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  • Music

    Hi all,

    im looking for some Drum Music. I would like to have

    -Jaybird/firemans QS
    -Chain Cotillion - Harem Scarem
    -Adam Bell's March
    -British Grenadiers - Prince Eugene's March
    -Oyster River Hornpipe

    I can already play these, i would just like to make sure i have the right beats down.


    [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]John R. Legg[/SIZE][/FONT]


    "Alright, Legg, what did you screw up now?" - C. Henderson
    Ft.Blakeley LH - May 25-27
    Maryland, My Maryland. - September 7-9
    6th Wisconsin Antietam LH - September 15-17
    150th Perryville - October 5-7
    Valley Forge - January 18-20, 2013

  • #2
    Re: Music

    You will find the beatings to all the tunes you listed here......

    Paul Herring

    Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
    Stonewall Brigade


    • #3
      Re: Music

      "I can already play these, i would just like to make sure i have the right beats down. "

      This depends on what you mean by "the right beats." These are "the right beats" if you want to play at an "ancient fife and drum" muster or jam session, but not at a civil war reenactment. Be careful, as most of the beats found in the company of fifers and drummers music books are not in the Civil War style. For the ones you asked about, the following are period or are in the period style:

      Harem Scarem
      British Grenadiers
      Prince Eugene's March

      The beats found on for the following tunes are not appropriate for CW reenactments:

      Jaybird/ Firemans QS
      Chain Cotillion
      Adam Bell's March
      Oyster River Hornpipe

      Some clues that will tell you that a particular beat is not period are:

      1. Extended rests on the snare drum
      2. Bass drum solos
      3. Rudimental combinations not found in the period manuals

      There are actually several period drum manuals being reproduced including:

      Howe 1861
      Hart 1862
      Bruce-Emmett 1862(although there is little evidence that very many copies were actually produced during the war)

      All of these are available at Some you can view online at If you can get in contact with George Carroll, he has editions of Hart and Bruce-Emmett which have the interpretations/sticking. His company's name is Carroll's Drum Service.

      For the tunes for which there is no period beating available, it is best to use a period beating that goes with another tune or by "cutting and pasting" from period beats. There is a dvd called "Echoes of the Blue and the Gray" that has footage of CW veteran drummers and fifers. They play the Army 2-4 for nearly every tune.

      If you need any help locating/adapting period beats, let me know. I will be happy to help.

      Will Chappell, drummer
      33rd Alabama Infantry
      Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
      Fort McHenry Guard Field Music
      Will Chappell

