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Confederate drummer photo

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  • Confederate drummer photo

    Yet another early war drummer who didn't know how to hold his sticks
    Attached Files
    Will Chappell

  • #2
    Re: Confederate drummer photo

    Perhaps he is just posing with his drum and not caring to hold them correctly? He is sitting afterall. It would look awkward to do a proper position of a drummer while sitting.
    I'm no drummer but to me he's just posing to have an image made.

    Jason Whitman
    Resting under the shade of the trees, Mess


    • #3
      Re: Confederate drummer photo

      I think you can get a good idea of how there was shortage of experienced musicians in the Confederate army by reading the article below.

      SAVANNAH [GA] REPUBLICAN, October 9, 1861, p. 2, c. 1
      In Camp, Oct. 7th, 1861.
      Mr. Editor:-Since the recent accession to the number of our troops, there is a constant demand for musicians, and any negro that can blow a fife or beat a drum—no matter how poorly—is in great request. The class of negroes who have furnished military music is, for the larger part, free men, and the frequent passage of soldiers through the city of Savannah has enabled them to get "war prices" for their labors, as a company will pay well for a day or two's music, but may not be willing to pay in the same proportion for twelve months. The consequence is, that musicians cannot be had by volunteer corps for six or twelve months without paying them from $80 to $85 per month. When our brave soldiers receive but $11 for the same period, it seems hard to them that negroes should command more. I would therefore suggest that all free negroes who are musicians be compelled to enter service for Government wages. It is but right, that while colored people are exempt from all duty, they should contribute something for the benefit of the service. Will you call the attention of the public to it?
      Yours Respectfully,

      On a similar note:

      "Drum-Major Neuert must have been very much disgusted with his position and duties while at Bayou Gentilly Camp in Louisiana, to have devoted so much of his spare time in teaching some of the young darkies who hung around the camp how to drum. These youngsters learned very rapidly how to beat a drum, using a piece of board to practise upon. An excellent drum corps of from twelve to fifteen drummers could easily have been formed from these camp followers, who, in a short time, would be almost as proficient as the regular drummers."

      History of the Forty-second Regiment Infantry: Massachusetts Volunteers ...‎ - Page 28
      by Charles Palfray Bosson - United States - 1886 - 465 pages
      Last edited by 33rdaladrummer; 09-09-2009, 11:01 AM.
      Will Chappell


      • #4
        Re: Confederate drummer photo

        This stout fellow should be in the ranks shouldering a musket!
        David Fox


        • #5
          Re: Confederate drummer photo

          Is he wearing corduroy pants?
          Russell L. Stanley
          Co.A 1st Texas Infantry
          Co.A 45th Mississippi
          Co.D 8th Missouri (CS)
          Steelville JayBirds Mess

