My pal Tim (in the center) had a great-grandfather in the 4th Michigan, so we stopped here. The tune is the Jake Bacchus Jig from Buckley's New Banjo Book of 1860. (The other banjo player is Greg Adams, one of the finest stroke style player around.)
This is at the monument to the 124th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment at Houck's Ridge near the Devil's Den. My great grand uncles Harrison and Charles Bull were in the 124th at Gettysburg. The tune is De Banks of De Ohio from Briggs Banjo Instructor, 1855.
edit- I called that first tune Jake Bacchus Jig when it is in fact Jake Bacchus Reel. We also play a Jake Bacchus Jig, and both tunes are from the Buckley 1860 method book. I uploaded this tune without even listening to it.
I get corn-fused about this stuff alot. Fact is, both Greg and Tim are more "by the book" than I am, even though I advocate the tutors and use them quite a bit. When we're playing in unison, any note deviations is most likely me. I can't stay with the "as written" version as well as Tim and Greg. I wish I could. Tim and Greg can play it straight or deviate, whereas I deviate most all the time.