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Keemo Kimo featuring Greg Higginbotham.

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  • Keemo Kimo featuring Greg Higginbotham.

    Keemo Kimo.

    Do They Miss Me at Home?
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]

  • #2
    Re: Keemo Kimo featuring Greg Higginbotham.

    Great work Carl!

    I would have thought that my overshirt would have been too big on your lanky frame, but you look the part!
    Cody Mobley

    Texas Ground Hornets
    Texas State Troops

    [HOUSTON] TRI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, October 28, 1863,


    All ladies in Houston and surrounding counties who have cloth on hand, which they can spare, are requested to donate it to the ladies of Crockett for the purpose of making petticoats for the Minute Men of this county, who have "backed out" of the service. We think the petticoat more suitable for them in these times.


    • #3
      Re: Keemo Kimo featuring Greg Higginbotham.

      Is that Higg on the end or some homeless guy they drug in on the promise of a hot meal?
      Robert Clanton

      “Given that the vast majority of Americans have never heard a shot fired in anger, the imaginative presentation of military history is vital, lest rising generations have no sense of the sacrifices of which they are beneficiaries.”

      George Will


      • #4
        Re: Keemo Kimo featuring Greg Higginbotham.

        ... and you fellas sure did a fine performance on those soldiers' songs. Thanks.

        - Dan Wykes
        Last edited by Danny; 12-09-2007, 10:46 PM.
        Danny Wykes


        • #5
          Re: Keemo Kimo featuring Greg Higginbotham.

          Okay, I lied, it doesn't really feature Higgy, but he IS in it, and I though that might generate some interest. It's always great hanging out with him.

          We were at Fort Scott, Ks., for their Candlelight Tour when we did this. The lighting in the enlisted barracks is bad but it's "period correct."
          Originally posted by ohpkirk View Post
          Great work Carl!

          I would have thought that my overshirt would have been too big on your lanky frame, but you look the part!
          Thanks again for the great overshirt, Cody.
          [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

          [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
          [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]


          • #6
            Re: Keemo Kimo featuring Greg Higginbotham.

            Thanks for the post Carl.
            I keep finding greater intrest in this music.
            Nice job.

            Merry Christmas
            Greg S Barnett
            Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

            New Knoxville Mess
            ArmoryGuards/ WIG

            An authentic person of true insignificance

