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Civil War Period Music for Guitar

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  • Civil War Period Music for Guitar

    I'm looking for guitar music for civil war period songs. Most music from the period isn't written specifically for the guitar. I was able to find one book, "Civil War Songs and Ballads for Guitar", that I've ordered. Any help would be appreciated.

    John P. Winkler

  • #2
    Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

    You might try searching the net by the song names on some Guitar tabuliture sites. Hey, ya never know!
    [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]Howard Davis[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]


    • #3
      Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

      Guys, here are a few links to searchable web sites where you can look up and view a wide collection of period sheet music. While most pieces in these collections appear to be specifically arranged for the piano, I know that there are a few in there noted as being arranged for guitar.

      Lester S. Levy Collection:

      Duke University Collection

      Library of Congress Collection of Sheet Music About Lincoln

      Happy hunting!

      Dan Munson
      Co. K, 100th Penn'a V.I.
      Dan Munson
      Co. F, 1st Calif. V.I.
      5th Wisc./10th Va.


      • #4
        Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

        As an addendum to my previous post, I note the thread-starter's acquisition of a Civil War song book for guitars. I'd be interested in knowing the source of acquisition, price, contents, etc. Might be something I'd want to get hands on. Hopefully, the book is broader than the usual "Marching Through Georgia"/"Rally 'Round The Flag"/"Year of Jubilo" fare. The soldiers on both sides came to the war "pre-loaded" with a whole more music than that!

        Dan Munson (again)
        Dan Munson
        Co. F, 1st Calif. V.I.
        5th Wisc./10th Va.


        • #5
          Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

          The book I ordered was called "Civil War Songs and Ballads for the Guitar". It is compiled, aranged and edited by Jerry Silverman. I'm still waiting for the book. I ordered it through If you do a google search on the title there will be multiple hits.

          John Winkler
          Co K 6th TX


          • #6
            Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

            I would poke around on the Library of Congress.

            Look at the early American Sheet music. You might find something that interests your fancy.
            Your Obedient,

            Matthew B. Bursig
            52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers",
            & The Daybreak B'hoys Mess

            Researching the Life and Times of the 20th NYSV Regt. The "United Turner Rifles"

            "Bahn Frei!!"


            • #7
              Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

              Are you looking for chords to play play while you sing or are you trying to pick out the different melodies? Are you looking for classical music that would have been known or "camp" songs?
              [I]Sam Horton[/I]
              OFJ Staff


              • #8
                Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

                You wanna be a hardcore guitar player? Use primary sources, and learn like they did.

                Go here, and type in "guitar."
                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

                [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
                [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]


                • #9
                  Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

                  Thanks Everyone for the links! I have lots of music to work on now. Additionally, my book arrived yesterday. It contains about 40 commonly known songs as Battle Hymn of the Republic, Bonnie Blue Flag, The Yellow Rose of Texas etc... The arrangements look technically simple enough for an amateur like me. It lists the basic melody, a combination of notes for guitar solos, and of course, the basic cords if you just want to strum along to the song. I guess I'll work on a little of everything, because another member of my unit plays the basic melody with his squeezebox. I'm used to finger picking because I play a little classical guitar.

                  John Winkler
                  Co K 6th TX INF


                  • #10
                    Re: Civil War Period Music for Guitar

                    John -

                    Beyond "Civil War Songs and Ballads for Guitar" (of which I have a copy and it's great) and a few others that are published today, if you want to get more hard core you may want to use original period music sheets, sources and methods that those modern books transcribed from. For one thing those recent books are written for modern standard pitch as obtained on steel-string modern guitars, not the somewhat different period pitch as used on gut and silk-string guitars of the period. Here's one source to order actual period music written for guitar:

                    As for a period guitar method, see the cover of the one showing here, that you with your classic fingerstyle experience might find helpful. I'll put the whole book in a printable pdf form on the Minstrel Banjo supplemental site later this week.

                    - Dan Wykes
                    Last edited by Danny; 05-25-2008, 11:54 PM.
                    Danny Wykes

