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48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

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  • 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

    Just stumbled across this picture while surfing. I have not seen this one before, but is rather interesting as in the types of uniforms that some of the soldiers are wearing. Any ideas as to what type of coat the gent on the ground, 2nd from left is wearing? It appears he has chevrons on the cuffs. Looks like a militia jacket. Also, notice the gent in the top and far right, it appears he is wearing a double breasted shell jacket. Any ideas?
    [B]Justin Morris[/B]
    [B]Independent Rifles[/B]
    "And All of Hell Followed"

    Shiloh, IR Confederate Campaigner Adjunct Battalion, Cleburne's Division, March 30 to April 1, 2012

  • #2
    Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

    Thanks for posting the pic. When I seen the title of the thread, I thought that I would get a good look at some CD jackets to help prepare for the anniversary event at Chickamauga....however, to my surprise...on the contrary! I can't see anything that tells me "this is a CD jacket"...wonder what time of year this was taken.
    Luke Gilly
    Breckinridge Greys
    Lodge 661 F&AM

    "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


    • #3
      Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

      I'm going from memory here, so watch out. I believe that image was taken at Camp Douglass in 1862. Also appears to be a double breasted frock on the top row, thid man from the left.
      Grandad Wm. David Lee
      52nd Tenn. Reg't Co. B

      "If You Ain't Right, Get Right!"
      - Uncle Dave Macon


      • #4
        Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

        Can you give the source of the picture? I am researching one of my G-G-G - grandfather's that was in the 48th Tenn.
        Thanks for the help!
        Coy D. Hall, Jr
        4th Texas Co. E
        F & AM Cedar # 60
        Clarkston, Michigan


        • #5
          Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

          I'm sorry I can't give a source. I had this stored in my old e-mail files from college and had e-mailed it to myself from my old college e-mail. I'll dig around and see what I can find. It is a killer pic. I believe these gents were captured at Fort Donelson, so this pic is an excellent source for early war uniforms.
          [B]Justin Morris[/B]
          [B]Independent Rifles[/B]
          "And All of Hell Followed"

          Shiloh, IR Confederate Campaigner Adjunct Battalion, Cleburne's Division, March 30 to April 1, 2012


          • #6
            Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

            This, and some other related but no less interesting photos taken at the same time, can be found in W. C. Davis's 6 Volume "Images of War" Series. The chapter is called "Prison Pens of Suffering" and I believe its in Vol. IV. These give the best views of '62 Western Confederates that I have ever seen.
            Bob Williams
            26th North Carolina Troops

            As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


            • #7
              Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

              I have that series (first editions!), and must agree with that assessment. The photos are outsanding! It's been awhile since I viewed the photos, but I seem to recall a fair amount of hat brass showing in the pic taken of the CS artillerymen...
              Tom "Mingo" Machingo
              Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

              Vixi Et Didici

              "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
              Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
              Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
              KIA Petersburg, Virginia


              • #8
                Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                These men are Confederates right? It looks as if the man on the very left end of the image kneeling is wearing a Federal fatigue blouse.
                Andrew Turner
                Co.D 27th NCT
                Liberty Rifles

                "Well, by God, I’ll take my men in and if they outflank me I’ll face my men about and cut my way out. Forward, men!” Gen. John R. Cooke at Bristoe Station,VA


                • #9
                  Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                  Here's two of the companion photos.
                  Bob Williams
                  26th North Carolina Troops

                  As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


                  • #10
                    Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                    I know they have been viewed on here before, but another pair of great Camp Douglas image worth looking at. Wish I knew what regiments are shown in the images.

                    Last edited by boozie; 06-03-2008, 09:39 AM.
                    Grandad Wm. David Lee
                    52nd Tenn. Reg't Co. B

                    "If You Ain't Right, Get Right!"
                    - Uncle Dave Macon



                    • #11
                      Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                      The gent sitting in the front row, 2nd from left with his hand on his chin, appears to be wearing a quilted hat...notice the stitching on the upturned brim?
                      Tom "Mingo" Machingo
                      Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

                      Vixi Et Didici

                      "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
                      Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
                      Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
                      KIA Petersburg, Virginia


                      • #12
                        Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                        Was l0oking at the second picture that Bob posted, with the three rows of soldiers, appearing to be Infantry. The gent in the middle row, 2nd from left with the long beard, and the gent in the back row, 4th from left look like brothers. Furthur more, they look like the Walker brothers from the I believe 3rd Tenn and were captured at Fort Donelson. I came across a picture of them in "Soldiering In the Army of Tennessee." I think the one in the middle row is a Captain and the one in the back row was a Sgt. This of course is if these two are the Walkers. Any ideas? Just thought this was strange that they looked so much like the Walker brothers.

                        [B]Justin Morris[/B]
                        [B]Independent Rifles[/B]
                        "And All of Hell Followed"

                        Shiloh, IR Confederate Campaigner Adjunct Battalion, Cleburne's Division, March 30 to April 1, 2012


                        • #13
                          Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                          Justin: I believe you are correct in your ID. There was actually an article in a back issue of "Military Images" on these fellows which included the POW group photo as well as individual. I have all the back issues so I'll rummage through and see if I can find.
                          Bob Williams
                          26th North Carolina Troops

                          As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


                          • #14
                            Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                            That would be great Bob. They both look like my g-g-grandfather that fought in the 27th and then 31st Tenn. however, he was a Jackson. Anymore info would be excellent. I'm always looking for info and pictures of Tennessee soldiers.
                            [B]Justin Morris[/B]
                            [B]Independent Rifles[/B]
                            "And All of Hell Followed"

                            Shiloh, IR Confederate Campaigner Adjunct Battalion, Cleburne's Division, March 30 to April 1, 2012


                            • #15
                              Re: 48th Tenn. Inf. at Camp Douglas

                              Hey Justin,

                              My g-g-grandfather was in G co., 31st Tenn from McNairy County. He was captured at Atlanta in'64.

                              What company was yours in?
                              T. N. Harrington
                              Traveling Photographic Artist
                              Daguerreotypes and Wet-plate Collodion Photographs
                              Winchester, Virginia

