peterson

                Tater Mess
                Tater Mess Social Orchestra
                Missourah Shirkers


                • #9
                  Re: Potential Western Theater Music Encampment

                  I'd consider going.

                  Joe Walker
                  Waco Guards
                  (sometimes banjar player)


                  • #10
                    Re: Potential Western Theater Music Encampment

                    Very good, our Chief of Interp is onboard and ready to contribute his talents toward the potential encampment.
                    [FONT="Times New Roman"]David Slay, Ph.D[/FONT]
                    [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Ranger, Vicksburg National Military Park[/FONT][/COLOR]

