I was looking for some period images of men actually performing destruction and I ran across this image of Sherman's men. It is titled "Atlanta Georgia, Sherman's men tearing up rail trackroad track".
Okay sherman's boys....this may be an obvious question that I am missing...but what did they do with their gear? I see no rifles, no canteens, no leathers, no knapsacks. They aren't exactly in their back yard so I imagine that their supply line should of been one of Sherman's main focuses. Could they afford the risk of just ditching this equipment?
Okay sherman's boys....this may be an obvious question that I am missing...but what did they do with their gear? I see no rifles, no canteens, no leathers, no knapsacks. They aren't exactly in their back yard so I imagine that their supply line should of been one of Sherman's main focuses. Could they afford the risk of just ditching this equipment?