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german civil war songs

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  • #61
    Re: german civil war songs

    Here's another source for period German songs (including "Heckerlieder"):

    20,000 Volkslieder, German Folksongs, Genealogy, Ahnenforschung, lyrics lyric song Lied Lieder party canciones Oceanside Holiday, sechelt, vancouver, british columbia, bc, canada, kanada, bed breakfast, accommodation, lodging, britisch kolumbien, indianer

    This guy even takes requests. I asked him to provide the lyrics for "Das treue Deutsche Herz" (mentioned as having been sung by the Saengerbund of the 26th Wisconsin) but, alas, I haven't been able to find the original music or, at least, a MIDI for it.


    Mark Jaeger

    Mark Jaeger


    • #62
      Re: german civil war songs

      I found my family's little Long Island Turners Songbook, and running through it I came across the song "Turner, Auf Zum Streite" written in 1841 by A.H. Weismann. Much to my surprise I found it on the Volklieder site as well. This seems to be one of the Tunverein "Anthems" so to speak. Considering the size and popularity of the Turnvereins in America during the time of the civil war, and the Turner Regiments that were formed, this song had to have been sung. This is of course speculation but in Der Turner Soldat when the author writes,

      "We also formed two special groups, the singing section (Liedertafel)....Heinicke, Krueger, and Heimer were the first conductors of te Liedertafel. They often said, "Gehoert doch das deutsche Lied unzertrennlich zum Turnen.""

      The song the turner members are calling for may be "Turner, Auf Zum Streite".
      I could also see members of a Turner Rifles regiment singing this song in dedicated service to thier respective Turnverein, sport and ideology.

      "Turner, Auf Zum Streite"

      Melodie-Joseph Hartmann Stuntz, 1847
      Lyrics-A. Heinrich Weismann, 1841
      l. Turner, auf zum Streite!
      Tretet in die Bahn!
      Kraft und Mut geleite
      uns zum Sieg hinan!
      |: Ja, zu hehrem Ziel
      führet unser Spiel. :|

      2. Nicht mit fremden Waffen s
      chaffen wir uns Schutz;
      was uns anerschaffen,
      ist uns Schutz und Trutz.
      |: Bleibt Natur uns treu,
      stehn wir stark und frei! :|

      3. Wie zum Turnerspiele
      ziehn wir in die Welt;
      der gelangt zum Ziele,
      der sich tapfer hält.
      |: Männern, stark und wahr,
      strahlt der Himmel klar! :|

      4. Auf denn, Turner, ringet,
      prüft der Sehnen Kraft!
      Doch zuvor umschlinget
      euch als Bruderschaft:
      |: Großes Werk gedeiht
      nur durch Einigkeit! :|

      As for the Melody, I'll do some desperate searches on the internet or could ask one of the older members of my Turner club how the song goes.

      Gut Heil,
      Your Obedient,

      Matthew B. Bursig
      52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers",
      & The Daybreak B'hoys Mess

      Researching the Life and Times of the 20th NYSV Regt. The "United Turner Rifles"

      "Bahn Frei!!"


      • #63
        Re: german civil war songs

        Originally posted by MBBursig
        I found my family's little Long Island Turners Songbook, and running through it I came across the song "Turner, Auf Zum Streite" written in 1841 by A.H. Weismann. Much to my surprise I found it on the Volklieder site as well. This seems to be one of the Tunverein "Anthems" so to speak. Considering the size and popularity of the Turnvereins in America during the time of the civil war, and the Turner Regiments that were formed, this song had to have been sung. This is of course speculation but in Der Turner Soldat when the author writes,

        "We also formed two special groups, the singing section (Liedertafel)....Heinicke, Krueger, and Heimer were the first conductors of te Liedertafel. They often said, "Gehoert doch das deutsche Lied unzertrennlich zum Turnen.""

        The song the turner members are calling for may be "Turner, Auf Zum Streite".
        I could also see members of a Turner Rifles regiment singing this song in dedicated service to thier respective Turnverein, sport and ideology.

        "Turner, Auf Zum Streite"

        Melodie-Joseph Hartmann Stuntz, 1847
        Lyrics-A. Heinrich Weismann, 1841
        l. Turner, auf zum Streite!
        Tretet in die Bahn!
        Kraft und Mut geleite
        uns zum Sieg hinan!
        |: Ja, zu hehrem Ziel
        führet unser Spiel. :|

        2. Nicht mit fremden Waffen s
        chaffen wir uns Schutz;
        was uns anerschaffen,
        ist uns Schutz und Trutz.
        |: Bleibt Natur uns treu,
        stehn wir stark und frei! :|

        3. Wie zum Turnerspiele
        ziehn wir in die Welt;
        der gelangt zum Ziele,
        der sich tapfer hält.
        |: Männern, stark und wahr,
        strahlt der Himmel klar! :|

        4. Auf denn, Turner, ringet,
        prüft der Sehnen Kraft!
        Doch zuvor umschlinget
        euch als Bruderschaft:
        |: Großes Werk gedeiht
        nur durch Einigkeit! :|

        As for the Melody, I'll do some desperate searches on the internet or could ask one of the older members of my Turner club how the song goes.

        Gut Heil,

        Kanerad Bursig!
        It would be graet to get the tune!!!
        I am putting together the lyrics of the different songs now first and let them be bound as a little facsimile booklet for reenactment use.
        Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!
        Jan H.Berger

        German Mess

        "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


        • #64
          Re: german civil war songs

          I found a nice copy of a "Das Star-Spangled Banner" Broadside at the Library of Congres site:

          Gut Heil,
          Your Obedient,

          Matthew B. Bursig
          52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers",
          & The Daybreak B'hoys Mess

          Researching the Life and Times of the 20th NYSV Regt. The "United Turner Rifles"

          "Bahn Frei!!"


          • #65
            Re: german civil war songs

            Originally posted by MBBursig
            I found a nice copy of a "Das Star-Spangled Banner" Broadside at the Library of Congres site:

            Gut Heil,

            I will add it to my list!
            Jan H.Berger

            German Mess


            "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


            • #66
              Re: german civil war songs

              Originally posted by J.H.Berger
              I will add it to my list!

              I finally found my original copy of "Lieder fur Soldaten" (printed by the American Tract Society around 1862). If you can resend your address to me


              I will see about copying it off. Doing this will probably take quite a while since the original is very fragile. I should also add that I own two original German-language almanacs. These date from 1864 and 1865 and were printed in Pennsylvania.

              bis spaeter,

              Mark Jaeger

              Mark Jaeger


              • #67
                Re: german civil war songs

                Hallo, Kameraden!

                Ich bin zurück wieder! Ich entschuldige mich für die lange abwesenheit.

                My little vest pocket songbook contains the following tune titled “Bundeslied”, but I have seen a very similar song entitled “Brause du Freiheitsgesang”, which has a more German native, rather than a German immigrant flavor. I know there is also a different song entitled “Bundeslied” that is a bit more radical in it’s content. Anyway, here goes my latest submission to this noble endeavor.


                Brause du Freiheitssang,
                Brause wie Wogendrang
                Aus Felsenbrust!
                Feig bebt der Knechte Schwarm,
                Uns schlägt das Herz so warm,
                Uns zückt der Jünglingsarm
                Voll Thatenlust.

                Gott Vater, dir zum Ruhm,
                Flammt Deutschlands Ritterthum
                In uns auf’s Neu’.
                Neu wird das alte Land,
                Waschsend wie Feuersbrand,
                Gott, Freiheit, Vaterland,
                Altdeutsche Treu’!

                Stolz, keusch und heilig sei,
                Gläubig und keusch und frei
                Hermann’s Geschlecht!
                Zwingherrschaft, Zwinghernwitz
                Tilgt Gottes Racheblitz -
                Euch sei der Herrschersitz
                Freiheit und Recht!

                Freiheit in uns erwacht
                Ist deine Geistermacht;
                Heil dieser Stund'!
                Glühend für Wissenschaft,
                Blühend in Jugendkraft,
                Sei Deutschlands Jüngerschaft
                Ein Bruderbund.

                Schalle, du Liederklang,
                Schalle, Du Hochgesang,
                Aus deutscher Brust!
                Ein Herz, ein Leben ganz,
                Stehn wir wie Wall und Schanz'
                Um einer Sonne Glanz,
                Voll Himmelust

                I have noticed that this book tends to favor the "th" consonant over the single "t" in certain words. Is this just an "old-fashion" way of spelling the words?
                Mark A. Pflum
                Redleg and unemployed History Teacher
                Phi Alpha Theta (MU XI Chapter)


                • #68
                  Re: german civil war songs

                  Here is one just for Spaß! Since most everyone knows the tune to this one, perhaps it could be used to quickly set cadence for the Deutsche Kompanie at McDowell next year? Of course, the troops could play with the lyrics and change them to poke fun at whomever they choose, just like soldiers always have done . . .

                  “Ei du lieber Augustine”

                  Ei, du lieber Augustin,
                  'Geld ist weg,
                  ‘s Mäd’l ist hin!
                  Ei du lieber Augustin,
                  Alles ist hin!


                  Denkt ihr denn, denkt ihr denn,
                  Mädchen sind theuer?
                  Fünfe für e’n Pfennig,
                  Und fünfzehn für e’n Dreier.


                  Denkt ihr denn, denkt ihr denn
                  Jungen sind theuer?
                  Fünfzehn für e’n Pfennig,
                  Und sechzig für e’n Dreier.

                  Then again, maybe not . . . :sarcastic
                  Mark A. Pflum
                  Redleg and unemployed History Teacher
                  Phi Alpha Theta (MU XI Chapter)


                  • #69
                    Re: german civil war songs

                    I finally noticed this thread just now for some reason...great lyrics, thank you everyone for posting them!

                    Mr. Jaeger, you haven't found any publishers who have reproduced the book "Lieder fuer Soldaten" by chance? If so, please let me know!

                    [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Miss Lisa-Marie Clark[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
                    [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][I][FONT=Book Antiqua]Long, long years have passed, and though he comes no more,
                    Yet my heart will startling beat with each footfall at my door.
                    I gaze o'er the hill where he waved his last adieu,
                    But no gallant lad I see in his faded coat of blue.[/FONT][/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]


                    • #70
                      Re: german civil war songs

                      Wie Geht's,

                      I found the melody for the Turner Song "Turner auf zum Streite"

                      Gut Heil,
                      Your Obedient,

                      Matthew B. Bursig
                      52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers",
                      & The Daybreak B'hoys Mess

                      Researching the Life and Times of the 20th NYSV Regt. The "United Turner Rifles"

                      "Bahn Frei!!"


                      • #71
                        Re: german civil war songs

                        Originally posted by cwbelle
                        I finally noticed this thread just now for some reason...great lyrics, thank you everyone for posting them!

                        Mr. Jaeger, you haven't found any publishers who have reproduced the book "Lieder fuer Soldaten" by chance? If so, please let me know!

                        Gruess Gott!

                        Sorry I didn't answer sooner. No, to my knowledge, this work has never been reproduced, probably due to its relative rarity and "limited market." The tunes appear to be the same that were published in an English-language army and navy hymnal that was published by the American Tract Society (these are fairly common and I've bought at least two of them on eBay).

                        I've thought about having this item reproduced--know anybody who might be able to help me out?

                        Bis spaeter,

                        Mark Jaeger

                        Mark Jaeger


                        • #72
                          Re: german civil war songs

                          Originally posted by markj
                          Gruess Gott!

                          Sorry I didn't answer sooner. No, to my knowledge, this work has never been reproduced, probably due to its relative rarity and "limited market." The tunes appear to be the same that were published in an English-language army and navy hymnal that was published by the American Tract Society (these are fairly common and I've bought at least two of them on eBay).

                          I've thought about having this item reproduced--know anybody who might be able to help me out?

                          Bis spaeter,

                          Mark Jaeger
                          hmmm...I don't know any good publishers at the moment who would be interested, but I'll keep an eye open for one. It would be really neat to have copies of it. Danke für deine Antwort!

                          Bis bald,
                          Lisa-Marie Clark
                          [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Miss Lisa-Marie Clark[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
                          [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][I][FONT=Book Antiqua]Long, long years have passed, and though he comes no more,
                          Yet my heart will startling beat with each footfall at my door.
                          I gaze o'er the hill where he waved his last adieu,
                          But no gallant lad I see in his faded coat of blue.[/FONT][/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]


                          • #73
                            Re: german civil war songs

                            Her Berger,
                            Do you speak German?I would sure like to find Kameraden
                            That do.
                            Rich Magwwod,
                            10thVA inf.


                            • #74
                              Re: german civil war songs

                              Klar sprech ich Deutsch:p
                              contact me if you need more info.
                              Jan H.Berger

                              German Mess


                              "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                              • #75
                                Re: german civil war songs

                                Here's one that may help

                                Muß i' denn zum Städtele hinaus

                                Melodie - Melodie - Aus dem Remstal, zuerst bei Friedrich Silcher, 1827

                                2. & 3. Strophe Heinrich Wagner

                                1. Muß i' denn, muß i' denn
                                Zum Städtele hinaus,
                                Städtele hinaus
                                Und du mein Schatz bleibst hier
                                Wenn i' komm', wenn i' komm',
                                Wenn i' wiederum, wiederum komm',
                                Kehr i' ei' mei' Schatz bei dir
                                |: Kann i' glei' net allweil bei dir sei'
                                Han' i' doch mei' Freud' an dir
                                Wenn i' komm', wenn i' komm',
                                Wenn i' wiederum, wiederum komm',
                                Kehr' i' ei' mei' Schatz bei dir. :|

                                2. Wenn du weinst, wenn du weinst,
                                Daß i' wandere muß,
                                Wandere muß,
                                Wie wenn d'Lieb jetzt wär vorbei
                                Sind au' drauß, sind au' drauß,
                                Der Mädele viel, Mädele viel
                                Lieber Schatz, i' bleib dir treu.
                                |: Denk du nett wenn i' a and're seh
                                No sei mei Lieb' vorbei
                                Sind au' drauß, sind au' drauß,
                                Der Mädele viel, Mädele viel
                                Lieber Schatz, i' bleib dir treu. :|

                                3. Übers Jahr, übers Jahr,
                                Wenn mer Träubele schneidt,
                                Träubele schneidt,
                                Stell i' hier mi' wiedrum ei'
                                Bin i' dann, bin i' dann,
                                Dei' Schätzele no', Schätzele no'
                                So soll die Hochzeit sei.
                                |: Übers Jahr do ischt mei' Zeit vorbei
                                Do g'hör i' mei und dei
                                Bin i' dann, bin i' dann,
                                Dei' Schätzele no', Schätzele no'
                                So soll die Hochzeit sei. :|

                                Tr. & Phonetic Ver. Frank 1998

                                1. Got to go, got to go,
                                Got to leave this town,
                                Leave this town
                                And you, my dear, stay here.
                                When I'm back, when I'm back
                                When I'm back again, back again,
                                On your doorstep I'll appear.
                                |: Tho' I can't be with you all the time
                                My thoughts are with you, my dear
                                When I'm back, when I'm back
                                When I'm back again, back again,
                                On your doorstep I'll appear. :|

                                2. Don't you cry, don't you cry,
                                'cause I've got to go,
                                Got to go,
                                As if our love was now gone.
                                Tho' out there, tho' out there
                                Are so many girls, many girls,
                                I'll stay true to you alone.
                                |: Don't think when I see another girl
                                My love for you, it will be gone.
                                Tho' out there, tho' out there
                                Are so many girls, many girls,
                                I'll stay true to you alone. :|

                                3. In a year, in a year,
                                With grapes ripe on the vine,
                                Ripe on the vine,
                                Then, again it's here I'll be.
                                If by then, if by then,
                                I am still your beau, still your beau
                                We will wed, my bride you'll be.
                                |: In a year my time, it will be done
                                And then it is your's I will be.
                                If by then, if by then,
                                I am still your beau, still your beau,
                                We will wed, my bride you'll be. :|
                                Tony Evans[FONT="Georgia"][/FONT][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

                                "I ain't no damn Yank, I'm a Rebel." My Father's reply to an Australian greeting during WWII.

