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german civil war songs

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  • #16
    Re: german civil war songs

    Originally posted by Ringgold

    Und ein Bißchen knallen,
    und die Rebels missfallen,
    Im die Süd! Im die Süd! Im die Süd!

    Very roughly:

    And a few little [musket] cracks,
    and the Rebels are displeased,
    In the South! In the South! In the South!

    The first line's a bit sketchy, but the only other thing I could think of would mean "and a mouthfull of root". :embaresse

    Was Denk'st, alle?
    Your translation seems pretty reasonable to me given that the author was not a native German speaker, was presumably spelling it "phonetically," and was writing about the event nearly 50 years after the fact!

    I would suspect the tune to the song, as frequently happened, was borrowed from another ditty.



    Mark Jaeger


    • #17
      Heil Columbia

      Heil Columbia, glücklich Land!
      Heil Euch Helden, Gott verwandt,
      Die Ihr für Freiheit treu gekämpft,
      Und als verbrauset der Sturm des Krieges,
      Im Frieden Euch erfreuet des Sieges.
      Es sie die Unabhängigkeit
      Unser Stolz zu jeder Zeit.
      Und für's Kleinod, voll von Dank,
      Schall' zum Himmel Hochgesang!

      Fest und einig laßt uns steh'n,
      Wo der Freiheit Banner wehn [wehen = waves]
      Wie Gebrüder ; Fried und Heil
      Ist und bleibt dann unser Theil.
      Steht edle Patrioten auf,
      Beginnet nochmals Euren Lauf!
      Laßt keinen Freund mit Frevler Hand
      Ins Heil’ge bringen, wo das Gut,
      Mit Müh’n und Blut erworben ruhe.

      Wer begen da gerecht und schlicht
      Wir Frieden beut’n die Zuversicht
      Daß Recht und Wahrheit werd besteh’n
      Der Knechtschaft Plän’ in Nichts vergehen.
      Fest und einig laßt uns steh’n, u. s. w.
      Es kling’ mit jubelton
      Der Name Washington
      Von Ruhm getragen durch die Welt!
      Kein Land sei, dem die Freiheit hold,
      Das ihm nicht Preis und Achtung zollt!

      Er hat durch Klugheit und durch Kraft,
      Uns den Triumph im Krieg verschafft;
      Er leitet mit demselben Sinn
      Im Frieden uns zum Glücke hin.
      Fest und einig laßt uns steh’n, u. s. w.
      Schaut aus das Haupt, das jetzt gebeut
      Und durch sien Walten Segen streut!
      Er steht, ein Fels im wilden Meer ;
      Ja stark durch Tugend, treu und fest
      Auf Gott und Euch er sich verläßt.

      Wenn alle Hoffnung fast entwich:
      Der Stern Columbia’s erblich;
      Beharrt sein Geist bei einem Ziel,
      Daß Freiheit oder Tod uns fiel.
      Fest und Einig laßt uns steh’n. u. s. w.
      Mark A. Pflum
      Redleg and unemployed History Teacher
      Phi Alpha Theta (MU XI Chapter)


      • #18
        Re: german civil war songs

        Gutten Tag:

        My great grandfather on my mothers side (cpl. Arnold Rader) was in the 46th Illinois, which was a TOTAL German regiment from Freeport, IL. He came to America in 1854 from Prussia. I have all his Civil War papers/writings and will go thru them as I know he mentions songs. My mother then taught German for 40 years at the high school level before her death in 1986. She had a ot of German LP's which I now have in my possession. I will get them out also, to see what songs are on them.

        I also have a geat greatuncle with the same name as I have: ( John Wedeward) He came to America from Prussia in 1856. Even thu he lived in the Milwaukee area of Wisconsin (Ozaukee County, which is all German) for some reason he traveled to Chicago to join the German 42nd Illinois. I also have all his wrtings. I know he talks about camp life , etc in his letters. I will dig them out.

        Hopefully I can get some first hand accounts from my own relatives.

        My great greatgrandfather on my father's side came to America (Wisconsin) in 1868 and missed our Civil War.

        Auf Wiedershen,

        John Wedeward
        33rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
        John M. Wedeward

        33d Wisconsin Volunteers
        The Hard Head Mess
        The Old Northwest Volunteers
        5th Kentucky Vol's (Thomas' Mudsills)

        Company of Military Historians
        Civil War Battlefield Preservation
        Sons of American Revolution
        Sons of Union Veterans


        Pvt. John Wedeward, Co. A, 42 Illinois Vol. Infantry
        Cpl. Arnold Rader, Co. C, 46th Illinois Vol. Infantry
        Brigadier Gen. John Fellows, 21st Continental Regiment


        • #19
          Re: german civil war songs


          Charles D. Hoskins
          Charles D. Hoskins
          Member, Company of Military Historians
          Member, CWPT
          Washington Historical Society
          Board Member, MCWRA


          • #20
            Re: german civil war songs

            These are excellent German Civil War songs. After I get done with the run of sack coats I am making, I will translate the ones that have not been done, from German into English.

            I would even make a recording, but I do not sing very well (except drunk)

            John M. Wedeward
            33d Wisconsin
            Camp Randall Quartermaster

            Infact, as I am thinking of it, I will get ahold of one of my cousins in Germany and have him translate and sing these songs for me.

            (I wasn't right in the head anyway)
            John M. Wedeward

            33d Wisconsin Volunteers
            The Hard Head Mess
            The Old Northwest Volunteers
            5th Kentucky Vol's (Thomas' Mudsills)

            Company of Military Historians
            Civil War Battlefield Preservation
            Sons of American Revolution
            Sons of Union Veterans



            Pvt. John Wedeward, Co. A, 42 Illinois Vol. Infantry
            Cpl. Arnold Rader, Co. C, 46th Illinois Vol. Infantry
            Brigadier Gen. John Fellows, 21st Continental Regiment


            • #21
              Re: german civil war songs

              Answer to Mark Pflum again:

              Yes, I do still have my cockade!!!! Unfortunately the German part of the 96th has desintegrated. Too many men from other periods ;-(((((((
              Then you will still recall us singing "Kriegslied der Division Blenker" just before the great charge! That was the greatest highlight in my reenactment history, wow, there is still a shiver down my spine. I still remember Rick Guth telling my pard Holger after the song "Henrik is in his Glory".....
              Funny story with the coffee and salt;-)
              It is still fascinating that there are still so many of the old letters around in the US.
              I am still translating some letters from Ken Knopps great grandfather from 1906. A real challenge.
              Viele Gruesse
              Jan H. Berger
              Jan H.Berger

              German Mess


              "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


              • #22
                Re: german civil war songs

                Verlag von Schaefer & Koradi

                (Übrigens, können Sie "alten Deutschen schrift" lesen?)

                Printed script: YES
                handwritten: unfortunately not but I stll have relatives who can so that wouldn't be a problem
                Jan H.Berger
                Jan H.Berger

                German Mess


                "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                • #23
                  Re: german civil war songs

                  Originally posted by Ringgold

                  Und ein Bißchen knallen,
                  und die Rebels missfallen,
                  Im die Süd! Im die Süd! Im die Süd!

                  Very roughly:

                  And a few little [musket] cracks,
                  and the Rebels are displeased,
                  In the South! In the South! In the South!

                  Was Denk'st, alle?
                  Well, could be....
                  Jan H. Berger
                  Jan H.Berger

                  German Mess


                  "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                  • #24
                    Re: Heil Columbia

                    Super Mark!
                    I will print it and add it to the potnetial songs. I hope we will manage the CD thing ;-))
                    Jan H. Berger
                    Jan H.Berger

                    German Mess


                    "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                    • #25
                      Re: german civil war songs

                      Originally posted by weed
                      Gutten Tag:

                      My great grandfather on my mothers side (cpl. Arnold Rader) was in the 46th Illinois, which was a TOTAL German regiment from Freeport, IL. He came to America in 1854 from Prussia. I have all his Civil War papers/writings and will go thru them as I know he mentions songs. My mother then taught German for 40 years at the high school level before her death in 1986. She had a ot of German LP's which I now have in my possession. I will get them out also, to see what songs are on them.

                      I also have a geat greatuncle with the same name as I have: ( John Wedeward) He came to America from Prussia in 1856. Even thu he lived in the Milwaukee area of Wisconsin (Ozaukee County, which is all German) for some reason he traveled to Chicago to join the German 42nd Illinois. I also have all his wrtings. I know he talks about camp life , etc in his letters. I will dig them out.

                      Hopefully I can get some first hand accounts from my own relatives.

                      My great greatgrandfather on my father's side came to America (Wisconsin) in 1868 and missed our Civil War.

                      Auf Wiedershen,

                      John Wedeward
                      33rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
                      Hallo John, do you know from where in Prussia your ancestors came from? Would be great if you could help me with first person accounts!
                      Jan H. Berger
                      Jan H.Berger

                      German Mess


                      "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                      • #26
                        Re: german civil war songs

                        On my mother's side, "Arnold Rader" (my great greatgrandfather) - who incidently spent some time in the Prussian Infantry as he brought to America (which my mother left to me), 2 ORIGINAL Prussian Regimental Stiens) - came from Montigie) which was in the Rhenish Prov. (Western Germany) and on my father's side my great greatuncle "John Wedeward" and my great greatgrandfather "August Wedeward" came from the near the Stettin area (Pomerian Prov) - Eastern Germany. Most of my relatives live in Berlin now, but the cousin I talk most, Daniel Wedeward lives in Lepzig, Germany.

                        I will dig thru all their letters and papers and relatate what their feelings on the war were.

                        John Wedeward
                        33d Wisconsin
                        John M. Wedeward

                        33d Wisconsin Volunteers
                        The Hard Head Mess
                        The Old Northwest Volunteers
                        5th Kentucky Vol's (Thomas' Mudsills)

                        Company of Military Historians
                        Civil War Battlefield Preservation
                        Sons of American Revolution
                        Sons of Union Veterans



                        Pvt. John Wedeward, Co. A, 42 Illinois Vol. Infantry
                        Cpl. Arnold Rader, Co. C, 46th Illinois Vol. Infantry
                        Brigadier Gen. John Fellows, 21st Continental Regiment


                        • #27
                          Re: german civil war songs

                          Fellow Dutchman,
                          I would just like to say that I am very pleased to see fellow reenactors discussing German-istic related actions in the Civil War. Gut Heil! I actually have been researching for some German songs for a time (and was actually thinking of doing a CD as well). I have come up with some of the very same songs have all come up. "Morgenrot" etc.
                          Just as previosly stated be weary of certain songs written in English about the Germans, as there was a very prevelent "anti-teutonish" feeling about America in the 19th century.
                          Just a little historical note: Supposively, the 52nd New York sabg "Dixe" as it marched into Virginia early in the war. The Germans probably liked singing some of the popular English songs as well.
                          I hope there are more songs you come across, god speed and thanks for the posts it's helpful. I'll have to pass the info to my German boys.

                          "Bahn Frei Gut Heil"
                          Matthew Bernhardt Bursig
                          52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers" "Sigel's Rifles"
                          Honorary Descendent 20th New York Regt. "The United Turner Rifles"
                          Your Obedient,

                          Matthew B. Bursig
                          52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers",
                          & The Daybreak B'hoys Mess

                          Researching the Life and Times of the 20th NYSV Regt. The "United Turner Rifles"

                          "Bahn Frei!!"


                          • #28
                            Re: german civil war songs

                            Originally posted by weed
                            On my mother's side, "Arnold Rader" (my great greatgrandfather) - who incidently spent some time in the Prussian Infantry as he brought to America (which my mother left to me), 2 ORIGINAL Prussian Regimental Stiens) - came from Montigie) which was in the Rhenish Prov. (Western Germany) and on my father's side my great greatuncle "John Wedeward" and my great greatgrandfather "August Wedeward" came from the near the Stettin area (Pomerian Prov) - Eastern Germany. Most of my relatives live in Berlin now, but the cousin I talk most, Daniel Wedeward lives in Lepzig, Germany.

                            I will dig thru all their letters and papers and relatate what their feelings on the war were.

                            John Wedeward
                            33d Wisconsin
                            I am from the northern part of Westfalen western Germany.
                            Viele Gruesse
                            Jan H. Berger
                            Jan H.Berger

                            German Mess


                            "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                            • #29
                              Re: german civil war songs

                              Originally posted by MBBursig
                              Fellow Dutchman,
                              I would just like to say that I am very pleased to see fellow reenactors discussing German-istic related actions in the Civil War. Gut Heil! I actually have been researching for some German songs for a time (and was actually thinking of doing a CD as well). I have come up with some of the very same songs have all come up. "Morgenrot" etc.
                              Just as previosly stated be weary of certain songs written in English about the Germans, as there was a very prevelent "anti-teutonish" feeling about America in the 19th century.
                              Just a little historical note: Supposively, the 52nd New York sabg "Dixe" as it marched into Virginia early in the war. The Germans probably liked singing some of the popular English songs as well.
                              I hope there are more songs you come across, god speed and thanks for the posts it's helpful. I'll have to pass the info to my German boys.

                              "Bahn Frei Gut Heil"
                              Matthew Bernhardt Bursig
                              52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers" "Sigel's Rifles"
                              Honorary Descendent 20th New York Regt. "The United Turner Rifles"
                              I hope we will manage the CD thing!!!!!
                              I will keep you posted if so!
                              Jan Henrik Berger
                              Jan H.Berger

                              German Mess


                              "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                              • #30
                                Re: german civil war songs

                                Originally posted by J.H.Berger
                                I hope we will manage the CD thing!!!!!
                                I will keep you posted if so!
                                Jan Henrik Berger
                                The CD sounds like a great idea-having German roots myself, I should dig into this material a bit. I feel sometimes that the "Irish pub songs" are as they say "way overrepresented in the hobby".

