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Garry Owen, a jig.

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  • Garry Owen, a jig.

    Perhaps falling in to the category of over-done songs, but a fine tune nonetheless, played in the basement of the Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop. Travelers would often have a meal here in the 1860's before embarking upon the western trails.
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]

  • #2
    Re: Garry Owen, a jig.


    Great job by all. I love the way you play dat ole banjo.
    John Barr
    2nd Delaware


    • #3
      Re: Garry Owen, a jig.


      As always, great job Carl!!!!!!! Thanks for posting.

      Andrew Kasmar


      • #4
        Re: Garry Owen, a jig.

        Neat.... I personally think that the bones sounded alittle busy, and definantly not me best work. But all you other boys did great!
        Kyle (Cuffie) Pretzl
        The Tater Mess


        • #5
          Re: Garry Owen, a jig.

          Wish I was there doing a jig. That's my kind of music.
          Great job on that tune.



          • #6
            Re: Garry Owen, a jig.

            Great Job.. I do LOVE that tune... can't hear it enough.. Black Horse All the Way!
            Robert W. Hughes
            Co A, 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters/64th Illinois Inf.
            Thrasher Mess
            Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2004-2005
            ENG Brigade, 1st Cavalry Div. "1st Team!"
            Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America

            Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
            And I said "Here I am. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


            • #7
              Re: Garry Owen, a jig.

              Very nicely played! Always good to listen to.

              Ian Fulford
              49th Indiana Co. F
              Tanglefoot Mess
              Ian Fulford
              49th Indiana Co. F
              Tanglefoot Mess


              • #8
                Re: Garry Owen, a jig.

                glad to see your a fan of the 11th ACR! Allons! ;)
                [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3]Michael Phillips, GGG Grandson of
                Pvt Edmond Phillips, 44th NCT, Co E, "The Turtle Paws"[/SIZE]
                [SIZE=2]Mustered in March 1862
                Paroled at Appomattox C.H. Virginia, April 15, 1865[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

                [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][B]"Good, now we'll have news from Hell before breakfast."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
                Was Gen Sherman's response upon hearing the capture and execution of 3 reporters who had followed from Atlanta, by the rebels.
                The execution part turned out to be false.[COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Dagg Nabbit![/B][/COLOR][/FONT]


                • #9
                  Re: Garry Owen, a jig.

                  Originally posted by Prodical Reb View Post
                  glad to see your a fan of the 11th ACR! Allons! ;)
                  OOPs I should have Said First Horse....nothing wrong with 11th ACR... but proud gold spur wearing member of the Big Yellow Patch Society..First Team!
                  Robert W. Hughes
                  Co A, 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters/64th Illinois Inf.
                  Thrasher Mess
                  Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2004-2005
                  ENG Brigade, 1st Cavalry Div. "1st Team!"
                  Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America

                  Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
                  And I said "Here I am. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


                  • #10
                    Re: Garry Owen, a jig.

                    Pretty good. For an Irish fella. :)

                    Rod Miller
                    [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
                    [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
                    [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

                    [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
                    A. Lincoln[/FONT]

                    150th Anniversary
                    1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
                    1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
                    1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
                    1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
                    Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
                    1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
                    Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller

