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The Camp Jackson Song.

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  • The Camp Jackson Song.

    Last edited by Old Cremona; 11-12-2007, 07:46 PM.
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]

  • #2
    Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

    I just had to thank you . I do love to listen to your music. Do you happen to have any more that you might share

    Oh those crazy bones:D
    [FONT="Times New Roman"][/FONT]
    Charlene Staples
    Delavan, WI

    Citizens of The Old NorthWest
    Boonesfield Village
    Lost Tribes


    • #3
      Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

      Well Done!Hope to see you at Tater Mess get together next month!
      Forrest Peterson

      Tater Mess
      Tater Mess Social Orchestra
      Missourah Shirkers


      • #4
        Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

        Hi Carl

        What a great song! Any way to get that in MP3 format?
        Scott Dallimore
        14th SCVI Co. I "McCalla's Rifles"
        Reedy River Mess - 16th S.C. The Greenville Rg't


        • #5
          Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

          Dat's some rattlin' ob dem bones by Frank. I was thinking today about the show the two of you performed at Corinth a couple years ago then I see this video.
          Silas Tackitt,
          one of the moderators.

          Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.


          • #6
            Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

            I was trying to figure out the significance of camp Jackson, and did a Google search and came up with this excellent article with pictures and maps. A very interesting story.

            You should do a CD of the more obscure Trans-Mississippi songs like Camp Jackson - that would be great; I'd by one quicker n' you could say "Camp Jackson"! ;-D
            Last edited by sepoy1857; 11-13-2007, 07:12 PM.
            Scott Dallimore
            14th SCVI Co. I "McCalla's Rifles"
            Reedy River Mess - 16th S.C. The Greenville Rg't


            • #7
              Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

              Carl: you probably heard a lot of this, but thank you! it was beautiful - i've hooked my computer up to my stereo, and it was like you were there in the room. I hope i get to meet you someday.
              Eric Marten


              • #8
                Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

                VERY GOOD I MUST SAY! Has been to long since i have last seen you guys play....
                Whats the next event you and Frank will be at?
                Travis Franklin
                "Patrick Fhailen"

                The Missoura Shirkers
                4th Mo. Inf.

                "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states." Charles Dickens, 1862


                • #9
                  The Invasion of Camp Jackson song

                  Here's a link to a songsheet for the Happy Land of Canaan from the Levy collection. Please note, this is the songsheet for the melody, not the words to the Invasion of Camp Jackson song. Also from the Levy collection is a link to the tune in pdf format. When having the choice between printing the jpg of songsheets in the collection or printing the pdf's, I've had better luck with the pdf's.

                  As for the lyrics to the "Invasion of Camp Jackson" song (1861) from Joseph Leddy, here's a version I found online:

                  1st Verse:

                  "It was on the Tenth of May, Kelly's men were all away,
                  When the Dutch surrounded Camp Jackson;
                  Lyon was there, with Boernstein and Blair,
                  to take our men from the happy land of Canaan."
                  Chorus (repeat after each verse):

                  "Oh! Oh! Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah!—The time of our glory is a-coming.
                  We yet will see the time, when all of us will shine,
                  And drive the Hessians from our happy land of Canaan."

                  Verse 2 :
                  Lyon came into camp with such a pompous tramp,
                  And said, “Frost, you'll have to surrender;
                  One half hour I'll give, that is, if you want to live,
                  To get out of this happy land of Canaan.”

                  3rd Verse:
                  "Our boys looked so nice and neat, when they formed upon the street,
                  You could tell that sauerkraut was not their feeding;
                  Our men were straight and tall, the Dutch were thin and small
                  And a disgrace to our happy land of Canaan."

                  4th Verse:
                  "The people gave three cheers for the handsome Volunteers,
                  Which raised the Hessians' indignation;
                  They fired upon our brothers, killing sisters, wives and mothers!
                  But we'll avenge them in the happy land of Canaan."

                  5th Verse:
                  "With Col. Kelly at our head, we will fight till we are dead
                  Wherever he goes we will sustain him;
                  He has led us on again, to fight with might and main,
                  To whip the Dutch from this happy land of Canaan."

                  6th Verse:
                  "Twas just three months that day, since the gloomy 10th of May,
                  When Lyon once again had us surrounded.
                  But we were fighting for State-Rights, and we proved it in the fight,
                  For we shot him in this happy land of Canaan."
                  I understand there are many, many verses and versions to the Happy Land of Canaan song. Good songs tend to get revamped with new lyrics repeatedly. Land of Canaan seems to be a good example of this. Lynchburgtown is another example of the principle.

                  I found the above lyrics on this website about Camp Jackson. Here's another link to additional verses to the Canaan song..

                  To be balanced, here are a couple more verses with a Federal slant.. While I'm at it, here's another Federal song. If Troy sees this post, he might be interested in popping up this link as it goes to a snippet of a book about the Army of the Pacific which includes the Canaan song.

                  I'm posting this here for my personal convenience. I've stolen a few minutes in the county law library on one of their computers to do some quick research on this song. Might as well share the findings. I'll probably tab this song during my lunchbreak tomorrow and give it a go on the ol' banjar in the evening.
                  Silas Tackitt,
                  one of the moderators.

                  Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

                    O.K. I have to admit I find myself watching this one alot. There are a couple of us at the firehouse trying to learn modern banjo:cry_smile. Carl and Frank are superstars up there, no one there has ever seen the bones played before. They just watch and smile. Great job guys, it's always nice to hear "unknown" stuff played right!!!
                    Last edited by boozie; 01-02-2008, 04:39 PM. Reason: Add
                    Grandad Wm. David Lee
                    52nd Tenn. Reg't Co. B

                    "If You Ain't Right, Get Right!"
                    - Uncle Dave Macon



                    • #11
                      Re: The Camp Jackson Song.

                      Bravo, bravo! You is a mean bones playa Missa Frank. Loved your darkie impression at BGR also.
                      David Parent

                      The Cracker Mess
                      MLK Mess
                      Black Hat Boys

                      Veterans would tell of Sherman's ordering a flanking movement and instructing a subordinate how to report his progress: "See here Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means"

