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12th Indiana on the Potomac

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  • 12th Indiana on the Potomac

    Very nice image of the 12th Indiana Infantry (one year regiment) during their short time out east. Just click on any part of the image to get a closer look at the boys.

    The tintype shows members of the Twelfth Indiana Infantry eating around a campfire. The men posed for the camera, holding plates and cups. One soldier appears to be feeding another with a spoon or fork, and another holds a tin cup above a coffee pot. Identifications scratched on the back of the tintype state the photograph was made “On the Potomac, 1861.” The list of names derived from an examination of the tintype under a microscope is as follows: Lieut. Wm. W. Angel; Sargt. Jacob Kenagu [Kenagy, Private according to Terrell]; Corp Nat ?reenfield [Greenfield, Recruit according to Terrell]; Privt Geo Burwell; Jno Campbell [John S. Campbell according to Terrell]; Sanford _arns [Karns, Recruit according to Terrell]; ?; Drummer Gilly [Gilmore Hollingsworth, Musician, Company H?]; Jas St?.
    Grandad Wm. David Lee
    52nd Tenn. Reg't Co. B

    "If You Ain't Right, Get Right!"
    - Uncle Dave Macon

  • #2
    Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

    Very interesting - smoothbore muskets, various coats (fatigue blouses, uniform coats, greatcoat), the officer with his men ... Also nice descriptions below the picture!

    Thanks for the link.
    Bene von Bremen

    German Mess

    "I had not previously known one could get on, even in this unsatisfactory fashion, with so little brain."
    Ambrose Bierce "What I Saw of Shiloh"


    • #3
      Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

      It looks to me like the soldier on the right is feeding the man next to him. It also seems that he has an arm band or some type of chevron on the sleeve of his coat. The first thing that came to mind was a hospital stewards chevron. Anyone have any ideas on what this could be?
      Morgan B. Tittle

      The Drunken Lullaby Mess

      "... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
      Theodore Roosevelt 1907


      • #4
        Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

        Sir, using as a reference Philip Katcher's book, "The American Soldier, U.S. Armies in uniform, 1755 to the present", page 65 has a couple of images. One soldier is an ambulance corpsman, he has red half-chevrons on his sack coat instead of standard green medical corps (AoP and Cumberland). The other image is of a hospital steward, he is wearing green half-chevrons trimmed in yellow. I think the soldier in this photo holding the spoon may be a hospital steward also. Nice photo and site, thanks for posting.
        Last edited by yeoman; 09-04-2008, 01:44 PM.
        Mel Hadden, Husband to Julia Marie, Maternal Great Granddaughter of
        Eben Lowder, Corporal, Co. H 14th Regiment N.C. Troops (4th Regiment N.C. Volunteers, Co. H, The Stanly Marksmen) Mustered in May 5, 1861, captured April 9, 1865.
        Paternal Great Granddaughter of James T. Martin, Private, Co. I, 6th North Carolina Infantry Regiment Senior Reserves, (76th Regiment N.C. Troops)

        "Aeterna Numiniet Patriae Asto"


        "We got rules here!"

        The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies

        Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Being for the most part contributations by Union and Confederate officers


        • #5
          Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

          What a pleasant surprise! Thanks Boozie, this photo kind of made my day, haha.
          Preston Todd
          Hard Case Boys
          Top Rail Mess


          • #6
            Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

            According to the caption identifying( tentatively perhaps) the men in the photo, the men are as follows. Also, their fates according to alexanderstreet...

            Lt. William W. Angel
            Mustering information:
            - Commissioned into 5th Cavalry (Indiana)
            - Commissioned into G Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 15 1861
            - Mustered out from 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 19 1862 at Washington, DC

            Sgt. Jacob Kenagu
            Mustering information:
            - Enlisted into G Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 15 1861
            - Mustered out from 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 19 1862 at Washington, DC

            Nat Greenfield
            Mustering information:
            - Enlisted into G Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on Oct 23 1861
            - Mustered out from 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 19 1862 at Washington, DC
            - Enlisted into E Company, 153rd Infantry (Indiana) on Jan 28 1865
            - Mustered out from 153rd Infantry (Indiana) on Sep 4 1865 at Louisville, KY

            George Burwell
            Mustering information:
            - Enlisted into G Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 15 1861
            - Mustered out from 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 19 1862 at Washington, DC
            - Enlisted into B Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on Jul 1 1862
            - Died of disease while serving in 12th Infantry (Indiana) on Feb 12 1865 at Beaufort, NC
            - Promoted to 1st Sergt (Full, Vol) (date not indicated)

            John Campbell
            Mustering information:
            - Enlisted into G Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 15 1861
            - Mustered out from 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 19 1862 at Washington, DC

            Sanford Karns
            Mustering information:
            - Enlisted into G Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on Oct 23 1861
            - Mustered out from 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 19 1862 at Washington, DC

            Gilmore Hollingsworth(musician)
            Mustering information:
            - Enlisted into H Company, 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 15 1861
            - Mustered out from 12th Infantry (Indiana) on May 19 1862 at Washington, DC
            - Enlisted into D Company, 139th Infantry (Indiana) on Jun 5 1864
            - Enlisted into G Company, 140th Infantry (Indiana) on Oct 15 1864
            - Mustered out from 140th Infantry (Indiana) on Jul 11 1865 at Greensboro, NC

            The other, identified only as "Jas St?" could match several different men on the 12th's roster.... Looks like most of these boys made it through in one piece...

            Billy Birney
            William Birney
            Columbia Rifles

            "The OTB is made up of the dregs of humanity, the malcontents, the bit*#ers and moaners, the truth tellers, the rebellious, etc. In other words, the ones that make good soldiers when the firing starts or the marching gets tough. The $&#*$& is run by parade ground, paper collar soldiers, the ones that pee on themselves when a car backfires and would be better fit for counting beans and puffying up their own egos and kissing each others @$(#*$*..."
            Thomas "Uncle Tom" Yearby, 20 March 2009


            • #7
              Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

              Really cool! We just found out today that my wives 2nd cousin 4 times removed was Colonel William H. Link. He was originally from Augusta County, Virginia and ended up living in Ft. Wayne Indiana before the war. When the war broke out he enlisted at the age of 41 as a lieutenant colonel. Later, he took command of the regiment and dyed in action at the battle of Richmond Kentucky.
              [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="5"]Eric Davis
              Handsome Company Mess
              Liberty Hall Drum Corps [/SIZE][/FONT]


              • #8
                Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

                Looks like a 9-button blue shell jacket on 2nd from right standing. Also note the wide stripes on the gent standing at the far right? medical?
                Ian Macoy
                Blue Ridge, VA


                • #9
                  Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

                  Originally posted by Benedict View Post
                  Very interesting - smoothbore muskets.....
                  Mr B.,
                  those are not smoothbores; they are rifled '42s. Rear sights are plainly discernable in both stacks of rifles. Look at the photo with the zoom feature. Wonder where Gov. Morton got those from? Nice axe leaning on the L/H stack of arms

                  A native born Hoosier son transplanted in N. VA!
                  [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3]Michael Phillips, GGG Grandson of
                  Pvt Edmond Phillips, 44th NCT, Co E, "The Turtle Paws"[/SIZE]
                  [SIZE=2]Mustered in March 1862
                  Paroled at Appomattox C.H. Virginia, April 15, 1865[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

                  [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][B]"Good, now we'll have news from Hell before breakfast."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
                  Was Gen Sherman's response upon hearing the capture and execution of 3 reporters who had followed from Atlanta, by the rebels.
                  The execution part turned out to be false.[COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Dagg Nabbit![/B][/COLOR][/FONT]


                  • #10
                    Re: 12th Indiana on the Potomac

                    My thesis was on a member of the 12th Indiana, William L. Shugart. This picture would have been a nice addition to my work.

                    But its nice to have a picture to go with the words now. Thanks for posting!
                    Bryan Guerrisi
                    42nd Mississippi Company F

