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Songs of the drink

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  • Songs of the drink

    For all of you who like songs about drink:

    A Parody on "Wait for the Wagon."

    Will you come with me, my Billy, into the cellar, near,
    Where the music sounds the sweetest with a glass of Lager Beer
    It's every pleasant evening when I have got the think,
    We'll step into the cellar and have a social drink
    Then here's to the Lager,
    Here's to the Lager,
    Wait for the Lager,
    And we'll all have a drink.

    Where the Lager runs like blazes, and the music is so sweet,
    I'll order lots of liquor, and something nice to eat,
    We'll listen to the singers, they'll make you laugh and wink,
    So come into the cellar, and have a social drink.
    Then here's to the Lager, &c.

    You can't believe a moment, that rum or gin, my dear,
    Can make you half so merry as a glass of Lager Beer;
    We'll have a glass of Lager, Segars, and oysters, too,
    And listen to the singers with their "Hop de doodle do."
    Then here's to the Lager, &c.

    Your cheeks are red as lobster, your nozzle blooms so sweet,
    Your bristles smooth and shining, with candle grease so neat,
    It's every pleasant evening, when I have got the chink,
    We'll step into the cellar and have a social drink.
    Then here's to the Lager, &c.

    Together when we're tipsy, we'er spinning like a top,
    An' if we have no tumble, we'll never have a stop,
    Then come with me, my covey, for I have lots of chink,
    We'll step into the cellar, and all have a drink.
    Then here's to the Lager, &c.

    Air: Irish jaunting car.

    Come, all you jolly sailors bold, that lives both near and far;
    I'll sing you a short ditty concerning Larry Maher:
    He keeps a slop up boarding house, and sells rot-gut to the tars,
    And the pride of New-York City is..his big five-gallon jar.
    So, if you want chain-lightning, step into Larry Maher,
    And he will serve you with abundance from his big five-gallon jar.

    When first I came to New-York, I came here on a spree,
    And hearing tell of Larry Maher, I went the sights to see:
    Some drunken shells in the corner lay more swilling at the bar,
    And Larry was supplying them from his big five-gallon jar.

    Now, one glass of Larry's beverage will make your heart to ache,
    And, when you get keeled over, your cash he'll surely take;
    But when you wake next morning, you'll be far outside the bar,
    Removed away to Liverpool by .. gallus Larry Maher.

    You may talk about Jamaica rum, and Monongahela too,
    Or all the poteen whiskey made from Cork to Killaloo:
    For, it's a mere cypher, and far below the par;
    For, it can't come up to Larry and his big-five-gallon jar.

    Now, this jar is inexhaustible; for, when it is all done,
    Larry can replenish it, in the snapping of a gun;
    Some camphene and laudanum, alum-water and coal-tar,
    Composes this good beverage of .. gallus Larry Maher.

    I took one glass of Larry's rot-gut, and my heart was up for fight,
    When an M. P. run at me and knocked me higher than a kite;
    He slipped the darbies on me, and the Tombs not being far:
    So, I bid farewell to Larry and his big five-gallon jar.

    Pete Bedrossian
    150th NY/3rd NCT
    Pete Bedrossian
    150th NY/3rd N.C.T.

  • #2
    Re: Songs of the drink

    We sing this one fair regular

    Here’s success to port, Drink it down ,drink it down,
    Here’s success to port, Drink it down ,drink it down,
    Here’s success to port, For it warms the heart for sport,
    Drink it down drink it down, drink it down.

    Here’s success to Sherry, For it makes the heart beat merry,

    Here’s success to whiskey, For it makes the spirits frisky,

    Here’s success to cider, For it makes the frame grow wider,

    Here’s success to brandy, Just enough to make us handy,

    Here’s success to ale, For it makes us strong and hale,

    Here’s success to punch, with a little social lunch,

    Here’s success to porter, while we use it as we oughter,

    Here’s success to water, Heaven’s draught that does no slaughter,

    Soldier camp song.
    [B][I]Christian Sprakes
    19th Regimental Musician and Bugler[FONT="Impact"][/FONT][/I][/B]


    • #3
      Re: Songs of the drink

      These are wonderful. 'Covey' is in the glossary in the back of 'Gangs of New York' - about the only part of the book I trust - as 'man'. 'Darbies' and 'shell' aren't. 'Darbies' seems sure to mean 'handcufs' and 'shells' to mean 'bums'.
      I wonder how 'gallus' applies; 'gallus Larry Maher'. There was a 'Gallus Mag' in New York who helped run a bar. Her name, it's said, came because she held up her skirts with galluses. But 'gallus Larry'? Most guys wore galluses.
      Do you know dates for these songs?
      [SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Todd S. Bemis[/SIZE][/SIZE]
      [CENTER][/CENTER][I]Co. A, 1st Texas Infantry[/I]
      Independent Volunteers
      [I]simius semper simius[/I]


      • #4
        Re: Songs of the drink

        I have a reference for "Larry Maher's Big Five Gallon Jar" from 1859, but "Wait for the Lager", did not have a date. (They both came up on American Memory, 19th century song sheets" from the Library of Congress....I will need to find out what other def. there is for "Gallus Larry Maher"...

        Pete Bedrossian
        150thNY/3rd NCT
        Pete Bedrossian
        150th NY/3rd N.C.T.


        • #5
          Re: Songs of the drink

          Thanks for the date. These lyrics have such a New York City bite to them and are much more lively and clever than the majority I've seen - and they're about getting plowed, which is always a winner of a topic.
          [SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Todd S. Bemis[/SIZE][/SIZE]
          [CENTER][/CENTER][I]Co. A, 1st Texas Infantry[/I]
          Independent Volunteers
          [I]simius semper simius[/I]

