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Civil War Era Hymns

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  • Civil War Era Hymns

    This question has probably been posted before but here it goes again. What were some hymns of the Civil War period and I mean ones other than "Amazing Grace" if indeed that was from that time.
    Steven Whaley
    Steven Whaley

  • #2
    Re: Civil War Era Hymns

    "Amazing Grace" was, indeed, around at the time of the CW:

    Amazing Grace: The Story of John Newton, a story about his life, and other information about the slave trade and the movie Amazing Grace
    Elizabeth Topping
    Columbus, Ohio


    • #3
      Re: Civil War Era Hymns

      Thank you Ms Topping for the reply. Any ideas what else was around at that time?" Nearer my God to thee"? "In the sweet By & By" perhaps? I at one time had a tape with period songs of faith on them but I listened to is so much I wore it out.
      Steven Whaley
      Steven Whaley


      • #4
        Re: Civil War Era Hymns

        Try this old link:

        or this:
        Elizabeth Topping
        Columbus, Ohio


        • #5
          Re: Civil War Era Hymns

          Thank you again Ms Topping,
          That will come in very handy.
          Steven Whaley
          Steven Whaley


          • #6
            Re: Civil War Era Hymns

            What faith, what region? There are some specific singing styles that go with regions and sects, and they don't always overlap.

            One option is to look at the historic hymnals from the faith you're most interested in portraying, particularly if you can get with a church historian from your area.
            Elizabeth Clark


            • #7
              Re: Civil War Era Hymns

              Mr. Whaley: "The Sweet By and By" dates from after the war:
              Will Hickox

              "When there is no officer with us, we take no prisoners." Private John Brobst, 25th Wisconsin Infantry, May 20, 1864.


              • #8
                Re: Civil War Era Hymns

                Mrs. Clark,
                I am probably looking South Eastern Baptist. I do know someone who has studied the history of our church quite a bit. Thank you for that suggestion.
                Mr. Hickox,
                Thank you for the link. "The Sweet By and BY" is one of my favorites. I can't wait to meet on the beautiful shore. Hope to see you all there.
                God Bless,
                Steven Whaley.
                Steven Whaley


                • #9
                  Re: Civil War Era Hymns

                  The trick is not finding out what hymns were sung during the war. It's figuring out what tunes they were sung to. Period hymnals only have the lyrics and list the meter of that hymn. Whomever was either playing organ or leading the singing chose the tune based on the meter (how many syllables per line of lyrics). And it's quite possible that people sung tunes to different ones than they are sung to today.
                  [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Joanna Norris Forbes[/FONT]

