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alleged confederate drum

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  • alleged confederate drum

    ebay Item number: 190182995519

    "You can still see remnants of cotton seed inside of the roping"


    Cotton rope on a drum will stretch, stretch, then stretch some more. I seriously doubt that is cotton...must have been grown in Parsippany, NJ.
    Attached Files
    Will Chappell

  • #2
    Re: alleged confederate drum

    Winning bid: $900.23. I asked the seller what "museum" this drum came from and it turned out to be a "relic shop" in Gettysburg. Not surprising

    The drum supposedly belonged to Fredrick Ashburn, Co.A, 1st Virginia.

    I did a google search and quickly came up with the roster, and there is no Fredrick Ashburn listed. In fact, it appears that the drum corps was organized before the war, and the musicians did not belong to any company. There was no drummer from Co. A.

    Drum Corps

    Pohle, C. R. M., Drum - Major
    Berry, Alexander
    Bladen, J.
    Bolton, W.
    Branon, Frank
    Burch, George
    Doyle, Benjamin
    Eubank, George
    Harris, Fred
    Johnson, James W.
    McDonough, Thomas
    O'Keefe, James H.
    Salomon, H.
    Shumaker, Joseph
    Strang, J. L. R.
    Street, Willis
    Sweeny, W. F.

    This list was aparently taken from the War History of the Old First Virginia Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia by Charles T. Loehr - 1884

    which has been scanned into google books

    Here is a photo of Drum Major Pohle

    I like the caption:

    "The Army of Northern Virginia did not find bands and bearskin hats preferable
    to food, and both the former soon disappeared, while the supply of the latter became only intermittent."
    Will Chappell


    • #3
      Re: alleged confederate drum

      Don't forget the 1st Virginia Battalion (Regulars), also called the Irish Battalion. There was a William F.(Frederick?) Ashburn on their roster. I don't have means to research further but just food for thought.
      Bob Williams
      26th North Carolina Troops

      As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


      • #4
        Re: alleged confederate drum

        According to Robert J. Driver and Kevin C. Ruffner's history of the 1st Battalion Virginia Infantry, the fellow on their roster is:

        Ashburn, William E.: Drummer, Co. A. Enlisted Chesterfield Co., November 1, 1864. Present through February 1865. Surrendered Appomattox C.H., April 9, 1865.

        Perhaps the tag on the drum has the units switched. Perhaps Ashwood served in the 1st Battalion Virginia Local Defense.

        Eric J. Mink
        Co. A, 4th Va Inf
        Stonewall Brigade

        Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


        • #5
          Re: alleged confederate drum

          Looks like the National Archives has a record for William F. Ashburn, a musician in Co. A, 1st Battalion Virginia Infantry.

          Maybe I dismissed this one too quickly. I suppose I'm skeptical after seeing so many post-war drums and fifes being pawned off as "originals".
          Will Chappell


          • #6
            Re: alleged confederate drum

            Yes, we've all had our "Ashburn-ed" once or twice, so your skepticism is understood.
            Bob Williams
            26th North Carolina Troops

            As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


            • #7
              Re: alleged confederate drum


              I know exactly how you feel. There may be a chance to recover on this one though. I happen to have an original Marine Corps drum. Like the 1st Va drum that got away from you, it came out of a relic shop in Gettysburg. I was going to list it on E-Bay with a $700 reserve. I can provide photos on request if interested.

              Jeff Christman
              Liberty Hall Fifes & Drums


              • #8
                Re: alleged confederate drum

                Sure, Jeff. Why don't you just post them we all can see what a good deal you got.
                Will Chappell


                • #9
                  Re: alleged confederate drum


                  Ever the skeptic, you won't believe this, but the drum has already been spoken for and the price was bid up considerably by a Marine collector. Should another one come my way, I'll get the word out to you as soon as possible for an authenticity opinion.

                  Merry Christmas
                  Jeff Christman


                  • #10
                    Re: alleged confederate drum

                    It looked at lot like this one, didn't it?

                    Will Chappell


                    • #11
                      Re: alleged confederate drum


                      You have to be kidding!

                      If you purchased this drum I will be over in 3 days to check it out. Have supper ready!
                      Paul Herring

                      Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
                      Stonewall Brigade


                      • #12
                        Re: alleged confederate drum


                        Jealous, jealous, jealous!!! As you both know, among the Field Music, there was an old Army expression:

                        "Little drum....Big drumstick".:wink_smil

                        Have a great Christmas. See you after the Holidays
                        Jeff Christman

