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The Glendy Burk, dedicated to Captain Isaiah Sellers.

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  • The Glendy Burk, dedicated to Captain Isaiah Sellers.

    Frank Aufmuth and I recorded this at the gravesite of Isaiah Sellers (1802-1864) at Bellefontaine Cemetary in St. Louis. Sellers was a riverboat pilot known for his encyclopedic knowledge of the Mississippi river. Samuel Clemens claimed to have appropriated his nom de plume "Mark Twain" from Sellers, although this is disputed. Either way, we had a lovely period picnic at the cemetary and visited the graves of many interesting 19th century people.

    2 minstrel banjo tunes by the great Frank Converse.
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]

  • #2
    Re: The Glendy Burk, dedicated to Captain Isaiah Sellers.


    Very nice!Thanks for posting.
    Forrest Peterson

    Tater Mess
    Tater Mess Social Orchestra
    Missourah Shirkers


    • #3
      Re: The Glendy Burk, dedicated to Captain Isaiah Sellers.

      Agreed, once again a fine play and a reaching out to history...

      Dan Wykes

      (Will be inspired as we likewise play at the grave (again this year) of honorable pvt. Albert Cashier - Ill. 95th inf. - a.k.a. Jenny Hodgers at adopted hometown of Sounemin, Illinois).
      Danny Wykes


      • #4
        Re: The Glendy Burk, dedicated to Captain Isaiah Sellers.

        Love it, Carl! Always a pleasure when you guys play. Btw, that second video doesn't seem to be working correctly, but it may just be my computer...:p
        Anna Allen
        <a href="">Star of the West Society</a>
        [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]The Cherry Bounce Girls Mess[/B][/COLOR] :p

        [I]It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word.[/I]-Andrew Jackson


        • #5
          Re: The Glendy Burk, dedicated to Captain Isaiah Sellers.

          I recall handfuls of reproduction 'Glendy Burk' songsheets at the Lexington, MO event back in 2000, or so. I have a few somewhere.
          John Pillers
          Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

          'We're putting the band back together'

