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Camptown Shakers at Farnsworth House - June14th

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  • Camptown Shakers at Farnsworth House - June14th

    I just wanted to post that my band, the Camptown Shakers will be playing at the Historic Farnsworth House Inn in Gettysburg on the evening of June 14th, which happens to be Flag Day. I think we will start between 7 and 8 pm and play several sets throughout the evening. I apologize if this an inappropriate posting for this forum but I know that authenticity of musical instruments, playing styles, and repertoire are often discussed here and I would modestly say that the Shakers do a pretty good job of all three. If anyone is in town or out on the battlefield that day stop by and hear our trio play the popular music of the 1860's. Dave Culgan, banjo player.

    if anyone

  • #2
    Re: Camptown Shakers at Farnsworth House - June14th

    Does your fiddle player use gut strings?
    Eric Marten


    • #3
      Re: Camptown Shakers at Farnsworth House - June14th

      No Eric, but I do on my banjos. I have tried to get him to switch over to guts for years but he is not comfortable under the circumstances. You are welcome to come by and play a few tunes to demonstrate the difference. Please don't go into a long diatribe here about fiddle strings, I know the score, anyone else can check the archives. I said "pretty good job". And no, we don't have a bass player and if we did he would be using a bow. Warm regards, Dave Culgan


      • #4
        Re: Camptown Shakers at Farnsworth House - June14th

        No need to be alarmed at my short, simple question. I asked it for a very simple reason. I am compiling a list of serious, authentic civil war period musicians and groups who have recorded CD's with appropriately strung fiddles for my four young apprentice fiddlers (ages 14, 16, 21 and 23), at Old Bethpage Village Restoration, where I am music historian. I want them to hear other period musicians besides myself. They all currently have period instruments, including gut strings, and I thought it would be wise for them to hear a variety of musicians of this genre. I don't allow them to use inappropriate or anachronistic instruments or accessories, and I don't allow them to complain about how hard it is to use gut strings. (They are also all my private violin students who use modern steel or synthetic strings everywhere else, but not at this Living History Museum). I sometimes tell them, and visitors, that since the historic buildings we perform at don't have aluminum siding, then neither should our instruments. (I have nothing to say about basses - we don't use them).

        I hope your concerts go well.
        Last edited by eric marten; 05-31-2014, 04:25 PM.
        Eric Marten

